Hey, that’s not my opinion. It’s science:
MEN who regularly smoke cannabis may be prematurely stubbing out their sex lives, Australian research shows.
Men who smoked pot daily were found to be four times more likely to have trouble reaching orgasm than those who did not inhale, according to the La Trobe University study.
Other daily male cannabis smokers experienced premature ejaculation at nearly three times the rate of non-smokers.
One doctor went on to say that many (beta) males were smoking pot specifically to try to prolong their piss poor performance in the bedroom (or their parents’ basement to be more accurate) in one of the saddest yet most unsurprising confirmations of what sort of people need to escape reality on a regular basis.
The study goes on to suggest what I’ve known all along, scumbags use pot to get in the pants of chicks they wouldn’t otherwise have a chance with:
“Marijuana users were twice as likely to have had two or more sex partners in the previous year than men who didn’t smoke cannabis.”
But of course that’s likely because we sober people A) have long term relationships and B) don’t get mall rats and homeless chicks high in an effort to fill our painfully lonely existence with at least the illusion of love. Also the scientist didn’t divide by six, which is what you’re supposed to do when a man claims he slept with x number of women because it’s almost always a number inflated by a factor of six.
But then again it could be true because the gals who like pot are disease ridden skanks:
The research also found women who smoked cannabis daily were more likely to have had two or more sexual partners in the previous year.
They were also seven times more likely to have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the past year than non-smokers.
Ouch, as most pot smokers likely say while they pee. I guess all you guys out there fantasizing about downwardly mobile celebrity turned pot legalization advocate Shelly Martinez should include an epilogue where you get a penicillin shot. Or at least fantasize about insisting you use a condom.
But hey, legalizing pot will make this situation much, much better.
Darwin works in strange ways, heh.
Loved the headline! So chicks who smoke pot have scabby vajayjays!
What prude fag wrote this? all the over aggression and hostility? thats a reflection on the author and their insecurity and own personal problems. Whatever health ramifications pot smokers may run into, im sure they arent nearly as bad as what ever the author of this article suffers from
If you’re going to throw around pop psychology analysis you may want to look up projection.
Wassup, I just now found your blog – thanks for the fine work. As an FYI it’s not showing up perfectly on the BlackBerry Browser (I have a Pearl). Anyway, I am now subscribed to your RSS feed on my PC, thanks!
Studies do show Yes “Marijuana users were twice more likely to have had two or more sex partners in the previous year than men who didn’t smoke cannabis. None cannabis users are in fact less likely to have sex at all practically with hot chicks in sexy bikinis
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“Premature ejaculation” and “trouble reaching orgasm” are complete opposites… Read the article before you blog it.
The study found both in pot smokers. Did you read the study or just tearfully type up a criticism while remembering that embarrassing incident with a girl wh never called you back?