Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Trollop Leaves Children in Hot Car to Party in Van with Two Guys


I assume we all know what “partying” looks like when a girl is in a van with two guys with pot and coke:

CORAL GABLES, Fla. — A young woman was arrested on Monday for allegedly leaving her children in a hot van while she used drugs, police said.

Coral Gables police said 23-year-old Cristina Abreu was caught with two men in another vehicle that had marijuana and cocaine inside.

Officers said they found Abreu’s two children “sweating and crying” in the van, which was parked nearby. They said only the front passenger window was down.

Abreu was arrested and charged with two counts of child neglect.

But if pot was legal this wouldn’t have happened, right?

h/t D.D.

18 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Trollop Leaves Children in Hot Car to Party in Van with Two Guys

  1. Rob Taylor,

    Yes and the drug legalization advocates actually expect us to believe her crime was a “victim less crime!”

  2. Sickening. The temperature in Coral Gables hit 91 degrees on Monday and this selfish pig left her toddlers locked in a van? She should be charged with abuse, not neglect.

  3. Sure, it would have happened if pot were legal. Or it most likely would have happened. And she would still be charged with child neglect. (I personally think it should be child abuse). What if she’d been drinking whiskey with those two men? Whiskey is legal. She wasn’t charged with a drug crime, she was charged (properly) with neglecting children. Name me one person who has died of an overdose of smoking marijuana. I can name one person who has died of an overdose of alcohol, Keith Whitley. Your turn.

  4. Who uses the word Trollop anymore? Actually, the word trollop has a nice connotation… Typically people use the word whore to describe someone that would neglect their children to “party” in a van.

    Marijuana wasn’t even a factor here though. Whores would pop anything to party. The marijuana didn’t make her do anything. Don’t disregard the personal responsibility. Better she was on marijuana than alcohol. She might not have even made it to the van to party, the story would have been shorter, I wouldn’t have had to read the word trollop, and I wouldn’t have been exposed to the complete ignorance of marijuana and the fallacies that follow.

  5. Trollop has a nice connotation? In what Stonerese?

    It’s funny how in this story becomes a defense of pot rather than a time to reflect on whether or not a mother should car hop for drugs when she’s responsible for two children.

    But sorry to waste your time, it must be horrible to have the fantasy world where you and this woman aren’t exactly the same kind of person challenged. On some level you already knew that however, since you reacted to my post the same way addicts react to an intervention.

    I’ll let you go, I’m sure you have a van to cathc.

  6. I’m sorry, Mr. Taylor, I was not defending what she did. It is unconcionable to neglect children *whatever* the reason. I simply state that it doesn’t matter why she did it. She neglected her children and was charged properly. I am not an addict. I don’t do drugs, except nicotine. I simply state that this marijuana scare is just that; a scare. It has no basis in fact. I smoked marijuana every day for six months. One day I had enough money to buy tobacco cigarettes or marijuana. I wanted to get high. I *NEEDED* a cigarette. So I bought a pack of tobacco cigarettes. No withdrawls from the marijuana. I was extremely upset that I had been lied to. And if something is addictive, I would be an addict after using it every day for six months. Alcohol is legal and it’s a drug, but marijuana is the “demon weed”. Cause alcohol companies, pharmacutical manufactures and the penthouse drug suppliers want to make more money.

  7. Untrue Carl. 30 years of research show Marijuana causes mental illness and in fact in Europe rehab stays by people seeking to get off weed but can’t has risen.

    Back when we really cared about education we understood that things like Pot (and frankly cigarettes) are habit forming, which is different from addiction but still an addiction if you get my meaning. I quit smoking and smoked clove menthols for years. Guess what? Didn’t even blink.

    Habit forming substances become habits because of our lack of will power and psychology. People smoke cigarettes as stress relief-that’s why you felt like you needed one. The thing that makes pot more dangerous is that people who are high behave irrationally. That’s why Andrew Sullivan thinks Sarah Palin’s daughter can have two babies within 12 months, it’s why I just got sent a tip by a pot smoker who is claiming that he thought Wiccans would accept him after he told them he wanted to have sex with their children and it’s why this degenerate left her children in the car.

    There’s no argument that drunks are horrible and burden society. Why are you claiming people intxicated on other substances are different/

  8. That was facinating reading. However, it seemed to me like most of the people who suffered schizophrenia and other mental disorders had began smoking cannabis when they were under 18. The personality is still forming at that age and the brain is finalizing connections. I totally agree that children, (read under 21) should not smoke marijuana. Nor should they dring alchohol. And I will not say that marijuana is not habit forming. I will say it is not *physically* addictive. When I bought that pack of cigarettes, I *wanted* to get high. But it was a desire. *NOT* a need.

    And I agree marijuana is most likely the reason this degenerate woman left her children in the car. But it would have been the same if she was an alchoholic. Or a heroin addict or a crackhead.

