Juggalos: Crazy Clown Cult or Asinine Drug Subculture?

(Credit: Underground Juggalo)

I’ll go out on a limb and say a little of both. The hardcore fan of rap group/pro-wrestlers/D-list comic convention guests Insane Clown Posse straddles the line between gang member and cultist in a new and exciting way. New and exciting if you’re some guy with a degree in Religion blogging about them from the comfort of home that is, but if you live by any these face painting pot smokers you might feel a little different about this potential threat to you and your children:

Two teens with their faces painted like clowns were arrested by West Valley City police last weekend for allegedly trying to kidnap a 5-year-old boy – the second time in recent weeks that members of the so-called Juggalos gang have crossed paths with law enforcement.

On July 29, two suspected Juggalos attacked a Kearns teen outside his home with a knife and a four-bladed replica of a medieval battle ax topped with a spiked ball.

The victim suffered life-threatening injuries, including an 8-inch gash to his neck, and required more than 300 stitches to close his wounds.

The two alleged attackers waived their right this week to a preliminary hearing in 3rd District Court.

Cody Jesse Augustine, of West Jordan, and Scott Tyler Stapley, of Murray, both 21, are each charged with one count of first-degree felony attempted murder. Arraignment is set for Oct. 3 before Judge Judith Atherton.

The attempted child kidnapping occurred Saturday evening near 4000 South and 1500 West, where two teens with faces painted like clowns – half smiling, half frowning – tried pulling a 5-year-old boy to a car. Police said one teen threatened to kill the boy.

The pair finally let go of the victim, who ran to his apartment, where his father called police, according to Capt. Tom McLachlan with West Valley City police.

The two suspects an 18-year-old and a 15-year-old – were found in the area with paint still on their faces.Police said they acknowledged involvement in the incident, but offered no explanation. The 18-year-old was booked into Salt Lake County Jail on suspicion of an attempted kidnapping, a potential felony, and marijuana possession, a misdemeanor.

I thought pot smokers were mellow. Apparently not if they’re Juggalos. I don’t doubt though that the two kids had no explanation as to what they were going to do with the kid, I’m sure if you get high enough and are the type of person who paints themselves up like an evil clown grabbing kids to scare them is second nature.

The Juggalos apparently have their own religion based on the lyrics of a six album concept arc by the band. No, I’m not joking. They even have an online petition up to have their “faith” recognized which has close to 4000 signatures.

There’s been a movement among police to classify Juggalos as a gang, which seems too similar to the whole “goth gang” nonsense so-called police experts spread about. But unlike goths Juggalos do glorify violent behavior so while they’re no MS-13, they’re dangerous enough in their own right to be taken seriously.

h/t Trench

130 thoughts on “Juggalos: Crazy Clown Cult or Asinine Drug Subculture?

  1. Now all you need is one of these criminal idiots dressed up as clowns to say “Why are your so serious” to their victim. Now that’s quite scary here, on taking things way too seriously.

  2. I, actually, was going to mention the Joker thing, myself. Great minds think alike, lol.

    My thoughts were that I’ve been worried the idiots in the media or people who don’t know any better (including the “TV is eeevvvill! It’s all Hollywood’s fault!” freaks) would criticize the Batman movies or any of the Batman chain (awesome reference to Batman Beyond, mah29001! Awesome show!).

    I am still clueless as to why no one has spoken out about Insane Clown Posse. Their vile, horrific lyrics glorify rape, murder, torture, hate, and any kind of masochistic violence known to man – and some they’ve invented.

    I’m no fan of “gangsta rap”, not by a long shot, but for years after it became popular, all you heard was what it did to kids, how it glorified drug use and encouraged rape and mistreatment of women.

    Insane Clown Posse has been around since the very late 80’s/ early 90’s underground, officially labeled in the late 90’s. So, for nearly 20 years, these sick freaks have spread their garbage and have had enough of an impact to spawn this cultist gang (call it what it is, world) and no one has breathed a word. No media attention, no social outrage, nothing.

    I’ve honestly been waiting for some headline about how The Dark Knight and the new Joker has inspired these people when I saw your update in my inbox. I was like, “Crap. Here we go.”

    I can see it teetering on the edge of blame game here, and yet again it won’t be Insane Clown Posse who gets the blame but another scape goat – namely Batman. And did I mention I’m a rabid Batman fan? Yep, pretty pissed off. Not just for the Batman blame but because I’m tired of blame games period, and I’m tired of seeing these people never answering for their influence.

