War in the Americas: Venezuela, Ecuador Mass Troops on Columbian Border

In response to Columbia killing a senior member of Marxist Narco-terrorist group F.A.R.C. in a commando raid Huge Chavez has massed armor and thousands of troops on the Columbian border. Ecuador has followed suit, massing troops on the opposite border threatening the long time U.S. ally with war on two fronts.

F.A.R.C., who murdered three American Indian rights activists in 1999, have long been suspected of having strong ties with the Venezuelan communist leader who supports them and gives F.A.R.C. shelter in his country. F.A.R.C. itself is believed to have between 9000-and 12,000 armed combatants and to earn between 250-300 million dollars a year through drug sales, extortion and kidnapping. It is also believed they use slave labor to cultivate the Coca and Poppy on their plantations:

The FARC finances its operations through kidnapping and ransom, extortion, and narcotics trafficking. It also targets anyone suspected of conspiring with the military and paramilitaries.

According to military analysts, the FARC earns between $250 and $300 million through criminal acts, of which 65 percent comes from the drug trade.

The FARC’s conventional “guerrilla” weapons include explosives, landmines and bombs camouflaged as necklaces, soccer balls, and soup cans.

They have also orchestrated prison revolts, attacked against police and military personnel and regularly set up roadblocks to “protect” villages from military or paramilitary infiltration. According to reports, the FARC forcibly enlists any persons between the ages of 13 and 60 to work coca or poppy plantations, and serve in the military. The FARC have also targeted religious leaders and banned any spiritual expression.

Ecuador was thought to be acting in support of their fellow communist nation until it was reported that Columbian commandos captured documents implicating Ecuador’s Rafael Correa in deals with the terror group:

A spokesman for Colombian President Alvaro Uribe said that during the raid, troops had found documents that provided information that “[Ecuadorean President Correa] has a relationship and commitments with Farc”,

Police commander Gen Oscar Naranjo said one document showed Reyes had met Ecuador’s minister of internal security and that they discussed Mr Correa’s “interest in making official relations with the Farc”.

The Reyes mentioned was F.A.R.C. spokesman and senior leader Raul Reyes, who was one of several terrorists killed in the attack.

Columbia now faces three armies, one on each side of them and one within their own land. Democrats have snubbed Columbia in recent years, making it clear that they favor the Marxist regimes over America’s freedom loving allies, and perhaps those actions have led Venezuela, Ecuador and F.A.R.C. to believe it Columbia is ripe for the picking.

Chavez has called Columbia the “Israel of South America” perhaps as a code to activate the Hezbollah cells he allows to operate in his country. Once active in the middle of a Marxist led war the Islamists will spread chaos and death well beyond the battle zone.

Columbia will likely get little if any assistance from America as the communists roll their tanks and troops across hard pressed nations borders. Once that war kicks off in earnest a destabilized Latin America and a porous souther U.S. border will likely spell disaster for the entire hemisphere.