I’m a little “l” Libertarian, mainly because I believe that the country needs a strong Reagan style foreign policy to protect us while we indulge in our Libertarian debaucheries. I have a place in my heart for anti-establishment rebels who believe in liberty over law, freedom over formality. That being said, I don’t have a place in my heart for suicidal “tax protester” and the newest hero of the Alex Jones set, Ed Brown.
Brown is now barricaded in his home, refusing to come out until the Government bows to his demands that he not have to pay the back taxes he owes, since he and his wife hadn’t paid taxes for more then a decade. The wife Elaine Brown made most of the money, and admitted that she “did some research” to conclude that paying taxes was unconstitutional.
In other words, like Wesley Snipes, she got suckered. Now the U.S. Marshals are going to take her house to pay the back taxes.
Elaine went to court, presented her case, and now resides in Massachusetts with her son. Ed however, has stayed in his New Hampshire home and called for support from other kooks, telling them they should come to his house armed and help him shoot it out with the feds. That, however, isn’t where he lost me, although anyone seeking to overthrow my government is my enemy.
No, Ed lost me before that, as all his ilk do, with their conspiracy mongering about “Zionists,” their unseemly desire for martyrdom, their links with the unsavory “patriot” movement which seems to be comprised of neo-Nazi’s, abductees, and the assorted tin foil enthusiasts who are the unfortunate fringe of Libertarianism. Make no mistake, Ed Brown has claimed, in this interview posted on GunShowOnThe Net, that taxes are part of the larger conspiracy by “Zionists,” that the U.S. government is responsible for 9/11, and that the only way to “glory” is through dying by his side in defense of his property.
And there are plenty of folks drinking his kool-aid. Like the guy who conducted the above interview Kenneth Hensley, whose website is dedicated to raising funds to buy a bus ticket there so he can fight the feds with his new hero. Ken’s not alone – the N.W.O. nuts who were all over the Internet in the 90’s are converging on Brown’s house with guns to fight our government.
It should be noted that officials haven’t yet threatened him, they haven’t done anything outside their jobs. The Browns dodged their taxes and got caught. Now they owe back taxes. They can’t pay, and thus will have their house auctioned off. They got suckered into thinking they could use a convoluted argument avoid taxes, and it turned out they were wrong.
Now that the law’s caught up with him, Ed wants as many people as possible to come and die a glorious death in his burning house, which he hopes the feds will set alight Waco style. This isn’t patriotism, it isn’t even paranoia. This is insanity. And supporting him will feed into it.
Ed Brown isn’t a hero, he’s a crank, a man who refuses to take any responsibility for his own actions and worse, wants others to pay the ultimate price so that he can continue to avoid being held responsible.
If people die in New Hampshire in the coming weeks, the responsibility will lay not at the feet of the civil servants doing their jobs, but at the doorstep of a conspiracy theorist, and the loathesome Internet rabble who support him.
Darren, here, is a fine exponent of the State’s education system.
Yes, some tax is necessary, but only for things which are necessary, and the State wastes huge sums of money on things which are not necessary. It overspends, then borrows, plus interest, from the Federal Reserve, which is a private bank, held mostly by foreigners. It creates the money from thin air, then demands interest tribute on the time value of a currency which can be created at will.
Regrettably, your comments are the same as many national columnists. “Pay your share! No free lunch!”
As I read, years ago, the products of the State schools are animals, and respond only to slogans. The reason why commentary of this kind is not allowed in the corporate media, is that it will lead to questioning the commercial banks, which also create money from thin air, and use it to advertise and govern our “free” press.
Well said Ryan,
How do we go from the valid point that income taxes in addition to sales tax, estate taxes et al. is an excessive burden to “let’s shoot it out with some guy” and taxes are part of “the conspiracy?” Weeks ago I offered to take the Ed Brown challange and debate him on the radio, but my e-mails were never answered (as far as I know, I just got back from two weeks of intensive classes) and that’s when I realized that Ed Brown wasn’t just conning these marks into keeping the marshals off his porch, he was kook unwilling to back up his nonsense in a rationonal debate where someone would say “No Ed, the burden is on you to provide proof of your claims, not the other way around.”
Oh yeah, sorry Ryan. I dodn’t go to Public school, I went to private schools all my life, my poor mother struggled to make ends to ensure I got a good education where I learned to think critically, and not follow trends. I can’t speak for Darren, but he’s thinking critically as well. Anti-American, Marxist propaganda (like the whole anti banker thread of your arguement) are the hallmarks of modern public schooling. So Mr. Kettle, I’d continue this but I’m sure you’ve got a meeting Mr. Pot. In your case Pol Pot I’m sure.
Ed Brown doesn’t have the gift of the gab, so why should he debate every minor figure with a fast mouth that does? It doesn’t mean he’s wrong.
