Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Degenerate Kills Wife’s Cat

Not very mellow for a heavy doper, I thought smoking weed painted the inside of your head with rainbows and pure love. I guess marijuana isn’t the peace drug after all:

A Longmont man who police say shot his wife’s cat to death with a .22-caliber rifle pleaded guilty Thursday to a felony count of aggravated cruelty to animals.

Paul Vickers, 50, also pleaded guilty to a felony count of attempt to possess marijuana. Police said they found numerous marijuana plants and 4.2 processed pounds of the drug in Vickers’ basement in March, while they were investigating the death of his wife’s cat.

Vickers allegedly argued with his wife and threatened to kill her cat as revenge, according to e-mail messages Vickers sent to family members and that were later uncovered by investigators.

Police said they found the dead cat in a nearby pond.

Vickers is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 19.

Even if you were to argue that pot played no part in the man’s behavior (just as no drug or alcohol ever seems to be part of a person’s problem) we can all admit that a 50-year-old man should be able to find better things to do with his time then get high can’t we?

Let me guess, for the legalization advocates that’s a big fat “NO!” right?

21 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Degenerate Kills Wife’s Cat

  1. hmm, I eat cereal and I once tripped over.

    Conclusion: Cereal causes unsteadyness.

  2. If the cereal you ate was a drug that you used specificaly to alter your perceptions and motor skills then you’d be correct. Marijuana is used by people to change the way they think and behave, that’s what getting high is all about.

    If not why do people get high in the first place, instead of eating this delicious cereal you feel the need to brag about?

  3. the connection you’re trying to make between the man killing the cat and his marijuana use is a logical fallacy. morality is subjective, facts don’t lie, etc.

  4. Observation: 99% of criminals have consumed bread prior to the crime.
    Conclusion: Bread induces criminal activities
    Solution: criminalize bread and spread propaganda about it

  5. My point was not to do with the cereal’s effect on my body, it was to do with the fact that they’ve even bothered to report this as an anti-cannabis story.

    Sure, the guy is a sick freak for shooting a cat, but that’s nothing to do with him smoking cannabis. He probably has a toilet in his house too, but I doubt that’s the reason he shot a cat.

    and then “we can all admit that a 50-year-old man should be able to find better things to do with his time then get high can’t we?” as an explanation of why this is anti-drug. Why does it matter that he’s 50? Cant a man enjoy something?

  6. “… we can all admit that a 50-year-old man should be able to find better things to do with his time then get high can’t we?”

    Not necessarily, but we can surely all agree that however old the author of this article is, he should be able to find better things to do with his time than write shitty articles.

  7. Rob,
    Can’t you find something better to do with your time than blog? Bigger waste of time (and induces much more narcissism) than smoking pot.

  8. The guy is a dealer, normal responsible cannabis smokers don’t have 50 plants nn their basement.

    Chances are he is fucked up as it is, and the sad part is that people who wish to smoke cannabis responsibly have to deal with these freaks. Would it not be a better option to legalize cannabis, put taxes on it, regulate it like alcohol and tobacco(both of which do more harm to your body than cannabis) and keep money out of the hands of people like him?

    Yes, it would make more sense but we have drug warriors like the author, who don’t care about facts, that would rather keep wasting money on a failed “War on Drugs” because cannabis is clearly a terrible plant that is ripping society apart. It’s not the drug that is causing the violence and senseless killings, it’s the prohibition of the drug that is doing it, by putting this market in the hands of psycho’s and criminals things like this happen.

  9. This article is horribly biased and jumps to conclusion without logic or proof. The weed didn’t shoot the cat, the man did. If we study every case of animal cruelty , i am certain 98% of the killers were completely sober. Doesn’t mean every sober person out there is a cat killer, yet somehow, this article is insinuating marijuana leads to violence. This is just meaningless propaganda, nothing more, nothing less.

  10. While marijuana does alter your perceptions, it has never been successfully linked to alter them in a way to induce dangerour and or violent behaviour. Therefore, the fact that he was growing and distributing marijuana is in no way linked to the fact that he killed this cat. The fact that he was a drug dealer is in no way revelant nor is it prudent, therefore this story is just trying to create useless propaganda against marijuana when in fact, I guarantee anyone who comes to the conclusion that the two are linked has in fact never smoked marijuana in their lives. So, I beg all of the people who read this, to take a second to think, “Why is it so many people smoke it? And what am I missing, what do I actually know about this drugs effect, and what has been fed to me through the media that may be untrue or completely biased?”

  11. I hear this guy also drove a car and wore shoes as well… Damnit we’ve got to lock up these insane shoe wearing car driving degenerates before strike again!

    People of all walks of life smoke marijuana, and occasionally, people from all walks of life can go insane and commit heinous antisocial acts. The two are not interrelated in any way.