    What needs to happen? Ask what could have happened to that 5 year old boy and there, sadly, may be the answer.

  3. I feel the need to add one more thing. You asked where are the parents and you’re right. You wouldn’t believe the increase in child sexual assault – by TEENS. It’s crazy!

    In the past few years, the ages of people arrested for pedophilia, child pornography, and child rape have included those under the age of 21 with the number of teen assailants on the rise. Choosing a babysitter has become more frightening than ever as abuse (not just sexual) cases by teen sitters is also on the rise. Some by the sitter and some by people sitters have over when the parents are away.

    No parents and video games and internet as role models.

    Every generation has its issues with teenagers, even though we’ve all been there, but this time it’s real and very scary. I’ve dealt with some of these teenagers, some of whom were 13, 14, 15. They can’t understand what the big deal is about molesting kids. They can’t understand why people can’t take a joke about stories of child rape, thinking it’s all funny. And the scariest part? These kids were never victims, themselves. You know how statistics are that molesters were once molested? Not the majority of the kids I’ve interviewed. They do it just because, in their words, “It’s fun and nobody gets hurt.”

    If you knew the kind of kids I’ve seen assault little children, you’d feel as hopeless about the world as I do. And I put full blame on the parents. 1000% . Oh, and the bleeding hearts which have made it criminal to discipline a child (I’m not talking beating).

  4. Oh yeah. The site I got the photo from has teen girls posing on it naked, I forgot to report them though thanks for reminding me.

    I think the Juggalo movement is already well documented enough that most people know it’s tied into something other than Batman, at least the authorities know. I agree with you about ICP and their lyrics. I’m more concerned that people will not take them seriously enough, not that they are a “gang” because they aren’t, but the nihilistic world view they represent (and in many respects are rebelling against) is creating the problems you were just pointing out.

    We live in a society where nothing really matters which is why joining a violent drug using clown cult seems acceptable. The same as the teens you’re talking about, if we don’t provide some positive role models and moral guidance these kids will become a generation of villains.

  5. Well, first off, I like to say..classic stereotyping going on here.

    Not all juggalos or juggallettes are the punks that you all are making them out to be. Granted that there are a few that claim the name of juggallo or juggallette that are kids who are just utterly disrespectfull and downright delinquent. Most,if not all of us have been given a bad rep, just because of a few punks, there are several of us, myself included, that are upstanding members of the community and hold regular jobs, just like YOU. Yet we get thrown into a category and hated on just because YOU are to lazzy to do some research and realize that not all of us are bad. Not all of us use drugs, not all of us drink, Not all of u
    s are vandals. So i say to you… GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND DO SOME RESEARCH AND MAYBE LEARN A LITTLE BIT BEFORE YOU SAY “ALL” JUGGALOS AND JUGGALETTS ARE CRIMINALS. thanks for letting me say my piece and have a nice day

    Chop Da Clown

  6. first of all thanks chop for the words of wisdom i love you hun!!
    second i wanna talk about the “juggalettes are all sluts shit”
    first of all those who choose to show off themselves in that way thats there decision not all of us do that!!!!!!
    and another we are the cause of rape and drugs are you serious if any of you actually knew what icp was about youd know that everything they sing about has a hidden message like the song piggie pie is about the seven deadly sins icp does not condone any of these things and who the hell else but all “rock stars” talk about sex girls drugs and have even worse music than icp ie: Feminem the faggot!!!
    like chop said go ddo some damn research cuz you all have no idea what its about!!!!
    and about us being a gang HAHAHA yeahhh let me tell u we sum gang bangers!!! but according to the media christianity is a gang and so is catholicism and muslims are and so are fuckin jews so dont say we are a gang we arent we actually go against all of that!!!! we are a family and we stick together thats what juggal and juggalettes are about is family!!!
    so in the words of my homies Violent j and Shaggy 2 dope Fuck The Fuck Off!!!!!!!!!

  7. well said chop da clown……..i know a few juggalos that are firefighters……hmmmmm
    hows that going to grab em??

    and alot of the younger juggalos and lettes ..are the ones giving us the bad name..

    much clown love and mad clown respect

  8. Btw idiots im a school Teacher!!! and just bcuz i chose to be a juggalette doesnt make me a fuckin kidnapper or a murderer those who choose to do that do it of their own free will!!! just like some choose to do drugs not everyone does IDIOTS!!!!!!