Do you think an Olympic champ has the time to wrestle every challenge he gets in a bar, and that if he ignores it, it means he isn’t the champion? Also, why is the violence his problem? The IRS is the one sending stormtroopers into people’s homes. They started it. If any citizen were to resist such a SWAT team attack with guns of their own, the team would mow them down. Brown is letting them know, beforehand, that he means to defend himself, and he’s drawing atention to himself as he does so. Good for him!
Darren isn’t thinking critically, he’s opening and ending with pop culture and slogans not of his own making. I’m not impressed.
“Conning these marks?” “Not follow trends?” You mean because Brown is getting a little internet time, and because Russo got a film released? Brown has nothing for sale. Russo’s film didn’t even get a wide release. When was he on Leno or Letterman? Freedom to Fascism isn’t exactly Super Size Me, I guess.
Your side is the one selling the books and ruling the media. Your side is the one which painted Saddam as the next Hitler, ready to strike Europe within 45 minutes. As your own greedy capitalist hero, Donald Trump, just said, “It was all a lie.” Watch the film Why We FIght, and note the footage of Bush admitting Saddam had nothing to do with it, but he managed to carefully place “Saddam” into all his speeches leading up to the invasion of Iraq, so that a huge portion of our population, to this day, thinks that Saddam ran the planes into the towers. Your side is the trend. Your side looks for marks.
The only game your side has is co-opting patriotism, as Hitler did.
You call us “Anti-American,” over and over and over again, because you know it is effective when heard by some stupid people. You are incapable of finishing a paragraph without including “kook.” All you have is rhetoric and insults.
You refer to the anti-banking material as “Marxist propaganda.” Like Ann Coulter, your people will simply say anything, no matter how crazy it is, because you know you’ll at least get the support of idiots.
Here is a website, filled with quotes from past presidents, all damning the bankers, including Andrew Jackson, who called the bankers a “den of vipers.” And, Jackson was also the only president to pay our debt down to zero:
Hardly “Marxist,” is he, now?
I don’t know what private school you attended, but if you equate hatred of the bankers’ socialist monopolies, and our tyrannical tax system as “Marxist,” you really need to be asking that school for a refund. Now.
If I’m such a minor figure, why are you breathlessly waiting for my responses to your comments?
If banker’s are socialists why are they promoting capitalism?
If someone claims that there is a vast conspiracy (and their only evidence is the word of other conspiracy theorists) why shouldn’t I call them kooks?
How many books and DVD’s peddled by conspiracy theories do you own? How many were free? You’re a mark.
How can I go from being a communist in one of your comments, to a greedy capitalist in the next? Aren’t they mutually exclusive?
Quotes of former Presidents who din’t like bankers? Jackson owned slaves as well, are we to follow his example in that too? Isn’t it possible, if you think critically as the cliche goes, that a great man may be wrong on certain things?
Attacking the banking system, and capitalism (both of which are largely responsible for you having the free time and internet access with which to make commenting on this two month old post a viable hobby for yourself) is the HALLMARK of marxist ideology. You may change the particulars, but nothing you’ve charged bankers or the IRS with hasn’t been said by ANSWER, Code Pink or George Soros. All of whom are dirty commies
Sorry Ryan but if you walk like a duck…
“If I’m such a minor figure, why are you breathlessly waiting for my responses to your comments?”
I can ask you the same thing.
“If banker’s are socialists why are they promoting capitalism?”
Heh heh heh…you’re too far gone, son.
“If someone claims that there is a vast conspiracy (and their only evidence is the word of other conspiracy theorists) why shouldn’t I call them kooks?”
A few kooks for you, sir. I’d paste more, but I don’t want to dominate your blog:
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States —in the fields of commerce and manufacturing—are afraid of somebody. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.†– Woodrow Wilson
“A financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.†– Franklin Roosevelt
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.†– David Rockefeller
“We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.†– Bill Clinton
“Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government.†– Henry Kissinger (Bilderburg Conference 1991 Evians, France)
“Naturally the common people don’t want war…but after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship…all you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.†Herman Goering ( One of Hitler’s top men, during the Nuremberg Trials)
The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. – Edgar J Hoover
We must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a World Government, patterned after our Own Government with a legislature, executive and judiciary and police. – Walter Cronkite
Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men. – Woodrow Wilson
By the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions. You may find you can get away with Virtual Presidents, Virtual Prime Ministers, and Virtual Everything. – Bill Clinton
The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror. The public will clamor for such laws if the personal security is threatened. – Joseph Stalin
“How many books and DVD’s peddled by conspiracy theories do you own? How many were free? You’re a mark.”
I’m not going to take the time to dig up more, but suffice to say you can watch The Money Masters, 911 Mysteries, Demolitions, and even the imperfect Loose Change (which I don’t recommend), all for free on Google Video. As for the books, they’re free on the net, too. Our stuff is meant to be given away because it can’t get into Starbucks in the first place.
But if you want to pick up the latest books by O’Reily, Coulter, Limbaugh and the rest, you’re gonna pay, and, if you wanna advertise on their shows, you’re gonna pay. Why do you pay? Because they are the mainstream media. It’s not as if defense contractor GE is gonna give our guys face time on NBC, is it, now?
