Gateway Pundit has several quotes from the Iranian terror supporter which leave no room to doubt that he believes Islam is in a World War with dominance of the globe as the prize for victory. Quotes from Fars News included direct threats to to Israel:
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Thursday said the unyielding resistance of the Palestinian nation promises a strong victory against the Zionist regime.
“We are waiting for the day to witness the flag of arrogance being pulled down,” Ahmadinejad told Sheikh Muhammad Yazbek, a member of Hezbollah’s High Council, in Mena in Saudi Arabia, where he is performing his hajj rituals as a Muslim.
“God willing the flag of monotheism and Muslim glory will be hoisted and the ground will be paved for the expulsion of the enemies from the occupied lands,” he added.
The president further termed Palestine as an “inseparable organ of Islam’s body” and expressed regret over the present conditions in Palestine, which he said is experiencing the worst type of situation it has ever faced.
He also reminded that the present conditions in the Palestinian territories necessitate increased Muslim support for the Palestinians.
Ahmadinejad also called Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrollah a brother and a beloved hero to Muslim nations, and requested Yazbek to convey his warmest regards to Nasrollah and all Hezbollah members.
More chilling to Americans was Ahmadinejad’s quote to IRNA:
IRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Wednesday on Al-Adha Eid Day in Saudi Arabia philosophy of Haj can be defined merely through considering Islam’s aim at establishment of a global government.
President Ahmadinejad who had attended the gathering of Iranian Haj pilgrims at the Supreme Leader’s Mecca Headquarter focused in his address over the significance of major Haj rituals, the philosophy behind them, and their ultimate objectives.
He said, “If we would delete the ultimate objective of establishing a global system from the Haj rituals, the remainder would be deeds devoid of a soul.”
Upon President Ahmadinejad’s arrival in Mena, he was received by the Emir al-Haaj of the Iranian Haj pilgrims Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Mohammadi Reyshahri and members of the Supreme Leader’s Mecca Headquarters.
No comment from the MSM as usual. This comes on the heels of a Gateway Pundit report on Hezbollah becoming more active in Latin America. Jungle Hut reported on “Shiite” Indians being prepped by Iranian missionaries in Latin America to act as a retaliatory force against U.S. sanctions on Iran. Hezbollah in Venezuela posted high praise of a “Mujaheddin” the man who left a pipe bomb in front of the U.S. Embassy in Caracas.
Islamic terror organizations have many leftist allies both in Latin America as well as the United States. Western Hemisphere Policy Watch has been tracking American websites that promote/support Latin American terrorism, most recently this blog which raises money for the Zapatista Liberation Army. The same people have an Internet radio site dedicated to supporting the violent terror group.
Bolivarianism is on the move in Latin America, led by communist dictator Hugo Chavez who openly supports both Iran and Islamic terror in general.
The “Reconquista” movement is gaining strength here, and some of it’s staunches proponents are pro-islamist, “anti-Zionist” and rabid defenders of Iran.
Ahmadinejad’s threats aren’t idle, and with so many of his allies right at our doorstep we can’t afford to be idle either.