Victimless Crime File: Katreice Trujillo Shares Her Crystal Meth with Baby


Katreice Trujillo, the girl in the center in the above classy photo (courtesy of her MySpace) has been arrested on suspicion of poisoning her 3 month old … with Meth.

From CBS4Denver:

DENVER (CBS4) ― A Denver woman is facing child abuse charges after being arrested Wednesday on suspicion of giving methamphetamine to her 3-month-old child.

Katreice Trujillo, 27, faces a charge of child abuse resulting in serious bodily injury.

On March 28 the child was taken to Children’s Hospital because it was experiencing seizures. Doctors determined that the child had meth in its system.

“Methamphetamine could kill an adult,” said Sonny Jackson, spokesman for Denver police. “Think about a 3-month-old baby taking this kind of drug. It’s very, very dangerous.”

The arrest and search warrant said Trujillo told police she called 911 when she noted her baby “shaking” and that “his eyes had rolled back.”

Tests at the hospital found the baby was also “bleeding from his stomach.”

“This was not a meth lab,” Jackson said. “This is not a situation where the child is accidentally crawling on the floor while they cook meth. This is a situation where truly the child did ingest the drug.”

The court documents said Trujillo told police she did not breast feed, but used formula from a bottle.

The last quote implies that Trujillo is herself on meth but that breast feeding wasn’t how she got the meth into the baby.

Morbid over at Dreamin’ Demon thinks that the fact that Trujillo is being charged with child abuse as opposed to child endangerment means the cops are operating under the theory that Trujillo deliberately dosed her kid with the drug.

Often enough I’ll get a comment or Email implying I’m some sort of Stalinist because I don’t think drug use is “victimless” and that legalization won’t reduce crime. In the real world crimes related to drugs are not entirely caused by the tension between state and dealer, but by the users themselves whose lives often spiral out of control.

Katreice Trujillo gave her 3 month old baby crystal meth. She didn’t want the baby to die clearly since she called 911, but why then did she give the baby the meth?

We will never know, but that child may be brain damaged from the overdose. Trujillo’s drug use has a victim beside her and if drugs were legal this tragic case would still have happened.

36 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Katreice Trujillo Shares Her Crystal Meth with Baby

  1. You’re an idiot. The positive effects legalization would have would not be instantaneous. You have no clue as to whether in this paticular instance it would still have happened if it were legalized. You cannot discuss specific cases and whether or not legalization would have made a difference. It’s the big picture and overall effect we are concerned with here. If you really think legalization would not have a positive effect then you are truly uneducated and ignorant on this subject. And just a small example, why do you think it is that in every place where drugs are legal or only minimally controlled, the crime rate and drug usage is DRASTICALLY less than places where they try to have total control over it and criminalize everything?

  2. You’re pulling facts out of thin air. Drug usage isn’t dramatically lower in places like Amsterdam, and crime rates are lower because in that country because until recently you had a homogenous population of people who were basically passive. Muslim immigration has pushed the crime rates up, specifically in the areas of violence against Homosexuals and Sexual assaults. But those are situations you can research on other sites, like Gates of Vienna or The Brussels Journal.

    More to the point how is it that if Crystal Meth was legal Meth heads children wouldn’t be exposed to Meth? Why would legalization stop crimes that had nothing to do with the dealing of drugs, but the behavior of people on drugs? Going back to Amsterdam there was much talk a few years ago of the problem they were having with Heroin addicted young people hooking for drug money. Even if drugs were legal here why would addicts act any different than they do now?

  3. You all are stupid and surely don’t have a clue what you are talking about, but back to the point: those three chicks look really sexy, don’t you reckon? 🙂

  4. No actually. But the fact that the one in the middle dosed her infant with meth might make her seem uglier than she is. The one on the left looks far too old to be teening it up and all three look like party girls past their prime.