    This is a sad story of a sick man, though the spin on this article is fucking ridiculous. Overreactionary fear inducing headlines do not good journalism make.

  12. Hes a dealer so he likely did other drugs like cocaine, and speed and shit. He was also likely under the influence of alcohol too.

  13. So thats likely why he killed the cat cause he was on a bunch of uppers damnit.

  14. @Steve.

    No. He killed the cat because he’s a fucker. Plain and simple. Don’t blame other substances for his misdeeds.

  15. So the article says that since correlation MAY not be the same thing as causation marijuana should be made illegal because there are better things a 50 year old could be doing? LOGICAL FALLACIES ABOUND

  16. The logical fallacy here is in the belief that ingesting mind altering drugs and bread or whatever are the same. By the logic of the unemployed forum cruisers who decided to come here an make such interesting arguments as “You’re a DOUCHE” etc. drunk driving fatalities are caused by people “being fuckers” not being drunk.

    Marijuana is illegal Jake so on one arguing to “make it illegal,” and I have said countless times I’m neither for or against decriminalization, only honesty. Drug use is what it is.

    Adults who use so they can “feel good as balls” are using drugs to avoid dealing with the reason they don’t “feel good as balls” sober.

    People get high to feel and act differently than they do when they’re sober and only people who have never been high or have a habit they’re trying to justify would claim anything different.

    If you’re telling me you all act the same sober as you do high, that the worst things you’ve ever done were done while sober, then I’d say society would have extra incentive to keep you from being high.

    But then again it’s clear you’re all so much more well-adjusted than I am, sitting at home on the 420chan forums crying over the opinion of someone you’ll never meet. Have fun with that.

    I personally am going out to dinner with my wife (an actual woman) what are you guys doing with the rest of your evenings? Besides smoking pot and acting like teenagers that is?

  17. “The logical fallacy here is in the belief that ingesting mind altering drugs and bread or whatever are the same.”

    You are taking the argument to literal. Nobody is saying that smoking marijuana has the same effect as eating toast. People are merely pointing out the ridiculousness of your accusations by the use of satire.

    “By the logic of the unemployed forum cruisers who decided to come here an make such interesting arguments as “You’re a DOUCHE” etc. drunk driving fatalities are caused by people “being fuckers” not being drunk.”

    You shouldn’t take quotes out of context. It’ll ruin your credibility in a heartbeat. Nor should you make broad generalizations (re:unemployed forum goers), it makes you seem ignorant. Also drunk driving fatalities ARE caused by people being fuckers and making the selfish decision to drink and drive. Due to alcohol’s availability and legality a plethora of evidence has been accumulated stating that alcohol DOES in fact inhibit one’s ability to drive.

    “Adults who use so they can “feel good as balls” are using drugs to avoid dealing with the reason they don’t “feel good as balls” sober. ”

    Or they feel good sober and just want to feel better. OR they feel good as balls sober and want to feel DIFFERENT. Once again you’re making generalizations.

    “People get high to feel and act differently than they do when they’re sober and only people who have never been high or have a habit they’re trying to justify would claim anything different.”

    Who claimed otherwise? How is this bad? How is this relevant?

    “If you’re telling me you all act the same sober as you do high, that the worst things you’ve ever done were done while sober, then I’d say society would have extra incentive to keep you from being high.”

    More generalizations! The “worst thing” isn’t always very bad. “Worst” is a relative term, especially in the vague context that you have given. You are also insinuating that drugs AUTOMATICALLY have an UNWAVERINGLY NEGATIVE effect on one’s perception of morality, which is not the case. I just had a cup of coffee. I don’t want to kill a cat. I just can’t sleep.

    “But then again it’s clear you’re all so much more well-adjusted than I am, sitting at home on the 420chan forums crying over the opinion of someone you’ll never meet. Have fun with that. ”

    Some of these people are immature, but most of them are being very reasonable. Aren’t you “crying over the opinion of someone you’ll never meet,” anyway? Hypocritical statements are SO unbecoming.

    “I personally am going out to dinner with my wife (an actual woman) what are you guys doing with the rest of your evenings? ”

    Ooh! You’re such a macho-man! A real woman? No way! I’ve only ever seen one of those at a circus!

    Big deal. How is this relevant? It isn’t. Nonetheless, how does this make you superior? This fact has no inkling of an effect on your status. God damn. I hate how whenever somebody feels threatened they automatically attempt to emasculate the opposing party.

    Anyway, I hope you have a nice dinner with your wife. I’ll be smoking weed, watching mother fucking Enter The Dragon and having a DAMN good job doing it.

    Good day, sir.

  18. The guy has to be a dealer no one would have four pounds of marijuana and smoke it by themselves. If they did obviously they are really lonely and need shelter Besides dealers are total A**holes grow your own weed kids save your money the benefits far out way the risks

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