Victimless Crime File: Drunken Stoner Feels “Euphoria” When Dropping Bricks on Cars from Overpass

Chronic drug and alcohol abuse re-wires your brain and makes you do things you’d otherwise not think of, as any female barfly will readily tell you on an awkward Saturday morning. The bitter, lonely boomers who pissed away their lives with drinking and drugging binges are often filled with loathing for the rest of us, which expresses itself in criminality once they’ve “relaxed” with some weed.


PITTSBURGH – A man who told police he got a sense of euphoria from dropping rocks and bricks from a railroad trestle over a Pittsburgh-area interstate will spend five to 10 years in prison.

Fifty-year-old Jeffrey Angelo Ramous, of Scott Township, was sentenced Monday. He had previously pleaded no contest in February to 40 counts: 10 each of aggravated assault, risking catastrophe, propulsion of missiles onto roadways and reckless endangerment.

Ramous told police he used scanners to monitor police and trains near the trestle over Interstate 279 a few miles west of the city.

Ramous was arrested in March 2007 and charged for incidents up to two years before in which at least 12 cars were hit and two drivers were hurt. Ramous told police he was sometimes drunk or high on marijuana.

I’m betting he wouldn’t  get a sense of “Euphoria” if he dropped debris on cars while he was stone cold sober. Anyone want to take that bet?

4 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Drunken Stoner Feels “Euphoria” When Dropping Bricks on Cars from Overpass

  1. A multi-car pileup could very well be a catastrophe, especially if the “overpass” this guy was standing on was low, long, or narrow enough to impede rescuers from getting potentially injured people out of their vehicles. Not to mention the fire risk in such situations. I’d say that charge is fitting. He was risking harming more people than just those he was dropping bricks on.

  2. “Sometimes” drunk or high on marijuana? That means he also did it sober. Why the focus on the pot?

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