YouTube: The Web’s Top Hate Site

Hot Air’s AllahPundit shares his outrage at finding “JewWatch” founder, and Internet grifter, Frank Weltner’s postings on YouTube to be unflagged and unmolested. Compare this to the plight of Nick Gisburne who’s account was disabled for criticizing Islam, or Michelle Malkin having her videos covertly removed, and the fact that Weltner’s rambling anti-Semitic conspiracy mongering has been left up for the world to see is enough to make any American suspicious.

Despite YouTubes terms of use banning hate speech, a few minutes on YouTube is all it takes to find hours of White Nationalist/Radical Muslim propaganda, none of which has been flagged for content. For example, here’s some anti-American Nazi propaganda:


There’s plenty more where that came from. Enter terms like “88” or “White Pride” and watch as your screen fills with thousands of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-American videos which are unflagged and apparently inoffensive to the YouTube community. AllahPundit has his own theories about how racist videos stay up on YouTube, I’ll add my two cents. A Dhimmified YouTube attracts a lot of Muslims and Islamiphilic radicals, who share a common hatred of Conservatives and Jews. Thus the Malkin ban and the relative tolerance of neo-Nazism.

Also a twist, JewWatch is a link for the Aryan Nations web page (I’m not going to link to them) which before it closed its forums actively recruited for Islam. Weltner has claimed many times that Christianity is “a Jewish religion” and lambasted it’s adherents. He’s not made similar claims about Islam. Is Weltner being protected because he Jew bashing is becoming increasingly acceptable or does he have a connection with the Muslim audience we don’t know about?

Enjoy some of the hate then contact YouTube and tell them what you think:





If Jews control the media, why aren’t they reigning in YouTube? I’m sure Weltner will have an answer for that, if you can stomach him. The real question should be: What do we do about YouTube engaging in blatant social engineering aimed at creating a wave of anti-Semitism?

Update: Hello Nazis! If you’ve come from either the Stormfront or Smokey Mountain Resistance forums, I have newer posts regarding both on my front page. Also check the “un-American Activities” and “Blacklist” sections for post guaranteed to get your “pure” blood boiling! Grab yourself a Pabst Blue Ribbon and stay awhile!