Democidal tendencies be damned!
University of Chicago pseudo-scientist Boaz Keysar co-authored a “study” where it was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that American individualism makes people less “attuned” to others while people from communist China are wonderful, responsive human beings.
The evidence: The Chinese subjects responded to vague commands faster and more efficiently than the Americans. Why oh why can’t we all be eager to please authority like those nice people who are scared to death of being slaughtered by the state?
From Live Science:
Rugged American individualism could hinder our ability to understand other peoples’ point of view, a new study suggests.
And in contrast, the researchers found that Chinese are more skilled at understanding other people’s perspectives, possibly because they live in a more “collectivist” society.
“This cultural difference affects the way we communicate,” said study co-author and cognitive psychologist Boaz Keysar of the University of Chicago.
Simple study
The study, though oversimplified compared to real life, was instructive. Keysar and his colleagues arranged two blocks on a table so participants could see both. However, a piece of cardboard obstructed the view of one block so a “director,” sitting across from the participant, could only see one block.
When the director asked 20 American participants (none of Asian descent) to move a block, most were confused as to which block to move and did not take into account the director’s perspective. Even though they could have deduced that, from the director’s seat, only one block was on the table.
Most of the 20 Chinese participants, however, were not confused by the hidden block and knew exactly which block the director was referring to. While following directions was relatively simple for the Chinese, it took Americans twice as long to move a block.
“That strong, egocentric communication of Westerners was nonexistent when we looked at Chinese,” Keysar said. “The Chinese were very much able to put themselves in the shoes of another when they were communicating.”
The results are detailed in the July issue of the journal Psychological Science.
Collectivist societies, such as the Chinese, place more value on the needs of the group and less on the autonomy of the individual. In these societies, understanding other peoples’ experiences is a more critical social skill than it is among typically more individualist Americans.
By “other people” the Keysar of course means the communist party. And how does a “collectivist” society like communist China ensure that people learn this critical social skill of anticipating the needs of others?
If only we could learn from them.
Can the good doctor explain why the Chinese have problems seeing things from the Falun Gong perspective?
h/t Hot Air