Victimless Crime Files: Toddler Pot Overdose in Florida

The parents were both far too old to be getting high anyway, much less leaving their pot where the child they were neglecting could find it. What a sweet life that kid lives huh? Parents who don’t watch him while he wanders around and all the drugs he can stuff in himself.

But hey, if we legalized it this wouldn’t have happened, right?

An 18-month-old boy is recovering after eating a bag of marijuana he found in his parent’s bedroom.

Police in Melbourne, Fla., were called to the little boy’s home on Wednesday, reported.

Police said the little boy wandered into the bedroom and found the bag of pot and began eating it while his parents were in another part of the home.

He required medical attention after the incident, according to the report.

His parents, Tabitha Gambrell 29, and Charles Gambrell 35, were arrested and charged with child neglect.

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States, the National Institutes of Health said on its Web site. While normal side effects are as mild as sleepiness and increased hunger – higher doses can lead to other complications such as:

— Dry mouth

— Red eyes;

— Impaired perception and motor skills;

— Decreased short-term memory;

— Paranoia;

— Mood swings and hallucinations

The Department of Children and Family (DCF) is now involved in the investigation.

I wonder what they were doing that that was so much more important than their child?

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