Victimless Crime File: Brooklyn Day Care Used as Grow House

Which was promptly targeted for a robbery:

 NEW YORK —  Police say a Brooklyn day care center where police officers shot an armed man during a robbery attempt was being used as a drug haven.

Police said Saturday they found 10 pounds of marijuana and $100,000 in cash in the basement of the Special Moments Daycare.

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says the day care center’s owner has been arrested, and her husband is negotiating to surrender. The center’s telephone rang unanswered Saturday, and police didn’t know whether the two had lawyers.

Police say children were lying down for naps when two men burst in around noon Friday, while a third man stayed outside as a lookout.

Police shot one of the men in the center; he’s hospitalized in stable condition. No children were hurt.

The three suspects have been arrested.

But don’t worry, once pot is legal no one would ever grow it in their home around children, and no one would ever rob grow operations.

2 thoughts on “Victimless Crime File: Brooklyn Day Care Used as Grow House

  1. If pot were legal, theres a good chance this man wouldn’t have 100,000 in cash at his day care center. first off he wouldnt have the 100k, being from new york city myself i know that dro goes for about 4500 dollars per pound, if it were legal it would be worth massively less, and if he still managed to make 100,000 dollars, he would have deposited it in a bank account.

    people rob drug dealers for drugs, but more often for money, because dealers are forced to have liquid assets, since they have to hide their earnings from the government. if pot were legal, growers and sellers would not be such ripe targets.

  2. That’s not true. Methadone is legal. Is it cheap? Whiskey is legal. Is it cheap? If the government “legalized” drugs they wouldn’t be decriminalized they’d be regulated and there would still be people who were not allowed to grow it, and people hiding their money in mattress. And just a the mob still makes money from alcohol related business (strip clubs, bars, liqueur distributors) criminals will still “tax” growers and dealers.

    People rob dealers because they don’t pay their taxes to whoever runs the hood they deal out of. Since you’re so hip to dealing and from NYC (I lived there for many years as well) you’ know that but aren’t saying that. Why? And why do you think that the government will be able to protect pot growers from being taxed if it’s legalized? Strip clubs are legal but gangs like the pagans shake down the girls all the time. Explain that.

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