Even if I were a mark for a few self-published books, Bush made us all marks from the bully pulpit of his office. Much bigger deal.
“How can I go from being a communist in one of your comments, to a greedy capitalist in the next? Aren’t they mutually exclusive?”
You pretend to be a capitalist, but ultimately, you’re a commie, so I entertained your facade with the Donald Trump quote. “Free trade” style capitalism is just a bunch of bankers forcing us all DOWN to the level of the Chinese and Mexican sweatshops.
You say you love this country, but you’re just a little wee bit out of touch with the Constitution, sir.
“Quotes of former Presidents who didn’t like bankers? Jackson owned slaves as well, are we to follow his example in that too? Isn’t it possible, if you think critically as the cliche goes, that a great man may be wrong on certain things?”
So, even though he owned slaves, which is bad, I agree, but most all white people did who could afford them at that time, as you saying that Jackson was “WRONG” to have paid our national debt down to zero? Explain.
“Attacking the banking system, and capitalism (both of which are largely responsible for you having the free time and internet access with which to make commenting on this two month old post a viable hobby for yourself)”
Personal attacks…
What’s this bug you’ve got up your ass about ANSWER? I went to the first website I could find
and found a mention of a “women’s forum.” I’m not quoting anything from ANSWER, here. Feminism came from the bankers, who, contrary to your opinion, want us to have no free time at all. The women were shamed out of “the kitchen” and into the workplace to help service this artificial debt. Do you think all that “feminism” crap that went on for decades in the mainstream media was genuine?
I don’t even know what the fuck Code Pink is, and if you’re charging quotes, then copy and paste them. Otherwise, leave your straw men at the door.
Our latest war is a lie, and it is crippling this country with debt. Putting the issuing power of CREDIT back in the hands of the people is not a commie idea. By leaving credit in the hands of a bunch of socialist foreign families (the owners of the Federal Reserve, my good man), it leaves us in poverty, and unable to contribute to our political parties. A man in not a well-informed voter if he is either too busy working or sleeping to be able to read up on the issues.
I believe in a free market, and the opportunity of a man to make his bones, and not to be forced to be paired off with a Mexcian, his ruined currency, and his family of 12 kids, and his willingness to work for 25 cents an hour or less.
This “free trade” has taken every pair of Levi’s to China. I guess this is the kind of “Pro-American Captialism” you love…the kind where we end up working at Target and McDee’s, and never pay our homes off, neglecting our kids as all the good jobs go to Communist China. People like you should stand outside your local Wal-Marts with a big sign saying “LET’S KEEP COMMIE CHINA STRONG!”
Oh, but since Wal-Mart is a big business, I’m a pinko in your books if I bitch about it. Just walk through the goddamn store and read the labels, pal.
With poverty comes crime, drugs, broken families and chaos, all to be remedied by the State, and this State, this NWO, is ultimately communist, and it’s wearing the mantle of the United Nations.
I may be a duck, but I’m a duck which can see the forest for the trees.
I remember another guy who hated the moneychangers…what was His name?
Yet again Ryan your switching back and forth from “your a dirty commie” to “your a evil capitalist”, which is it? Free trade is good, if you don’t like Levis because their made in China, don’t buy them. But Levis are affordible for the average Joe because the corp. has the option of having labor markets compete for their business.
Poverty in the U.S. is not caused by “socialist foreign families” but by laziness, an outrageous drug problem and several generations of people raised to belive that they should rely on others for their daily needs. Add to that a corrupt union system that makes it impossible for American companies to compete and you can explain every case of poverty. America is far from impoverished however. You and I certainly aren’t, with our internet connections and free time on our hands.
And while this is all interesting, let’s get back to the point at hand. Will you be at Brown’s house shooting at some guy? Is a U.S. Marshal deserving of death because you and Brown say so? Would Jesus, since you dropped his name grab himself his Mossberg 500 and bust caps in this situation?
Rob, I do want to thank you for continuing to write.
While both of us undoubtedly preach to our own choirs, I think your contributions serve to move the casual reader to my side.
Again (as I have already provided my answer), you are ultimately a commie, because you are forwarding the socialist super-state cause of the New World Order through its conduits, the United Nations and the Bank for International Settlements.
While a FREE MARKET is good, pitting a great country such as the USA against the ruined “Third World” through the deceptively-named “free trade” laws, which enable a company, such as Levi’s, to produce their goods in a commie nightmare of a country such as China, and then take these goods and dump them into our country does nothing but drag Americans down to the level of the poor bastards in China, with traitors such as Levi’s making a killing in the process. Not a healthy, earned profit, but an immoral killing.
It is not, as you say, “having labor markets compete for their business.” A real competition has two evenly matched opponents, that is why boxers have weight classes. And while I don’t expect business to follow the rules of the Olympics, pitting the average Mexican against the average American is not a competition, it is a massacre.
