Lefty Miami-Dade Prosecutor David Ranck Assaults Pizza Delivery Woman

That’s right he hit a pizza delivery woman in an altercation that started when she had trouble getting into his gated community. Who watches the watchers?

Veteran Miami-Dade prosecutor David Ranck faces battery charges after an alleged scuffle with a pizza delivery woman on Saturday during a delivery that went horribly wrong.

It’s the second report of prosecutors gone wild in the past week. A Broward County prosecutor was arrested late last week for punching a cop in the back of the head during a barroom fight.

At least he picked on a man.

According to police reports, Ranck and the unidentified woman got into a shouting match when the delivery person couldn’t get into the attorney’s gated community. After a bit of shouting that woke the neighbors, the woman told Ranck to come downstairs if he wanted his pizza.

Ranck did and punched the woman in the arm, Miami-Dade police said. He also knocked off her snazzy pizza delivery visor.

It’s unclear what Ranck was so mad about or if his pizza order was correct. Maybe the pizza was cold and didn’t come in the 30-minutes-or-less guarantee.

Ranck said the woman tapped him with her car, which sparked the altercation. Police sided with the pizza woman on Saturday, but did not take Ranck to lock up. He was released on his own recognizance.

Which is more consideration than Ranck gave to police officers he accused of the cold-blooded murder of Leonardo Barquin a year ago:

More than four years after the death of Leonardo Barquin, a string of interoffice memos from the state attorney’s office has surfaced on the Internet, thrusting the open investigation of the shooting back into the spotlight.

A series of 4-year-old letters between Assistant State Attorney David Ranck and his superiors began surfacing on a Web log maintained by Ranck and were picked up May 4 by the anonymously penned Justice Building Blog, a blog that focuses on events in Miami-Dade Circuit Court’s criminal division.

In the memos, Ranck, who is still a Miami-Dade prosecutor, claimed he was pulled off the investigation into Barquin’s death by office brass after he raised questions about whether the shooting by police was justifiable homicide.

Ranck said Barquin was shot twice from behind in the lower body Jan. 16, 2004.

“The deceased was found unarmed, and no firearm was found around where he fell nor on the co-defendant when he was captured,” Ranck wrote five weeks after the shooting.

After he was captured and had time to dump the piece? The fact here is that Ranck took the word of a small time hood over a cop, and rightly or wrongly didn’t get the results he wanted so he made a blog and started leaking information onto the Internet out of spite instead of trying to get justice done for the victim he thinks was murdered.

Think about that for a second, Ranck is the kind of guy who, when thinks his department is covering up a murder, craps out a blogspot blog and goes about his merry way until he roughs up some woman for delivering his pizza “all wrong.”

For the commenters at Justice Building blog Ranck is apparently a good guy. Here at Red Alerts I’ll call him what he really is: a scumbag.

As an aside, they must be doing a  hell of a job down there keeping the streets safe if their prosecutors have to live in gated communities.