  9. Maybe you morons should A) learn to read since in the last paragraph I clearly state the police are wrong to classify Juggalos a gang B) Grow up a little and stop crying when someone criticizes you and the crap music you like C) Accept the fact that the Juggalos “giving you a bad name” are created and encouraged by…you.

    But why would any of you bother reading when you can assume the world’s against you thus making your personal failings easer to digest. It’s easier to get high, I.M. your friends and start leaving comments about posts you haven’t read.

    I’m a pagan, a real pagan not like those Wiccans and guess what? Lots of pagans are douchebags. And you know what? The neo-pagan movement is largely responsible for producing most of those douches. Instead of surfing the web leaving asinine comments on every site that points out the douchebaggery of people like Starhawk and Issiac Bonewits I try represent a more mature paganism and show people we’re not all fat, balding weirdos who wear silver capes to our protest to levitate the mint.

    Like gangsta rap ICP and the related artists are at the center of a subculture that glorifies violence, which there isn’t anything wrong with I say as an old school Diamond banger. But just as the Emo movement attracts “cutters” the Juggalos attract people who want to wear clown paint and scare children.

    You may well be more rational “chops the clown” and “Miss Skitlz” but claiming ICP doesn’t encourage violence is like saying King Diamond doesn’t encourage Satanism-true only in the most technical sense

  10. Miss Skitlz-

    Who said anyone was a slut? I said the site I got the pic from had clearly underage girls topless. I reported that to the authorities. What’s the problem? I haven’t (and never do) called any woman a slut.

    Try re-reading what I wrote.

  11. wasnt callin u out rob just defending my family!!! u’d do the same if some one was goin after yours too!!

  12. I guess… Here at Red Alerts we don’t disrespect women or tolerate that, so if someone here has crossed that line let me know.

    I mean if you trust that we “IDIOTS!!!” can read.

  13. ok ok, first off, i just want to say, i mean no harm to anyone in this forum…i swear on my life! haha

    anyways, i’m a juggalo, have been for many of years, have all their albums, have merch, i even have a tattoo of the hatchetman on my arm…but let me fill you in on a little of my history. and let you decide if i’m a violent person.

    1. graduated in the top 1/2 of my class with a 3.0 gpa
    2. was 2 months from being an Eagle Scout
    3. attended 2 years of college, before dropping out because i couldn’t afford it
    4. i love to fish
    5. i played football and i wrestled all throughout middle school and high school
    6. i’m a christian myself
    7. Never suspended, expelled, or arrested

    oy vey, i really do wish people would research their stuff before writing or posting things…i wanna slap the so called “juggalos” so hard when crap happens like this…it gives us good people who follow ICP a bad name.

    now i know the lyrics are harsh, and i can understand why an average everyday person would be offended by them…they are raunchy and vulgar to all dismay…but take a listen to some songs…see if you can find the hidden messages in them. i bet you, you are just looking at the lyrics to the songs with vulgar or questionable names. i’m not pointing the finger because that’s the last thing i want to do…i just want some peace of mind knowing that some people are just straight up screwed up and the rest of us are just common everyday folk. if you saw me walking down the street, i would look like just an average everyday 20 something year old…you throw an ICP shirt on me..i become satan himself…there’s something wrong with that picture.

    Treat People how you want to be treated, that’s all i have to say…so to all my homies and family, come to my place, we’ll have a BBQ, bump some of that wicked shit, enjoy a faygo with a dash of family love and show people we’re regular folks.

    to the rest of you, i have no doubts that you’re all very nice people and very understanding…just don’t criticize b/c there’s a few bad apples.

    So on the behalf of most of the juggalo world and myself, i would like to say thank you for hopefully understanding my point of view. and those kids with 5 year old, may god have mercy on your souls and hope you have fun burning in hell you fucking perverts.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Eric Williams
    Wisconsin Juggalo

  14. Actually Sweets this weekend I was going to post a piece on how I thought that the case was more a case of stupidity than kidnapping. I think a couple of morons got high, dressed as evil clowns and scarred some kids.

    The lesson here s that you may want to stay off playground, etc when you’re dressed as a clown, and you should be able to explain to police clearly what happened when people accuse you of things.

    But as I said before, I like the metal but I know it glorifies Satanism is many cases, and I know that that attracts a bad element. I can admit that and say but that’s not representative of me. I even recommend books like Lords of Chaos to people to understand Black metal, even though it paints a less than pretty picture of that genre.