Choosing to build TV sets in Mexico isn’t about competing “labor markets,” it’s about making the immoral decision to simultaneously damage America while exploiting the poor of a ruined, fucked-up country, all to make an obscene profit, and not to “compete.” What’s that, you say? Then what do we do if the Chinese make their own Levi’s imitations? We put our trade barriers back up, and keep their crap out. Let the Chinese keep their goods.
Continuing this policy will eventually cut the average American off at the knees, eliminating the middle class, and leaving us a nation of a few professionals and CEOs at the top, and everybody else in poverty, working more and more and more and getting less and less and less.
When people such as me point this out, you call us union-loving leftists. None of it is true. I believe in a free market, but what can I do when my neighbor is making a deal with a commie country or a banana republic to make the same pants I’m sewing together in my backyard?
I’ve got nothing against a man getting rich, but when these rich men exploit others by forcing them down to the level of the poorest in ruined countries, I call it for what it is: evil.
Slowly but surely, my good man, Americans (some of them, anyway) are waking up to what is happening. Even if they are imperfect as Ed Brown is, it is still the right thing to do, to challenge a corrupt State, as the only stooges we get to hear about at election time are the ones with the money to spend. You may look at our government as being the will of the people, but I see it as the same bunch of lobbyists changing places on the faux see-saw of the “left” and “right.” Anyone who challenges the banks will find himself an orphan when it comes to corporate donations.
“Poverty in the U.S. is not caused by “socialist foreign families†but by laziness?” Once more, you play into the hands of the puppet-masters, and blame the poor for being poor.
We cannot all be doctors and lawyers and CEOs. Even if we tried, only the best doctors and lawyers would be employed, and the rest would have to do other jobs–the “normal” jobs.
As George Bailey asked, in It’s a Wonderful Life, “Is it so much to ask that they live and die in their own small houses?” I may have garbled the quote a little, but you must remember that movie.
No, we can’t all be doctors, lawyers, and CEOs. If we can’t, is it so much to ask that we be paid for our labor? So that we may live, and not spend all of our lives working to service debt?
How can you blame poverty on laziness, when most people are working? Do you think our national debt of almost nine trillion dollars is there to service welfare bums? That it’s the “welfare debt?” Come on!
Foreigners control the Federal Reserve, which is not federal, and has no reserves, and it has never been audited, and the American people cannot buy shares in it. The Fed controls the country, far more than any political party can ever hope to. Ergo, foreigners run America. They make the paper-based loans, based on our forced promises to pay, made in our name, by the our government, plus interest.
The average Joe, working at minimum wage or even something much higher than it, is so crippled by marketplace taxes, fees for licenses of all kinds and income tax, that he cannot hope to buy his own house, or send his kids to college. He has NO CHOICE but to crawl to the commercial banks, and go for a loan, leaving him unable to help his friends or his family.
His labor, and the labor of his wife, is being stolen in interest tribute, paid to banks in the commercial sector, and, to the banks which own our country.
The true criminals are the owners of the Fed, and the commercial bankers. Since they have debauched our currency and spoiled its purchasing power, many do turn to drugs for a business, or for relief. As raging conservative Ted Nugent used to say, a good meal or a good fuck beats any drug there is.
People turn to drugs as a last resort.
Why not risk jail to sell crack when working a 40-hour week at McDonald’s leaves you tired, but with little in your pocket, and only a rented room to live in?
Why not smoke crack when all you ever get to do is work and sleep?
If a man does honest labor in the field, he should be paid honestly in return. But we aren’t paid, as we all all forced to use Federal Reserve Notes as currency, and those notes are worth very little, since they have been inflated on purpose since the Fed was created, and anything left over is gobbled up in taxes, to service a debt based on paper, plus interest.
“America is far from impoverished however.”
It is. Most people are deep in debt. You would blame them for being irresponsible. They aren’t. Yes, most people might abuse a credit card, but everybody hates to rent, and a mortgage isn’t a silly purchase.
“You and I certainly aren’t, with our internet connections and free time on our hands.”
I don’t know what you do for a living, or how much you make. I work in a retail electronics store. I wish I could have half the hours but still have the same pay. Do I expect my employer to raise my pay? No. Do I want a union to force my employer to do so, and maybe ruin his business? No.
I want my income taxes removed. If they were, I’d require less working hours for my necessities. Now, since you seem to have a very short memory, this is where you’d say “How do we pay for all our government services, you kook?”
As I said before, we pay more than enough in the marketplace to more than pay for everything. Our problem is that we have been saddled with a compounded interest debt slavery based on a trick, as our debt is many times greater than all the notes and coins that exist, and cannot be repaid.
Every child born after the Fed was created is viewed as food for the debt machine by the international bankers.
“And while this is all interesting, let’s get back to the point at hand.”
No, this is what it is all about. This is the reason why Ed Brown is waiting, with guns, for the Fed’s collection agency, the IRS, to move on his house, which he owns, as he doesn’t owe the bankers anything in income tax.
