This Will End Well: Brown Berets Recruiting Soldiers for “Aztlan”

Resurgent Chicano Nationalist/Marxist group the Brown Berets have announced a recruiting drive for “soldiers” to help them fight in Aztlan.

Aztlan would of course be Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. From the racist, anti-semitic

Los Angeles, Alta California – May 1, 2008 – (ACN) “The Brown Berets de Aztlan have undertaken an active campaign to recruit more soldiers and form new chapters throughout Aztlan,” said Chairman David Rico yesterday. “We will be having a series of presentations throughout the Southwest starting in San Diego on May 8, 2008,” he added.

David Rico is one of the original founders of the Brown Berets in California and was one of the Brown Beret soldiers that seized and took over land in Barrio Logan in San Diego that later became, the now world famous, “Chicano Park”.

In the first presentation in San Diego, David Rico and other Brown Berets will be speaking on what it takes to be a Brown Beret de Aztlan, what the organization believes in and on future plans. They will also be answering questions.

The first presentation is scheduled for May 8, 2008 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at the Centro Cultural de La Raza located in Balboa Park at 2125 Park Blvd, San Diego.

After the recruitment campaign, the Brown Berets de Aztlan will be organizing caravans to the state of Arizona where our community is presently under siege by racists and other anti-immigrant elements.

The Brown Berets are a group of racist thugs who have claimed in the past to have shot down a police helicopter. Riding a wave of 60s style political activism they’ve been actively recruiting via MySpace and insinuating themselves and their anti-American rhetoric into the hard left. I have long suspected they were involved in the Columbia Minute Man riot.

The phrasing of their new recruiting drive is cause for concern. They aren’t looking for activists or supporters, but “soldiers.” Perhaps they think now is a good time to start a more, shall we say robust, campaign to “reclaim” Aztlan? Their caravans to Arizona will no doubt be a warm up for violence to come.

With the planed riots of Recreate ’68 and the A.N.S.W.E.R. led R.N.C. protests coming up soon I’m betting a radical/criminal organization like the Brown Berets will be attempting to position themselves to take full advantage of the chaos leftist groups hope will ensue in the coming months.

29 thoughts on “This Will End Well: Brown Berets Recruiting Soldiers for “Aztlan”

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  3. A) Since many of the Minutemen are Black, your KKK thesis is absurd.

    B) The “shooting Hispanics” thing was widely revealed to be a Hoax.

    C) You mean White Supremacist Government, but again since there are more minorities serving in the Bush administration (including Hispanics) that thesis is absolutely absurd.

    D) I’m Bi-racial, my Black family are endangered by the racism being imported here from third world hell holes. If it makes me a “Billybob” (It’s odd how bigoted your supposed anti bigot screed is isn’t it?) to not want my family members gunned down by Latino gang bangers then send me to the set of slingblade.

    E) Name three Hispanics I and the minutemen killed out of greed.

    And in closing, you’re the Klanner who supports a monoethnic club. I would never join a organization that only allowed Bi-racial people in ( although we are superior to most so we do like to congregate amongst are equals) because I’m a good person and as an American I would never exclude true freedom loving peoples from this great country.

    You aren’t a freedom lover; you’re a whinnying spoiled cretin who makes up outrageous lies to attack Whites and Blacks because your petty bigotry is a balm to your corrupt soul. Minute men are the Klan? Tell that to jamiel Shaw!

    And you know that Spanish is a European language right? You know that in prison the Mexican Mafia (eme) is allied with the Aryan Brotherhood and the Nazi Low Riders, right? In fact if you can prove there’s no Indian or Black in you you’d be allowed to join a White Supremacist group and there are a good many Spaniards who have taken up that offer. I’ll assume you’ll be one of them.

    Since the National Socialist party of Mexico is gaining in numbers, why not go to their website and call them racists? Or is it O.K. to be a Nazi if Spanish is your first language?

  4. You Know so much about History, Are you denying that the White supremacists Have always Taken Taken Taken and Killed off Hispanics? And Yes as Chicano’s we are Indian Blooded.”AZTECA” Also The Brown Berets are in a “COMMITED TO NON-VIOLENCE MODE” since I guess your “Buddies” The White Supremacists,Didn’t ever kill or Steal and take from the CHICANO PEOPLE Then I’m lying and The REAL SUPREMACISTS DIDN”T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH CREATING THE BROWN BERET ORGANIZATION. So Let’s talk about who doesn’t have a CLUE “JACK-ASS”

  5. Juanito, I’m sorry your parents failed you by not getting you a decent education and allowing you to develop such ignorant and erroneous ideas.