  15. that’s totally understandable Rob…is it bad that i like ICP and Metal? lmao

    you’re totally right though…it’s just a couple of ingrate douchebags looking to get a thrill out of scaring little kids and shit…it’s a horrible thing, but we can’t stop it…and even if the parents were to step in…they would take their kids words over someone else…

    it’s a shame how cruel this world can be…and you wonder why this place is going to hell

  16. The worst part is after watching a video report (I think it was on Brietbart.com a week ago) where the kids were interviewed I’m not sure the two arrested did any more than stand around getting high. Kids are scarred to death of clowns, and one walking toward them can easily be turned into an attempted kidnapping in their minds.

    But this weekend I’m looking into it to see what the deal is.

  17. see these are the real juggalos ppl!!! we all may be slackers at times but not all of us are that retarded and i love how this has turned into a friendlu discussion sorry if i stepped on toes but im am not holding in my opinions anymore as i have done enough of that in my life!!! so srry like i said youd do the same if someone attacked your family!!!!!!!
    <3 Much Love

  18. Please do Rob, i’m looking forward to it….i could definitely see how it would scare someone if they were afraid of clowns…hell…i was afraid of clowns up until i was damn near 15, but seriously, if they’re painting up their faces just to get high and walk around town…c’mon now…grow up…at the shows and shit…that’s cool…i paint my face for concerts…but just to do it…wow…momma didn’t love them enough…haha

    i’m not bashing juggalos or anything, just thinkin people at their age can put away the facepaint for the time being and get a job to fulfill their time…hell all 5 mcdonalds in town are probably hiring people right off the streets…b/c god knows if this fat kid can’t get a double cheeseburger and some fries…i’d be pissed 😀

  19. Yeah. I’m going to post the video report tomorrow, I think it pretty much proves these kids got themselves in trouble being stupid. The problem is it comes on the heels of another case in Utah where two kids attacked a person with a battle axes (?!?) and they were subsequently identified by the “Hatchetman” pendents they were wearing.

    I want to put together something that shows this case, and Utah’s attitude, might be unfair but it’s actually a perfect storm of circumstances that make a group like Utah Juggalos prime targets for misunderstanding, partly because of their own behavior and partly because of the so-called “expert” culture in police departments.

  20. thanks so much rob for hearing us out we appreciate it its not too often that ppl take the time to sit and listen to what we have to say and let it sink in instead of going in one ear and out the other!!!!
    <3all love<3

  21. For the fam on her showing some positive love thanks and MMFWCL.
    Also I would like to say a lil something. While growing up isnt there something called common sense, and by the time you are a teen you should pretty much know the difference between right and wrong yeah ICP talks about some crazy stuff sometimes but they dont mean to literally go out and kill people they make music and music is there to help express your self mentally help sometimes I wanna kill a redneck or two or three but doesnt mean I’m gonna do it and like I said you should know from right and wrong whether it a person, book, music, videogames, or even tv that gives you the influence dont mean you need to actually do that shit and besides if your a real Juggalo you know we’er about peace

  22. I am a juggalo. We are not a gang or cult of any sort but a religious group and a family. World wide we are known and for that we are proud. Just because a few of us make the wrong choice, do not punish the rest. we are good people, just like you during the day. We come out at night and meet to have fun. KhAoz True Juggalo

  23. yo im a juggalo and you have this all wrong dont diss icp or the family until you really know how things are

  24. Okay first of all the girl is hot! and idk why those two guys did it maybe they hate juggalos icp twiztid blaze or who ever they could just do that shit to make us look bad or watever neways just think about it and dont put icp down or nobody we all good people!!

  25. All people aren’t good people, Juggalos or not. No one is trying to “put you down”, your fellow Juggalos are putting themselves in the news. Why not criticize them?

  26. Alright, lets start this off with the fact that most juggalos, even the ones you see walking around painted up are good people. I myself am a young, 18 year old juggalo, and you won’t see me doing any of that shit any time soon. I am enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and in high school, and live a pretty average life. Every other juggalo I know has been about the same way, maybe lazier, but thats besides the point. Yes, alot of us smoke pot, but so dont some of the regular people out there. And the lyrics of the songs may have violence, but we are not violent people. Get your heads right people, only a few of us are giving the rest of the group a bad name, and those morons need to be stopped to.