Still, to entertain you, I’ll deal with your rhetorical and irrelevant strawman arguments:
1. “Will you be at Brown’s house shooting at some guy?”
If you have kids, and somebody framed you for child abuse, and the police were coming to take your kids away and put them in the care of a state employee you knew was a kiddie diddler, would you punch a cop in the face? Probably. So, based on that, maybe I should ask you, “Will you be punching our noble and brave police officers in the face, Rob?”
But, to deal with your point, which I’ve already dealt with before (your short memory, again)–although I can’t give up my mortgaged house and my kids to join Ed Brown, if he was my next door neighbor, and if my kids were in college, I would stand with him. And, while I would not fire the first shot, if I saw those IRS stormtrooper SWAT teams, heavily armed and screaming at an innocent man to surrender his house, and then saw them fighting at the door, and saw both sides punching each other and throwing tear gas at each other, and then noticing that the IRS was losing, and one of the IRS criminals drew a gun and fired at Ed Brown’s men, I would open f–
Oh, wait…I’m not about to incriminate myself. Suffice to say we all have a right to defend our property from theft.
Maybe I should answer with another question. Will the IRS be killing people for refusing to pay taxes based on fraud? Hmmm…IF they do, MAYBE others should fire back? I just don’t know. Sorry, Rob.
2. “Is a U.S. Marshal deserving of death because you and Brown say so?”
No, you see, it’s the State, indebted to international banksters, coming to take Brown’s house, to pay taxes he doesn’t owe, and willing to use deadly force to do it if Brown disagrees and doesn’t want to be subjected to regular anal probes looking for weapons and drugs as he is sent to jail to rot with murderers and child molesters. Brown isn’t marching to the Marshall’s house. Brown isn’t even marching to the White House, demanding a refund. He just wants to be left alone. The Marshalls should just leave and sign papers attesting to never coming back.
Is Ed Brown deserving of death because a banker in Germany who owns part of the Fed says Brown owes him money based on sweat that the banker created with a pen stroke?
3. “Would Jesus, since you dropped his name grab himself his Mossberg 500 and bust caps in this situation?”
I can’t speak to that, as I don’t invoke Him into rhetorical internet chitchats. I only reminded you of what He did to the moneychangers, as moneychangers create profit from no work at all, which is evil, for they love money, and the love of money is the root of all evil.
Go kiss your rich and lazy bankers, Rob.
“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.â€â€”Samuel Adams
This is what you did on a Saturday?
From fdrs.org
As you have no appreciation for original writing, I thought I’d copy and paste. Why the hell not? Be sure and write back; it seems neither of us can resist the temptation of the last word. If you were to do so by banning me, I’d consider it a compliment.
The first thing to understand is who’s behind the UN. You need to know who’s pulling the strings.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) created the United Nations. The CFR is filled with people who endorse the characteristics of COMMUNISM.
The people who were involved in forming the CFR are none other than the international bankers and their ridiculous secret society ideas.
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.†– Woodrow Wilson, former U.S. President (1913)
“…the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of self-created screen. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.†– John F. Hylan, New York City Mayor, 1922
“For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the USA. But he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ‘ammunition,’ as it were, was carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money Group.†– Curtis Dall, ex-President Franklin Roosevelt’s son-in-law
“The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.†– Curtis Dall, ex-President Franklin Roosevelt’s son-in-law
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson… The country is going through a repetition of Jackson’s fight with the Bank of the United States—only on a far bigger and broader basis†– ex-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The politicians are merely puppets. The puppets just carry out the objectives of the United Nations. The United Nations carries out the objectives of the banksters. You must understand this concept in order to understand what’s going on.
The biggest of all the objectives of the United Nations is a New World Order where all people submit their lives and sovereignty to these power-mad maniacs.
All the other objectives of the United Nations are merely steps to accomplish the main goal of the One World Government.
I could copy and paste some more, but it seems unpolite to do so. This is, after all, your blog. Going overboard with this pasting seems rude.
More reasoned debate by Ed Brown supporters. So explain to me how the UN and the “banksters” play into Brown’s situation. Or are you just using the comments section of Red-Alerts as a surrogate blog for yourself?
Thank you though, now this months old post ranks higher on Google for unrelated terms, largely due to your obssession with vomiting forth nonsense you’ve read on the internet.
Since you seem to believe anything you’ve read on the web, let me ask you this, I’ve seen on the net that if you walk into a room where two Lesbains are having sex, they’ll begin fellating you no matter what you look like. Is this true?
You should read more about this before making assumptions. Ed Brown was in court to defend himself. He has evidence and documents that can show that he does not need to pay income tax. He has Supreme Court rulings that are in his favor.
The judge would not allow Ed to show any of this evidence in “his court”.
Ed was not allowed to present a defense so he left before the procedings were over.
