What Does Ron Paul and Iran Have in Common?

Stormfront, of course. More to the point both Ron Paul and the Mullacracy of Iran enjoy the support of the neo-Nazi movement. Ron Paul’s much documented support from the White Supremacist movement is ongoing and the links to Paul’s campaign can still be found bandied about the Stormfront forum.

Also from Stormfront I found a link to a video called Iran-Land of the Aryans in a comment on an old anti-War thread:


It’s posted by a ‘tuber that goes by the name AwakenAryans who is helping to cement the alliance between White Nationalists and Islamists that I’ve blogged about before. His other videos are all propaganda aimed at creating a sense of brotherhood between the Iranian dissidents and the White Power movement.

Stormfront’s David Duke’s girlish love for Iranian leader Ahmadinejad is no secret. What might be is the American Persian communities acceptance of Stormfront. Duke is also willing to stand up for Paul even if it means doing so would put him shoulder to shoulder with the same Jews, Blacks and Latinos he so despises.

Stormfront spends as much time defending Iran as many lefties, which seems unusual. Until you get a gander at where many Stromfronters get their news:


That’s right baby, Think Progress is a major Stormfront source. Hmm. Ron Paul supporters who make the right look bad, Pro-Iranian propaganda and borderline anti-Semitism all connected to Think Progress. Now it all makes sense…