Why I Won’t be Voting for Barack Obama

I was speaking to someone the other day who, although they knew I was a strong Reaganite, assumed I was tempted to vote for Obama. The assumption by this person, who is a Obama supporter, was that because I was Biracial and Barack was Biracial we shared a solidarity. We apparently believed the same things.

One by one this person presented what Barack stood for (some of which he actually doesn’t, like lowering taxes) and one by one I shot down those arguments. This led to the inevitable, “But don’t you want a Black President?” moment where I realized that yet again, I find some liberal is a closet racist.

As a Biracial man I want a good President. I don’t care if he’s Black, White or in the case of Obama, like me, a combination of the two. I am happy to live in a country where those who were once slaves have made such strides, although the argument could be made that since Barack’s father is from Kenya his presidency isn’t indicative of Black American success. That ignores the achievements of Colin Powell, Michael Steele, Condi Rice and a host of other Black Americans who have achieved great positions of power in my lifetime.

But Barack Obama isn’t my pick for President because I don’t agree with him on key issues. To assume I’d put those differences aside because Barack is “like me” is racist and does a disservice to me, Barack and all Black people because it assumes we all have the same opinions, that we are all basically interchangeable, or worse, are not people of principle.

I believe in the Free Market. I believe in Republicanism and the rule of law being used to check the tyranny of the masses. I believe that all people are equal, and should be allowed to live their lives as equals, not as a permanant underclasses relying on the non-existent largess of White liberals.

I believe that true equality can never be achieved by adhering to systems that enshrine class warfare or identity politics. I believe that the American left has abandoned American principle and is operating under the European model which is incompatible with the idea of liberty.

Barack believes the opposite. Cal Thomas said it best:

“[Barack] Obama [has said] the top priority of the next president should be the creation of a more lasting and equitable prosperity than achieved under Presidents Bush and Clinton. Obama apparently missed the class that teaches government doesn’t create prosperity; people do. During [a recent] debate with Hillary Clinton, Obama said he would pay for his proposed new programs, including mandatory health insurance, by imposing higher taxes on ‘the wealthy’ and raising the tax on Social Security wages. He added, ‘What we have had right now is a situation where we’ve cut taxes for people who don’t need them.’ Should government determine how much money people ‘need’? This is Marxism: ‘from each according to his ability; to each according to his need.’ Sen. Clinton expressed similar sentiments on ABC’s ‘This Week’ when she said if people refuse to buy health insurance under her plan she might garnish people’s wages. One reason this socialistic mind-set resonates favorably with many is due to the shift in the last half-century from promoting hard work, self-sufficiency, marriage, personal responsibility and accountability and living within one’s means, to a mentality that I am entitled to the fruits of other people’s labor.

I am a man who thinks self-reliance is what all Americans should adopt. I especially hate the dependence on White Liberals that many Black Americans accept in unseemly docility. On this one issue I agree with Malcolm X:


Obama supporters are the people who Malcolm X is talking about. White Liberals who think that supporting Obama will “fix” race problems, all the while contributing to them by treating minorities who disagree with them in a most Klan-like manner. For that reason alone I’d not vote Obama, but Obama accepts this sort of smarmy condescension. Barack looks at a sea of White faces and knows that these “liberals” think nothing of hurling racist slurs at Condi Rice, or Black-facing Micheal Steele. He never mentions that though, why?

It goes back not just to character but ideology. Obama will accept the support of these people, many of whom are proven racists, because they “vote right,” that is to say, left. Obama’s desire to reach into small business pockets (including mine) trumps his disdain for people who he knows are racists.

That’s why I could never vote for him.