Ed filed an appeal that the judge said was premature. Ed has filed other documents that the judge has ignored. Why does the judge not allow the Browns to present a defense?
I don’t know about you, but I feel that if the court does not have to follow the rules of law why should Ed Brown.
If a cop beats a Black man, Black people should be allowed to attack cops and White people. That’s where your logic leads.
Brown didn’t show up to court, don’t take my word for it, read the articles of the reporters who cover the story.
If you want to see conspiracies in this fine, as I’ve said a dozen times before, but i don’t. Now go to my front page and let it go.
Ah, Rob, you deleted my other post in its entirety. What a right coward you are. Briefly, then:
“More reasoned debate by Ed Brown supporters. So explain to me how the UN and the “banksters†play into Brown’s situation.”
I already did.
“Or are you just using the comments section of Red-Alerts as a surrogate blog for yourself?”
As long as you keep asking questions I’ve already answered, it’s hard not to.
“Thank you though, now this months old post ranks higher on Google for unrelated terms, largely due to your obssession with vomiting forth nonsense you’ve read on the internet.”
You’re on the internet, too. Obsession? I don’t have a blog.
“Since you seem to believe anything you’ve read on the web,”
See above.
“let me ask you this, I’ve seen on the net that if you walk into a room where two Lesbains are having sex, they’ll begin fellating you no matter what you look like. Is this true?
Worst straw man……ever!
And, since this is an update, here’s a bonus. Be sure to delete this, too, Rob:
“If a cop beats a Black man, Black people should be allowed to attack cops and White people. That’s where your logic leads.”
Um…no. That’s not what the guy said. You sound tired. You can make a better straw man than that, can’t you?
“Brown didn’t show up to court, don’t take my word for it, read the articles of the reporters who cover the story.”
Straw man: Invoke an unrelated argument. Knock it down. Claim victory.
He didn’t show up in court! He didn’t! What? You don’t believe me? Maybe you need to read the truth of what happened–he did not show up! I’m telling you, he didn’t show up. You’re saying he did, but he didn’t. I’m right and you’re wrong!
“If you want to see conspiracies in this fine, as I’ve said a dozen times before, but i don’t. Now go to my front page and let it go.”
“If you want to–”
No, Rob. At the risk of repeating myself to you, yet again, our taxes are too high. Your “side” has had it their way for almost 100 years, and we are in the exact mess that the Federal Reserve said it would prevent from happening. The Fed is not “Federal,” nor is it in posession of any “reserves.” We are being forced, at the point of the IRS’s guns, to pay interest tribute to a small group of foreign bankers who own the Fed’s lion share of shares. And, no, we the people cannot buy shares in the Fed, nor can we elect its directors, or audit it. That is what Ed Brown is resisting.
“…but i don’t.”
Okay, so let’s express our opinions about–
“Now go to my front page and let it go.”
Oh. Shut up, right? All you’ve got are dumb jokes, and nothing else but that.
“This is what you did on a Saturday?”
You mean kicking your ass? Yeah, I can do that every other day, too.
I deleted your post because:
A) It contained a link to a spam site
B) There’s only so long I’ll be insulted by some troll
C)Your last post is no different then this one or any of your others.
Don’t pay your taxes, no one cares. The post isn’t about that, it’s about Ed Brow wanting to shoot people.
A) Spam is unsolicited EMAIL.
B) You insulted at the very start, you insult now, and you can’t take an insult in return
C) Repeating oneself is reserved for you, alone, here
Ed Brown is surrounded. Ed Brown has not surrounded the Sheriff. Ed Brown is defending, not advancing. Ed Brown wants to be left alone. The IRS would have already taken him, but for the attention and the guns he had to defend himself with. When they do move to take him, he will be defending, not advancing.
Rob, you’re a welfare-state apologist, a commie and an atheist with no repsect for the Constitution. Get on a slow boat to China. Here’s something from another spam site for you to delete:
Well, Rob…at least you’re still allowing posts.
There may be hope for you, yet.
Speaking of Communist…
Do not reproduce other peoples writings in their entirety on this (or any other) site. Repost excerpts from it, but fair use does not include stealing an essay and reprinting it somewhere else.
Ryan: Go through that essay and take out 4-6 paragraphs that are important. Add your own thoughts to it, and then you’re not violating his copyright. You can tell when something is copyrighted because it has a copyright symbol next to its title.
Ah, Rob…
As long as nothing is being offered for sale, we can repost whatever we want. (Not what copyright means, but O.K.)
But, as long as it’s only you and me here, I’ll save myself the trouble of monkeying around in a thread with such a small audience, and leave you with this…a link to a man who just became an American citizen, by way of Italy:
Here’s the lyrics (ALL OF THEM): (Why?)
