Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Degenerate Behind Deadly New York Highway Crash

As soon as I first heard about the horrible car crash in my old stomping ground where a mini-van full of children collided with another vehicle while going the wrong way down a highway I knew pot smoking was involved. Now it’s been verified:

 The Long Island mom behind the wheel in a fiery wrong-way crash that killed her and seven others along a New York state highway was reportedly drunk and had high levels of marijuana in her system, authorities said Tuesday.

The findings were part of a toxicology report that was conducted on 36-year-old Diane Schuler in the wake of the deadly July 26 crash along the Taconic State Parkway in Briarcliff Manor, The Journal News of Westchester reported on its Web site.

The findings were shared with relatives of the crash victims, which included Schuler’s 2-year-old daughter and three nieces.

Schuler was coming home to West Babylon from an upstate camping trip when she drove her Ford Windstar minivan against traffic for 1.7 miles along the northbound lane of the Taconic.

State police investigators said Schuler collided head-on with a Chevrolet Trail Blazer driven by Guy Bastardi.

Bastardi, his father Michael, and family friend Daniel Longo were all killed in the tragic crash.

Also killed were Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces, Emma Hance, 8; Alyson Hance, 7; and Kate Hance, 5.

Her 5-year-old son Bryan was the only survivor. He is currently recovering at the Westchester Medical Center in stable condition.

Why would someone spend their time drinking and drugging when they knew they would be responsible for the precious lives of children? Because drug users are selfish, stunted cretin who think they have a right to do whatever they want even when it directly impacts others. Eight people died because Schuler couldn’t be bothered to get clean and stay sober long enough to safely drive her own children and her nieces around. She thought pot and booze were more important than the lives of the children in her care and ALL users of any mind altering substance think the same.

The worst part about this story is that she knew she was in no condition to drive:

investigators said Schuler crossed the Tappan Zee Bridge at about 1 p.m. and pulled over on the Tarrytown end of the crossing.

At 1:02 p.m., she called her brother, Warren Hance, and had a brief phone conversation with him, telling him that she was feeling “disoriented and had trouble seeing,” according to investigators.

Hance told Schuler to immediately pull over and that he would drive to get her.

Instead, Schuler did not stay put, driving her car against traffic before the crash happened at 1:35 p.m.

She couldn’t be bothered to wait for a sober ride, she had more drinking and drugging to do.

Many times some pot head will come to a post I write and claim pot is good for you or makes you a better driver or a better parent or more productive. This is of course a load of crap, akin to when some coke head tries to tell you she sucks off guys in the back of a strip club because she “likes to” rather than admit she has a habit she can’t kick. All users endanger themselves and those around them when they are allowed to live in the delusion that they can function normally and safely. They cannot.

Users should never be allowed to drive much less drive around children. Despite the propaganda by groups like NORML studies have shown that habitual users of marijuana are more likely to be involved in car accidents than sober people, and “acute” use prior to driving significantly raises the chances of being involved in an accident. Too bad no one told Diane Schuler, a woman far too old to be involved in such nonsense anyway, that “partying” before driving children around was not just a bad idea, but a a disgusting and dangerous way for an adult to live the juvenile fantasy they call a life.

No one ever made Schuler confront her addiction, and now she and seven innocent people are dead. But drug use is a “victimless crime” right?

Thanks to Trench for the story link

4 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Degenerate Behind Deadly New York Highway Crash

  1. I can see it now Rob. There’s some stoner who will see this and say “Dude, she was drunk; it wasn’t the pot, it’s a conspiracy, everyone’s out to get us.”

  2. *bracing myself for all the comments this one is going to get*

    WTF was this woman thinking? Oh, never mind… she obviously wasn’t.

  3. This is “A tale of two cities” In NY there are two laws.One for the riches another for the poor.
    NYC administrative code Sect 10-125 prohibits anyone from carrying an open alcohol container in public place.Yet,alcohol beverages are sold openly on the Long Island Railroad train’s platform such as in Jamaica Sta., Flatbush Sta. etc… because most of the L.I.R.R. commuter are wealthier.
    Those beer drinkers in the L.I.R.R. escape prosecution for drinking alcohol because the law is tailored for their convenience but has nefarious consequences for other sometime.
    I have seen some of the L.I.R.R. commuters guzzling king size beers like if beer is going out of fashion,before pick in up their car at their station destination between the hours of 6:00 to 8:00 P.M.
    After get their car,some of them have a propensity to drive fast, display road rage even at minor traffic inconveniences.It appears that their time is more important than anyone else using the drive way.
    Ms. Diane Schuler case is not an exception but it is a grim reminder to other that share her ethos.Some of them had similar experiences but luck spared their lives.
    Those that are embarking themselves in this kind of live style should take mid course correction before it is too late.
    Device that could detect mood altering chemicals and pick up by satellite should be placed in every vehicles.If The system should be able to manage the speed of the traffic,alert other incoming vehicles about the impending danger before removing the dangerous driver from the road.

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