  5. If she’s found guilty, she should be removed from the gene pool entirely. Surely society would be better off without a meth addict, especially one who is such a danger to her child. I have no tolerance for mothers who abuse their children. Mental illness of that caliber is comparable to the sexual abuse of infants. She has not the capacity to distinguish right and wrong, and most likely never will. A bullet would be much more effective than 25 years of therapy in prison. Legalization of Marijuana? That’s one thing. Legalize METH? You’re not only ignorant, you’re just plain fucking stupid.

    The saddest part of this being the children who are brought up by these animals. They don’t have a chance.

  6. This is so sad, I am an ex meth user, and so is my husband, we have 2 beautiful daughters and i can not imagine ever doing anything like that, My biggest regret in life is getting into that shit, I still knew right and wrong, I Hate meth dont get me wrong, it is horrible, But I think this is more on the lines of the kind of person she is, what kind of person would drug a baby, or anyone for that matter? Druged or not, she made a horrible choice and her poor helpless baby is the one paying the price, what a world we live in.

  7. This is sick. First of all, “Doodles”, those three women are easily the most unsexy women I could ever imagine. Just for what the nasty whore in the middle has done, it makes all three of those women utterly DISGUSTING. People who do drugs are fucking disgusting and SELFISH PIGS. People need to suck it up and deal with their shit, Life’s life and it’s not supposed to be fair. Thats the point. Don’t be a selfish bitch and just go aong pleasing yourself. Absolutely Fucking Sick.

    Don’t do drugs, it hurts people. Fucking badly.

  8. meth is a horrible drug and all users, cookers, sellers, should be wrangled like cattle and shot! I’m tired of my friends and family getting robbed by worthless tweekers.

  9. I think she should have her uterus removed, then be tied up and forced to have sex with whatever man wants to.

  10. i cant believe dis is relli sad .poor baby i dnt know wat else to ssay but all im going to say is nvr use this drug im doin a report on it and it can also lead to extreme anorexia its a fact plusit can kill by u gettin overheated and u can die imagine wat wuld happen to da 3 monnth old baby

  11. She should have her implants removed.

    That would be capital punishment for such a shallow pig as her.

  12. well shes a dumb ass that is a heart less mother she aint a real mother …but anyways she dosent have a heart to recognize that she was puttig her own son in danger would of been better for her too look out for him and take good care of him….

  13. I thought all mothers are given drug tests right before or right after giving birth? Seems like she would had tested positive to using drugs while pregnant, preventing her from having custody in the first place.

  14. meth is the drug of the gods!!! ive been on meth for about two years and i weigh like 78 pounds and no teeth i sugest that everyone should be on meth and there would be no fighting about it

  15. Im worried for this child and everyone who thinks meth is ok and I hope one day we find away to stop this drug from going any further

  16. I am an ex heroine user and have been around people like this. I have seen babies high and let me tell you all of the people that let that happen should be shot. The thing i hate the most is a tweeker on meth. I can not stand them whats so fucking ever. I kicked heroine and so should the rest of the world on all drugs.

  17. I don’t understand why that woman still dress like that when taking care of a baby. She needs to grow up and learn to accept the problems and manage it on her own. She is what? 27? damn girl, put a shirt on for once! There is no reason for going to a party while taking care of a kid, espically single mothers. I don’t know how you could put up giving your kid drugs and seeing them suffer. You are the most disgusting woman on Earth!

  18. Okay, for the people arguing that there would be less problems if these drugs were legalized…the problems wouldn’t be solved, there would just be no arrests because, obviously, it would be legalized. The problems would still be the same so shut the f*** up and get off the weed!

    It wrenches my heart to know that people do this to their children, any kiind of abuse but especially drug abuse, what kind of heartless b**** would do this?! Do these drugs really mess up your judgment so bad that you don’t give a s*** about someone who is TOTALLY dependant on you? Someone who would DIE were you not there for them? Geezus people, get a f****** life!