A new world order a new disorder
they want to take control of your soul
A new world order no more borders
global control
You’re free to do what they say
if you try to get away you die or obey
no place to escape nowhere to run they own our sons
they control our thoughts they control our tongue
they print our cash they made the crash
they tax our work they suck our blood
A new world order a new disorder
they want to take control of your soul
A new world order no more borders
global control is their goal
We better wake up before it’s too late
or we will be their slaves
with a chip in our brains if you’ll speak up
they call you insane
but together we are gonna win
we will expose their sin
we will give them pain
now it’s time to fight
A new world order a new disorder
they want to take control of your soul
A new world order no more borders
global control global control global control
is their goal
CFR, National Id card, the patriot act, SPP, North American Union, obligatory vaccinations, martial law,
United Nations, Skull and Bones, guns confiscation,
911 was an inside job, federal reserve is a fraud,
we know your dirty plans scumbags,
we will fight you till the end, for freedom, for our Country,
for our sons… we will live free or die.
we are going to kick your global ass
fight the new world order
fight the new world order
be part of the second American Revolution
Victory or Death
Is there any chance you could leave, and take his place in Italy, Rob? This spaghetti-twister (Nice) seems to have more fire for the Constitution than…well, you don’t have any fire for it.
Ummm…yeah…could you, y’know, like, leave…please?
Thanks so much.
“If people die in New Hampshire in the coming weeks, the responsibility will lay not at the feet of the civil servants doing their jobs”
They used this excuse at the Nazi trials also.
simple: you’re a moron R. Taylor
The Nazis used the excuse that Ed Brown will be the cause of the violence in Nazi Germany? I didn’t know that, very enlightening “Blome.”
If I’m such a moron boys, why am I living the good life instead of having my assets seized? I think the Browns are the morons in this one.
You’re article is one of the worst pieces of journalism I have ever seen. Part of journalism is being factually correct. You’re article is full of glaring holes. Ed and Elaine Brown did not refuse to pay taxes. They refused to pay income taxes. Big Difference. Also, Ed Brown is not barricaded inside his home. He continues to let any supporters enter and leave his house freely. He also never asked anyone to come armed to support him. His message is if the federal government raid his home, people should begin to fight back. He has made clear that he has no intentions of firing on troops surrounding his house unless fired upon first. And the biggest hole in your story is Ed Brown has not refused to leave his home until the federal government says he doesn’t have to pay his taxes. He has said on several occasions that if they can show him the law that requires him to pay an income tax (which the IRS refused to do during his trial) he will leave voluntarily. Without debating the legality and morality of the income tax and surrounding the Brown house with troops, just get your facts straight.
I just buried this ked.
Everthing you said is a lie. A lie refuted by Ed Brown himself in numerous interveiws on his official website and the various “patriot sites” that support him. Income taxes are indeed taxes. He has made dozens of calls for people to come to his house, armed, to fight the government. He won’t leave his house to even walk his dog.
Stop bullshitting “Andrew” (Ryan?) and at least admit to what your hero is doing. It’s unseemly in the extreme to support someone but not be willing to speak truthfully about what they’re doing.
I don’t know what a “ked” is, but that’s likely because I’m an adult who doesn’t try to imitate teenage slang. Only pedophiles and Ed Brown supporters seem to do that. Food for thought.
What kind of a pussy criticizes posts within the posts?
A pussy like you, Rob.
I guess you can say we’re lying and we can say you’re lying. Ron Paul compares Ed Brown to Gandhi:
Now, go and remove the link, pussy.
The link is fresh as of June 27, 2007, and it’s on a blog, so it won’t be good for long.
At this blog, a video has Ron Paul comparinmg Ed Brown to Gandhi:
Now go and remove the link, cheater.
BTW, since this is a blog, the link will only be good for a short time.
P.S. Ron Paul has done a lot for our country, Rob; you’re just a guy with a website who lies, just like your NWO cheerleaders Bush, Powell, Rice, Cheney and all the rest lie.
Double post. Sorry.
I hate you, Rob.
You hate me? What are you a 15 year old girl?
The irony of a guy who posts anonymous commenter calling someone a pussy is astounding by the way.
And the link would “stay fresh” if you used the permilink, moron.
While you’re over there, why don’t you ask your friends why Ed still hasn’t responded to my debate offer? Was it because I insisted on him giving me a call in number BEFORE I gave his minions my home address(!?!) and phone number? Was it because your Ghandi like Brown was really just collecting names of people to have his crazy followers murder?
Ed is like Ghandi in one respect however, in that they’re both pro Holocaust. Oh, and both are shiftless grifters.
My offer for a debate still stands, however. And I don’t worry, your posts don’t make you sound effiminate and unstable at all…
Rob –
Thank you for your voice of reason. I live in the same town as Ed Brown, and we have known for years that Ed is a delusional whack job. We are tired of this whole thing, and you are correct when you say that all Ed wants is to go down in a fiery blaze as a martyr to all of the other dummies out there.
Anyway, I wanted to alert all of the people that may be sitting on the fence on this one to a webpage that does an excellent job of explaining all of the tax arguments that have been made since 1913, and why they have been all roundly discredited. The page is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_protester_constitutional_arguments#Sixteenth_Amendment_ratification_arguments
If readers to this blog have any doubts please read it. Ed’s supporters are idiots and there is no changing their minds, but for those of you who are reasonable intelligent, please read it.
