I just got back from the Simpsonville, South Carolina tea party which had a pretty good turn out for a small town, especially since the biggest city around here, Greenville, is throwing one on Friday, when I thought about Bill Hennessy who organized the St. Louis tea party and the outrageous hit piece local reporter Charles Jaco did on him. The details are here, but in a nutshell Jaco is claiming that Bill Hennessy is a shill for the Constitution Party, which Jaco then claims is a White Nationalist organization. Neither of those things are true.
Bill himself points out this video which claims that 17 years ago Jaco was involved in a scandalous fake news report form CNN on the first Gulf war. Watch to the end, where you can see that the set Jaco is using is in fact a studio, not Saudi Arabia:
Grain of salt alert. The poster is a truther. But even a broken watch is right twice a day, right? But since Jaco’s career is built on his war correspondence, this is an important fact for him to clear up isn’t it?
Jaco has refused to apologize for his smear. Support Bill Hennessy and the Tea Party movement by calling his station and demanding a retraction:
Station Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
2250 Ball Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63146
Main Station Phone: 314-213-2222
(Main KPLR Phone: 314-447-1111)
Assignment Desk Phone: 314-213-7831
Newsroom E-mail: ktvinews@tvstl.com
Here’s Jaco’s email in case you want to express your displeasure at this slime job:
Charles Jaco is a Fake who faked war coverage, he should have been sacked and jailed years ago, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIZh1nm8Lzg