The blotter reports a portion of the most recent tape from Al-Qeada second in command Ayman al Zawahri features him taking credit for the Democratic victories in the mid-terms and makes several demands of the new Dem controlled house and senate. Among his demands are that the Democrats withdraw American support from Israel, pull out of all “Islamic lands”, and to stop plundering precious Muslim treasure, by which I take it he means Americans should stop buying oil.
Zawahri is also demanding that all negotiations be between the Dems and either himself or Osama bin Ladin. This would seem to be a non-starter to many, but the radical left has already taken the stand that Al-Qeada, and all Islamic terror organizations are legitimate “resistance” organizations, so Democrats like Reid and Pelosi may have to bow to their base.
It came as no surprise to many, as the blotter’s comment section clearly shows.