Thanks. I hope this whole thing will be over soon with no bloodshed. Sorry for your troubles there.
It is inevitable, the new American revolution is here….Ed Brown is a true patriot and a real american hero. Down with the Federal Central Bank and the federal income tax. There is no law to tax wages or to file a 1040, if we werent taxable before 1913, than we’re not taxable after…period…end of argument.
So if it wasn’t illegal to do something prior to 1913 it’s not illegal now? I can’t wait to put cocaine in soda and sell it to children. then I’ll buy some slave, ride my horse through the center of town and kill some claim jumpers.
Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?
I find it weird that many people speaking out against the war in Iraq are supporting this nut who would like to rub out local law officers.
It’s almost like they think America’s the enemy
If those posting here that support Ed Brown think he is so great then go to his own blog and listen to him say that when the feds closed in on his wife he called them and told them that he would pay the amount and they told him it was too late he had been convicted.
Sounds like wussy Ed got scared and tried to wiggle out which is what all of these tax protesters do. By the way look at Ed’s own web site and his background and he freely admits that he was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon while in the Navy and six months in the stockade and a dishonorable discharge.
Still want follow this fool?
If so then go die in New Hampshire but don’t ask the rest of us to follow you, we won’t do it.
If you really want to know who Ed is then listen to his won archives and you will find an illogical and disillusioned mind who should be in prison or in a nut house where he can’t do anybody or himself any harm.
So quit listening to the rhetoric and listen to Ed’s own archives to find out just how messed up he really is.
If those posting here that support Ed Brown think he is so great then go to his own blog and listen to him say that when the feds closed in on his wife he called them and told them that he would pay the amount and they told him it was too late he had been convicted.
Sounds like wussy Ed got scared and tried to wiggle out which is what all of these tax protesters do. By the way look at Ed’s own web site and his background and he freely admits that he was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon while in the Navy and six months in the stockade and a dishonorable discharge.
Still want follow this fool?
If so then go die in New Hampshire but don’t ask the rest of us to follow you, we won’t do it.
If you really want to know who Ed is then listen to his own archives and you will find an illogical and disillusioned mind who should be in prison or in a nut house where he can’t do anybody or himself any harm.
So quit listening to the rhetoric and listen to Ed’s own archives to find out just how messed up he really is.
Ding Dong the witch is dead…so to speak. They are going off to jail where they will rot for quite some time!
Thanks for sharing
Dear Rob Taylor,
While on the surface you seem to be English or something with a name like Taylor, I met that Taylor who is a big-wig New York City “economist”, and he is clearly a Jew. So let’s see, you write an article on this lonely website and then go right in swinging at every commenter, like dozens of times. Real reporters get sick of that, and drop it. But you doggedly defend your ego-crap to the end. Hmmm, very Jewish.
You can’t possibly be making any money by arguing with every other reader, that drives people away. And so you are most likely getting paid to run another Red Lodge propaganda front. I don’t think the big-titted -blonde ads refute the Jew-mind-control-propaganda angle obviously implied by your whole webpage, either.
If you weren’t a front for the British Jew / Red Lodge interests owning Federal Reserve private bank, you wouldn’t make the assumption that Ed is guilty, because you would naturally regard him as innocent until proven guilty which also means untaxable until proven taxable.
Good luck, Mr. Taylor, I hope you think twice about villifying your countrymen and come to see that people like Ed aren’t monsters after all, but just people like you who are after Truth.
Are you high?
A) I happen to be Bi-racial and not Jewish (though I do like Jews if as a matter of fact) or Christian or Muslims. I’m a polytheist and in fact am the most well known Republican pagan on the internet. Don’t believe me? Look it up.
B) Are you claiming it’s “Jewish” to defend ones point or reputation? Would it be Jewy of you if I said only morons make claims that are so stupid?
C) My ads do very well, and I run several websites. If you know of any Jewish conspiracy that would pay me flat out instead of me having to work with dozens of marketing companies please let me know, but I work for myself. I’m not sure what Jew mind control propaganda I’m putting out there, but Kendra Wilkinson ads wouldn’t refute anything, simply put money in my pocket.
D) “If you weren’t a front for the British Jew / Red Lodge interests owning Federal Reserve private bank, you wouldn’t make the assumption that Ed is guilty, because you would naturally regard him as innocent until proven guilty which also means untaxable until proven taxable.” Huh?
That’s like saying “If you weren’t on the David Duke/Radical Islam payroll you wouldn’t hold these opinions. You hate Jews (and daddy no doubt) that’s your thing and you came up with it on your own. Why are you unable to accept people who disagree with you aren’t part of a conspiracy? Is it because you’re a pot smoking loser? Or are you simply crazy?
By the way, thanks for commenting on a 2-year-old post.
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