    I’m not saying that marijuana is good for you. It’s not. But can you quote me one death from overdose by smoking cannabis? I can’t. I can name one person who overdosed on alchohol and died; Keith Whitley.

    Now I’m not talking about eating the cannabis. That can and will cause an overdose. I’m talking about smoking it. I have actually smoked myself straight; more than once.. At the time, I was young and dumb and just didn’t care. Stupid? You bet. It was idiodic, but it showed me that you can’t overdose on smoking cannabis.

    And I’m not claiming that people who become intoxicated on drugs other than alcohol are not burdens on society, But it seems we say it’s alright to drink yourself into a stupor, but if you smoke yourself into one, you are a horrible person, a drug addict and should be locked away for a long, long time. Shame on you and off to prison you go, loser. Next. Oh you just got drunk? Not good, but go sleep it off.

    You see the hypocrisy?

  9. I have never said that and the treatment community makes no distinction between drug and alcohol abuse. I don’t drink and I prefer other people not to but don’t press the issue because alcohol has a long history in Western Civilization.

    My point isn’t that alcoholics are better (they aren’t) but that Marijuana isn’t harmless. No drug use is. Drug users, like alcoholics, think they are not impacting others but that’s usually not the truth.

    It also isn’t the truth that recreational drug users get long prison terms. Sorry I’ve been there, Ive seen people get tickets for having weed etc. Most people with drug charges in prison went down for dealing and most were involved in other crimes first. A study was done last year (I have to find it but I know it’s on Red Alerts somewhere) in which they found that 70% of people arrested for violent crime were found high or with drugs at the time. I put forward that many of these people are the “innocent drug users” NORML claims infest our prisons.

    As for dying of overdoses that’s not my point. People can’t overdose from child porn or skinny jeans either but neither are acceptable for people to indulge in. As I said to someone else in another thread if pot is so much better than other drugs explain the 420 for “dates” ads on Craigslist. The harm of getting high isn’t the immediate death of an overdose but the slow erosion of mental and emotional well being. And you’re right that people who get drunk are no better.

    What I promote is honesty. I’m not for or against legalization, I’m against the state dealing to the masses as a way to control them which is frankly what the pot proponents are working for. My Victimless Crime File category is here to highlight one simple truth, chronic users of any substance cannot take care of themselves and cannot be trusted. Why does the government and the left want people, then, to be chronic users?

  10. Paragraphh 1: I’ll give you points as for rehabs making no distinction, but just because something has a long history doesn’t mean it’s right or good.

    And I agree that drug users, *all* drug users, including those who abuse alcohol usually impact others.

    And as for the 70 percent who committed violent crimes being found high or with drugs at the time, I’ll agree. But if you think that drunk driving, or for the political correct crowd, driving under the influence isn’t a violent crime, you’re smoking more powerful dope than the crackheads. That behavior kills, maims and seriously injures a lot of people. And not just the ones who indulge in it. I’m glad to see them crack down hard on it. As for dealing the stuff, the reason they do is because it’s illegal. What if someone were making and selling moonshine. I guarantee you the feds would crack down hard on him or her. Why? Public health? Don’t make me laugh. Because they aren’t getting any revenue from it. There might be some truth to the claim they are acting for the public welfare, but make no mistake. The main reason is money.

    I’m not sure what’s wrong with skinny jeans, but I do agree that child porn is abominable and those who make it and those who support it should go away for a long, long time. Like forever. I’m not really saying pot is better than alcohol. I’m simply saying it’s safer as you can overdose and die from alcohol, but you can’t from smoking cannabis. Amd yes, you have a point about the slow erosion of mental and emotional well being. But you get the same with alcohol and it’s legal.

    And I agree with promoting honesty. You say you are against the state dealing to the masses as a way to control them. What about booze? I’m simply saying that if you have one drug that can cause death from overdose legal, but another drug that you can’t overdose on, illegal, then the only reason I see for the physically safer one being illegal is to line the pockets of the companies that manufacture the legal, more physically dangerous one. And the pharmasutical companies and the ones who want to keep it illegal so they can make more money.

    Truth be told, I’d like to see them all, alcohol included be classed the same legally. Whether it’s legal or illegal is immaterial to me. They are all drugs and they should be treated the same. Not that it matters. Some people are going to ingest mind altering substances no matter what the law says. I’m just saying don’t be hypocritical. Drugs and alcohol? Why add the four extra syllabes? Just say drugs. That what it comes down to.

  11. Well the point with alcohol is that when when we slip inot second world status stagnant water treated with spirits (grog) becomes safer and more drinkable. My point about booze’s history is that it has medicinal and survival uses in emergency situations. When the dollar collapses (and it will if we keep printing money) your utilities may not run all day as happens in places like Argentina. Your three day old bathtub full of drinking water will need to be treated with something when the bleach runs out for example (and you can’t use rubbing alcohol for this, rum is usually used) and as a Pagan I know many different traditions who use alcohol during rites as offerings. Santeria and similar traditions have rum, cigars and candy (among other things) as offerings to spirits. Mass in Catholicsim and some protestant churches includes wine as do Jewish services.

