E.U. Official “Wants to Strangle” Israeli Ambassador

Member of the European parliament Veronique De Keyser shocked the world with her pro-terrorist anti-Israeli statements to the European Left Group, who enthusiastically agreed with her contentions that Palestinain terrorists were showing their “moderation and maturity” in not killing more Jews than they already do:

“I wonder how they are able to limit violence in the territories given the background,” she said. “If the Israeli ambassador comes in the future to speak of Israel’s security, I feel like I want to strangle him.”

The event, held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, was part of a campaign for the release of Marwan Barghouti, a Fatah terror leader serving a life sentence in Israel for his role in several murderous attacks.

French MEP Francis Wurtz, who heads the European United Left, announced that the appeal for the EU to recognize the “Palestinian national unity government” had already been signed by some sixty members of the European parliament.
The Foreign Office: ‘her words are not worthy of a response’

MEP De Keyser called on the German EU presidency “to differentiate between its positions on the Holocaust against the Jews and the current policy of the State of Israel.” Apparently trying to compare Israel with Nazi Germany while showing her supposed evenhandedness with regard to neck-wringing, she also said “one must wring the neck of the European and German culpability [sic] on the Shoah.”

The E.U.’s left leaning organizations are seemingly already gearing up for a second try at tackling the “Jewish question” which make it all the more imperative that we stand with Israel. Leftist in America are planning disruptions for the May 6th Israeli day parade so supporters are gathering at noon on the corner of 59th and 5th to counter protest the left wing hate fest. Representitives of The Center for Vigilant Freedom will be there and we’re expecting reps from U.A.C. and Gathering of Eagles. If you can make it out be there.