  19. oh, and I give those of you kudos who are ex users. Honestly, you never should’ve been stuipd enough to do it in the first place, but just the fact that you did it, and now you don’t is really and truly an inspiration and complete relief, more users should listen to stories like yours and know that it IS possible to get off the f****** drug and REALLY get a REAL and REWARDING life. It is possible. So…congrats.

  20. Man im verry sad for all the ignorance i read in all of u people thise is a very serius subject scrued trujillo she is a nasty hoe but the baby shoud never be close to a mother like he what caind of twiker does that to her child twisted maind

  21. All i know is that this person is a Bi$%H and does not deserve to be called a woman or a mother. I hope the baby never suffers again. This pig should be desposed of and B4 that turned into baken.

  22. Actually I thought the one on the left was by far the best looking of the three. And to say that the actions of the dumbass in the middle somehow taint the other two is as stupid as any of the other comments here. They may well be as disgusted as the rest of us. Maybe moreso, since they obviously know the bitch…or thought they did.

    Regardless, this is till a free country, at least for a little while longer, and here we have this thing: Innocent until proven guilty. I’ve not bothered to follow this up and probaby won’t but certainly there’s nothing about a conviction here o the lot of you are talking out of your asses.

    Set me up with the babe on the left and give the righteous indignation a rest.

  23. What a cutting comment. Nothing makes me rethink my opinion than some sexless man-child asking to be “set up” with a couple of 40-year-old bar whores he could get himself with three mohitos and a bad line.

  24. you people are all idiots…. your all talking shit over the internet like your billy badass… calm the fuck down… obviously this shit isnt cool but you guys are bickering like a bunch of rich old white ladies that are not in touch with actual people and the problems they deal with… this kind of shit happens on the daily and nobody cares or does anything…

    ps: marijuana has never killed anybody it shouldnt be a crime to do it… and crime wouldnt be associated with it if it wasnt forced to be apart of the underworld… kids dont hook ” ” for weed money….

    and… meth kills… obviously and so does crack…

    i dont smoke weed and i say it should be legal so you cant just call me a stoner or someone thats trying to “hide” my problems… cannabis actually helps a lot of people around the world for many things and has been smoked for thousands of years….

    crime is associated with the super bad drugs and nobody says those drugs should be legal… all people want is for cannabis to be legal…

  25. Actually most anti-prohibition advocates say all drugs should be legal but that’s really an aside isn’t it. You’re making up facts to fit what you want reality to be. If you don’t think women “hook” for drugs explain the 420 4 “dates” ads on Craigslist. If Marijuana helps thousands of people name three.

    Whether you want something to be legal is separate from whether or not it’s harmful. Cutting yourself is legal but that doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful. Whiskey is legal but it’s not harmless. The only people who claim drug uses is harmless are drug users, but when you look at all the people who support you, cover for you put up with you etc is getting high really not harming them?

  26. I have read all the comments on this page and have come to the conclusion that most of you are immature idiot’s and have no idea what you are talking about. Especially those of you who are just on about the women in the picture. Do you actually understand what this article is about? (Probably Not)

    This woman is disgusting and I hope that every single woman she is locked up with is informed of what she has done, because we all know what happens to people like this in prison!!

    I hope to god she is not under protection inside.

  27. Bobbz i completly agree with you
    What she did was absolutly disgusting and she needs to pay for that but to all of you who think that addicts need to just be shot… they are still people to, and yes they are addicts and the majority do steal and commit other crimes in means to get their hands on drugs but they do have a chance of recovery and most are actually really good people. My mother was a crystal meth addict for my entire childhood. She never once abused any of us, but obviously she wasnt fit to raise us. She did terrible things when she was using, she used for over 10 years. she had been clean for a year and is a contributing member of society and an amazing person… she because she had a problem doesnt mean she deserved to die for it… you people are ignorant and selfish…

  28. Your mother’s ability to not abuse you proves that the addiction was just part of the problem. Addicts tend to harm themselves and others are harmed incidentally, this woman gave her baby drugs. That’s evil.

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