    Just like the Peyote church I support the people who use substances for religious purposes. I’ve never run into a LEGITIMATE pot smoking religion aside from Rastafarianism but if there was one I’d not care. I do however think that it’s interesting that Rasta’s do tend toward abusing weed while Pagans are not more likely to be alcoholics.

    I fully support murder charges for drunk drivers who kill someone by the way. I also support passing a law that makes bars on hghways illegal. After all that’s just a set up for drunk driving.

  12. Everything you say here is true. However the fact remains that if someone is intent on becoming intoxicated, it is physically safer to smoke marijuana than drink alcohol as you cannot overdose on smoking cannabis whereas you can by drinking booze. I don’t do either one. I prefer to remain in charge of my faculties. But truth is truth. And cannabis does have a medicinal usage. It reduces inter-ocular pressure. And from what I understand (could be wrong here), it does it more efficiently than the drugs the pharmasutical companies produce. Again, that last statement may now be outdated.

    I personally think people who do any kind of drug, alcohol included have something seriously lacking in their life.I simply think that the dangers of marijuana are blown out of proportion..

    I saw a headline in a newspaper. It said “We had a war on drugs but forgot about alcohol”. That just about sums it up. I just wish Keith Whitley had smoked pot instead of drinking booze. The country music industry would have been richer for it as he would still be alive or at the very least he would have released more songs before he died of something else.

  13. I find it rediculous that you blame marijuana use for this woman being a complete piece of trash.

    This is someone who wants to get trashed and have a good time and is only thinking of herself. Do you seriously believe that her marijuana use caused her to be this way? There are a lot of rotten mothers and fathers out there that never laid a finger on marijuana, and you can bet that high horse you’re on that there are just as many good mothers and fathers that have.

    I can tell from the discussion that none of you have very much experience with pot or pot smokers. Some pot smokers enjoy smoking themselves into oblivion while others will maintain a level head and enjoy themselves responsibly. The same can be said for alcohol.

    Instead you will focus on the extremes and extrapolate that to form a polarized view. That is what this article was, isn’t it? We all must agree with you in light of this shining example. You fail to realize that people who abuse substances are a subset of people who use substances and should not be used as a basis for any conclusion about users in general.

    Also, it’s rediculous to state that the same rules should apply to marijuana as those that do to alcohol. That’s like saying the same rules should apply to alcohol that apply to heroine or meth or pain killers. Each substance has different effects on the body (regardless of their local legal status, btw) and very well should have distinct regulations regarding them.

    This goes back to my point that none of you have any world experience with about which you speak. The effects of marijuana and alcohol are entirely different. In fact, in some ways they are opposite and they impair (at certain dosages specific to the indvidual) different functions. I would very much prefer that my taxi driver smokes marijuana before he picks me up than he down a fifth of vodka, although as a responsible smoker he would leave that to himself at the end of his shift.

    In essense, your view is simplistic, and in fact dangerous. I say dangerous because you casually eliminate the distinction between substances.

  14. A) You’re retarded. And I’m going to shock you here by pointing out something you won’t like hearing; you aren’t the first person to discover pot. Your rotten parents did it to. I tried pot (when I was 14) and I know pot smokers to this day. All suck by the way.

    B) Claiming various kinds of intoxication or substance abuse are different because it feels different to the user is asinine. Snorting coke and shooting heroin are different highs, is one more acceptable?

    C) All users are selfish, especially if they’re parents. The money she spent on drugs should have gone to her kids.

    D) If pot is so different than other drugs why do you people cry so much when someone criticizes it? Why can’t you admit (as all drinkers would) that you don’t act rationally when you’re high?

  15. Bravo, Mr. Taylor. Although I wouldn’t have called him retarded. But other than that bit of vitriol[sp?], we are in agreement. Intoxication, (by any means) causes irrational behavior; even it it’s not destructive.

  16. thats sure is abuse on the children a drug is bad no matter if it alcohol,or a harsh drug she only thought of her high not the kids what would have happen if she left and didnt come back for the kids .she needs a reality check ,what means more the drug or the children. think about it ?????????

  17. Well she left her kids in the van were they were perfectly safe im sure all your perants have done worse like leaveing me in the car when they go in the store its like really it was only 90 outside hell i have worked in 112, realty check here people the cops would have never said neglect if she wasnt smokeing weed they wouldnt have even talked to her, she could have said that she was with the other people and left the kids there and came back for them after she got bailed out know thats a bad mom.

  18. You think running into a store and getting high with two dudes is the same thing? She’s a hooker moron, turning tricks for drugs with her kids with her.

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