Victimless Crime File: Pot Doesn’t Cure Alzheimer’s (But May Make it Worse)

Surprise! 30+ years of research indicate that chronic or heavy cannabis intake mimics mental illness symptoms in healthy users and exacerbates pre-existing mental illness. Now researchers have found out that it doesn’t cure a disease that attacks the brain. Who could have predicted that?

The benefits of marijuana in tempering or reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease have been challenged in a new study by researchers at the University of British Columbia and Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.

The findings, published in the current issue of the journal Current Alzheimer Research, could lower expectations about the benefits of medical marijuana in combating various cognitive diseases and help redirect future research to more promising therapeutics.

Previous studies using animal models showed that HU210, a synthetic form of the compounds found in marijuana, reduced the toxicity of plaques and promoted the growth of new neurons. Those studies used rats carrying amyloid protein, the toxin that forms plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims.

The new study, led by Dr. Weihong Song, Canada Research Chair in Alzheimer’s Disease and a professor of psychiatry in the UBC Faculty of Medicine, was the first to test those findings using mice carrying human genetic mutations that cause Alzheimer’s disease &’ widely considered to be a more accurate model for the disease in humans.

“As scientists, we begin every study hoping to be able to confirm beneficial effects of potential therapies, and we hoped to confirm this for the use of medical marijuana in treating Alzheimer’s disease,” says Song, a member of the Brain Research Centre at UBC and VCH Research Institute and Director of Townsend Family Laboratories at UBC.

“But we didn’t see any benefit at all. Instead, our study pointed to some detrimental effects.”

Sorry stoners, but pot isn’t medicine. But wait, there’s more:

The mice treated with HU210 did no better than untreated mice, with those given low doses of HU210 performing the worst. The researchers also found that HU210-treated mice had just as much plaque formation and the same density of neurons as the control group. The group given higher doses actually had fewer brain cells.

Research money well spent, because there’s no way someone could have predicted that getting high kills brain cells.

My theory: Alzheimer’s is caused by a history of drug and alcohol abuse. We’ll know for sure when we see how many elderly hippies have the disease.

11 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Pot Doesn’t Cure Alzheimer’s (But May Make it Worse)

  1. I think you may be right, that Alzheimer’s can be caused or agitated by persistent drug use. However, it’s also genetic. (My grandfather had a particularly severe case of it.)

  2. He joined my grandmother on the other side many years ago, so I like to think he’s doing much better. It’s very sad to watch a loved one relive finding out his wife passed away over and over again because he keeps forgetting…

  3. I too believe that having any negative side effects negates a substances status as “medicine”. Thanks!

  4. I wonder if you put your own fist so far up your own anus, if you could reach in and grab your lunch and pull it out for a second meal.

  5. Sorry, Rob, we were on the internet first and we think using your real name makes you look like a fag.

  6. “Previous studies using animal models showed that HU210, a synthetic form of the compounds found in marijuana”
    “Sorry stoners, but pot isn’t medicine. But wait, there’s more:”

    Sorry dude, but HU210 isn’t pot, it’s a synthetic version of one of the hundreds of active chemicals in pot. I might be stoned, but it’s clear that I am more logical than you.

  7. What’s clear is that you’re so invested in getting high that you simply don’t care what it does to you and like a typical addict won’t even truck anyone telling you it’s bad for you. How’s life treating you anyway? Good job? Family? Done anything worth being proud of?

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