Victimless Crime File: Pot Activist Poisons Three-Year-Old Grandson with Cannabis Cookies, Kills Self

And of course lefties from sites like Huffington Post are defending this drug addled moron and her irresponsible behavior. Huffpo claims she “accidentally” gave the toddler the marijuana infused cookies but that’s not exactly what really happened.

From The Examiner:

On the evening of Dec. 4, Erin Marcove made cookies for her 3-year-old grandson, a scene that is played out often around the Holidays, except for the fact that Marcove made the cookies with her favorite ingredient…Marijuana.

Marcove told police that she gave the boy the cookies which she made with “cannabis butter” around 10:30 p.m. The next day, she could not wake him.

The grandmother told investigators that when she awoke at noon, her grandson “was still sleeping, which was odd and she couldn’t get him to wake him up”

Hours later, Marcove placed the toddler in a cold shower, after he remained unresponsive. She then called the boy’s mother, but refused to call an ambulance for the child.

Once the boy’s mother arrived, she called 911 and he was rushed to the hospital. He required treatment in an intensive care unit, and tested positive for THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.

Court records state: “Mrs. Marcove said she didn’t call for the paramedics or take (the boy) to the hospital herself, because she doesn’t have his Medicaid card.”

Maybe if she was sober she would have remembered that emergency rooms are required by law to take patients in distress regardless of ability to pay. Of course that’s assuming she really believed such stupidity and wasn’t afraid to take a toddler she overdosed to a hospital where workers would have been required to report her abusiveness.

Because Marcove lived in her drug-fueled liberal fantasy world she assumed people would believe her asinine story. They didn’t. She ended up being investigated and took her own life rather than face the consequences of her actions in a final testament to her stunted emotional development.

So who was Marcove? Just some overage stoner? No, my friends, Marcove was a well known marijuana activist. The Examiner reports:

Marcove was well known amongst marijuana activists and was a self-described “Cannabis Medical Therapist Consultant.” She ran a business known as Cannabis Medical Therapeutics. Her website claimed that she used marijuana for most of her life for a variety of reasons.

Marcove frequently wrote about the benefits of marijuana use and the need to educate others on the subject.

She wrote on “There is so much information on cannabis; we all need the right education that guides the public in the truth of cannabis. Embrace cannabis as medicine. Compassionate medicine, Compassionate dispensaries!

Right. Marcove was a signatory on the Cannabis Therapy Institute’s “open letter to Colorado officials” where she was listed as a “expert” in the use of medical marijuana. I think overdosing her child on pot cookies should have called her supposed expertise into question.

That’s not how Huffington Post readers see it though. Huffpo hippy KarlaElisa made this comment on the story:

Of course the kid recovered.

My sympathies to the family for the loss of a very cool Grandma.

MyMindSpray made this repulsive comment:

The toddler has fully recovered……. from a thorough night’s sleep.

And as for the woman, now she’s gone.

Are you happy yet DEA??

Can you leave the citizens of this country alone yet?

We’re talking about a medicine that cures cancer (if you dispute this you haven’t done any research into the topic at all), and there’s all this fuss about it??


And of course the rest of the comments were similar. No mention of how dangerous it is for the child and a bunch of nonsense about pot being a miracle cure for everything … except pathological immaturity.

Marcove’s fellow drug users are actually lionizing her on the web. None of course have put forward the idea that getting toddlers high is wrong. This is likely because they don’t think it is.

But if it were legal this story would have been better because the woman wouldn’t have been punished for getting a 3-year-old high? Is that the argument legalizers are making?

5 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Pot Activist Poisons Three-Year-Old Grandson with Cannabis Cookies, Kills Self

  1. This woman was not a “victim” of the war on drugs. In fact, since this happened in Denver and she had a medical marijuana card, it wasn’t even illegal for her to possess or ingest pot. All she had to do was keep it away from her freakin’ grandkid, but she was too high to manage even that much.

    And by the way, it seems unlikely that a perfectly sane person would kill herself because she “accidentally” poisoned a child who went on to recover completely. She was clearly mentally unstable, and one of her relatives even told Denver’s ABC affiliate that she “mentally had some issues for a long time in her life.” That seems consistent with the behavior of a woman who didn’t bother seeking immediate medical treatment for an unconscious toddler.

    Victimless crime indeed.

  2. She wrote on “There is so much information on cannabis; we all need the right education that guides the public in the truth of cannabis. Embrace cannabis as medicine. Compassionate medicine, Compassionate dispensaries!“

    Uh… yeah. Education.
    Cannabis is not a cancer treatment, and it’s not a cure for cancer. It’s a treatment for one of the side-effects caused by some cancer treatments. It’s great for dealing with the nausea caused by chemo-therapy, for example. It definitely has it’s place for medicinal purposes. But it’s not something that should ever be given to a child.

    My guess is that she gave him the pot-laced cookie to “help” him sleep… I mean, really, the woman was in charge of her grandson and sleeping until noon. No toddler I’ve ever known would sleep until noon unless they had a little “help”.

    It’s disgusting that those people are glossing over the fact that a child had to be brought to the emergency room for a drug overdose. What kind of sick people are they??? That was a baby who was given pot by his grandmother.

    And to all those “Pot is harmless” nuts out there, no, it is not. If you think that it’s harmless because it “grows out of the ground”, as I’ve heard so many say before, here’s a little clue for you: Even Mint isn’t harmless. Penny Royal can cause a pregnant woman to have contractions and go into early labor, or abort the pregnancy if it’s taken early on. That’s not “harmless”. Any practitioner of naturopathic medicine worth their salt will know all the contraindications of any natural “medicine”, and none would prescribe “Pot cookies” to get a child to sleep. That grandmother was horribly negligent for giving that baby anything containing THC, and even more so for refusing to get him medical help after she overdosed him. She was stupid and horribly negligent, and then she put her wish to keep out of jail for her stupidity ahead of the medical needs of her own grandchild. There is nothing worth “sticking up for” there. She was stupid and selfish, and obviously horribly uneducated about marijuana.

  3. Pingback: BelchSpeak » Post Topic » Erin Marcove Does the World a Favor By Removing Herself From it

  4. Articles like this are very sad. I think no matter what the subject will be, when talking about a young death, its hard to hear. This woman coulda woulda shoulda. Its terrible to know easy thought through preventions could have saved this childs life.

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