    Kyle the Clown

  27. Hi, I was surfing through sites and found this article. I do agree, alot of “so called juggalos” That have recently decides this have put the family to shame. I myself have been down for about 8 years now, I am but yet just turning 18 and I don’t act like this. I have had my fuck ups but now i’m trying to turn my life around and am applying for college next fall. It upsets me that just because there is stupid fam that want to act like this the ones that are decent get attomatically judged. I paint my face and stand up for fam but I don’t act like a slut or jump people for no reason. It’s degrading and it saddens me to see what juggalos/lettes are becoming now. Any one that has been down for longer than 3-4 years know what being fam is about. Not these little bitch asses that decide they can do whatever the hell they want to and blame it on being a juggalo. It sickens me. thank you

    Krazy K

  28. I’m not sure if you guys have mentioned this before, (hasn’t read all the comments) but not all juggalos and juggalettes are alike. Yeah, some may look alike, but vary in personality and what choices they make. I’m a Juggalo myself, and some of my friends are. If you people REALLY want to know what’s up with Juggalos/Juggalettes, join yourself. That’s the only true way to know everything that the news doesn’t tell you. I’m 13 years old, (yeah, I’m aware that I’m a bit young, but it doesn’t matter and hasn’t changed anything) and have been in the ICP for about 3 years now. I will agree, scaring children is wrong. Why some teens do it is just “for fun”. Although I find no fun in torturing the little ones. If they want to get a kick out of scaring people, try scaring your friends. Best part is that it’s fun and they will forgive you afterwards. I love ICP’s music, and my juggalo family.


  29. My God you people are idiots. I am a Juggalo clown and you know nothing about what a Juggalo is. And those fucking idiot kidnappers didn’t either, because if they did, they would never have done that. Fucking idiots.

  30. You didn’t read the article and the only idiot here is someone who thinks I’ll allow them to promote their website after calling me an idiot.

  31. No, the idiot is the fucking cunt that assumes I didn’t read this backward article. Don’t fucking assume that all Juggalos smoke pot, or that all Juggalos are dedicated to kidnapping children, gang violence, and all that other faggotry. Fuck that shit.

    The only cuntboxes who think that are the ones who don’t understand it. Got the wrong end of the stick so to speak.

    The Juggalo message is a positive one. Get it right.

  32. Gee why would I think you haven’t read my article just because you claim I’m saying a bunch of things I didn’t. It’s almost like you didn’t read the article, just the comments.

  33. DAm all i got to say is that thats one sexy juggalette,
    being a juggalo isn’t a cult its about familey !
    fuck off if you don’t understand us everyones differnt thats the point of being a juggalo

  34. Yet another person who doesn’t read. Surprising.
    If they point of being a Juggalo I that everyone is different why are you all basically the same?

  35. i just wana say that just because a few juggalos do shit like that dont mean that all the juggalos an juggalettes do. i mean all the other gangs such as the crips and bloods are bigger threats. the juggalo family as no eninemies so there are no gang fight with them. they aint even a fucking gang its a family!!! so all yall that hate of the juggalo family dont know what a juggalo is an what they bleave in or what they do.

  36. Hey just adding my 2 cents here, first a shout out to my family, MMFWCL to you all, and 2nd I’m a Firefighter/EMT and my mission in life is to help people, BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE I’m also a Juggalo. So dose that make me a part-time rapist/kid napper/murder/whatever the hell else you wanna add? No it dosent so to those of you hatein on the real juggalos and to all the fake juggalos FUCK YOU.

  37. fuck all you anti-juggalo hater pieces of shit.

    we hold our hatches high, mother fackos.

    so FUCK you all.

    juggalo ryda 352.

  38. Jesus Christ, Just because it’s not on MTV some pissed off mother needs to bash what she doesn’t understand, and if it was a male that posted this I feel sorry for YOU. Juggalos are not a Gang, and I’m sick and tired of cops feeling the need to stop me walking down the street to lecture me for wearing an ICP shirt. So, it’s all juggalos faults for what a select few do? If that statement is true then it’s every black persons fault that a select few shoot and kill people,and it’s white peoples fault that a select few kill people because of their race or gender. You want to know the largest most dangerous gang worldwide? The POLICE.

  39. The Rob Taylor doesn’t tell you I’m not a mother?

    But are you really comparing being Black to being a Juggalo? You CHOOSE to be a Juggalo and your choice in art does reflect the values you have, that’s simple facts. Black folk are born into a race and can have vastly different values.

    The police are a gang? More dangerous than MS-13, Hell’s Angles, Eme etc? You’re leading too sheltered a life.

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