    A significant portion of Mexicans and people descended from Mexicans are white, so your implication that all Chicanos are “Indian blooded” is way off base. Other Mexican-Americans are of African, Asian, and Middle Eastern descent. Continue making a fool of yourself if you must, but at least try to find a factually-based reason to have that chip on your shoulder.

    By the way, did you really just accuse the author of this blog, a biracial person who frequently speaks out on racial injustice, of being “buddies” with white supremacists? Really?

  6. Oh, Juanito. It was Hispanics (The Spaniards) that killed off the Aztecs. Although they frankly had good reason no? Are you really defending the Aztec culture that enslaved the surrounding Indians, are suspected of the genocide of the Anastazi and whose empire, which encompassed hundreds if not thousands of miles, sacrificed children in the temple of the sun? If you read a book instead of getting your information from YouTube/Google/Brown Berets you’d know that the Aztecs did exactly what you accuse the Spanish of doing to them to the other tribes, and worse.

    The Aztecs were supremacists whose priests skinned prisoners alive then wore their skins until the rotted off to help celebrate the spring. The first temple Bernal Diaz author of The Conquest of New Spain saw contained a bowl full of human thighs, to celebrate their alliances with the Conquistadors many of the Indian tribes offered to sacrifice human, it was those “White Supremacists” who stopped the practice.

    But you’re not interested in reality. If you cared about the crimes of White supremacists you’d be disgusted by the Green lighting of Blacks by Eme and you aren’t. YOU are the White Supremacist who wants to smear Blacks and allow your fellow EUROPEAN descended fake Indians carte blanche to rape, murder and collapse the only country that allows immigrants to prosper.

    If the Brown Berets are committed to non-violence why did they use the Black Panthers as an organizational model? Why did one of the members run around the ‘net claiming to have shot down a police helicopter? Why involve themselves in an openly racist website like

    Don’t come here with you charges of racism, when you’re the racist.

  7. Hi Rob,
    I’m no Racist. I know my Blood line of Spaniard European and Sangre Indio.Thank you for recalling facts about myself you know better than myself. I’m a Brown Beret that just wants EQUALITY for all Races. Believe it or Not. You cant change anything by sitting by and Reading your stuff on the Internet on The Brown Berets and think you know how EVERY BERET thinks!!! You have to get inside to make Appropriate CHANGES “GET INVOLVED”.In-case you didn’t know alot of CHICANO”S have died for this COUNTRY. And would Still we are VETERANO”S and PROUD TO HAVE FOUGHT FOR THESE UNITED STATES and “AZLAN”. We have an Alliance between Tejas-Nuevo Mejico-Colorado. We all agree to make things better for our People. and all other PEOPLE that are treated unfairly.We RESPECT EVERYONE and EVERYTHING THAT THAT RESPECTS US<REGARDLESS OF RACE OR COLOR THEY ARE OR WHAT LANGUAGE THEY SPEAK!! People like the Beret who CLAIMS HE SHOT DOWN THE POLICE HELICOPTER do not Represent anything I REPRESENT.The Berets that i deal with are much more Interested in EQUALITY and POVERTY in our Neighborhoods. Yes we will PROTECT are WEAK and UN-PROTECTED. EQUALITY IS WHAT THIS COUNTRY WAS BASED ON BUT< YOU KNOW AS WELL AS I DO THAT IT”S NOT HERE! Maybe we both have some of our convictions in the wrong areas But I Hope as ADULTS someday EVERYONE WILL FIGURE THAT OUT.

  8. So then rather than typing out caps filled rants you’ll stand with me to denounce the Eme green light on non-gang affiliated Blacks? You and you’re fellows will be for the prosecution of The Avenues on hate crime charges?

    Also, your previous comment was very disrespectful of Europeans, are you saying your previous statements were wrong?

  9. No I’m not saying that.Chicano’s are a mixed Breed. But you can’t deny in history in California, Arizona, Texas, Colorado AND OTHER STATES THAT “Whites” DIDN’T JUST COME IN AND KILL OFF HISPANIC LAND OWNERS AND TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY.Idon’t know what Version you heard But, It’s The one in The White’s History Books, Not the Real one. In your Version The White Men came and “Asked Polite , Can i take all your Land And your Money and Rape and Take what we want and leave the SCRAPS to you, OH THANK YOU!” I was trying to be COOL but, you are one of those People who is RIGHT on EVERYTHING and The Whitemans History Book is
    ” The GOSPEL” You being Part BLACK I would think you might UNDERSTAND the STRUGGLE both for CHICANO’S and BLACKS. I grew up in OAKLAND CALIFORNIA. I have had FRIENDS that were BLACK all my LIFE!!

  10. In my version the Spaniards were bastards who came for slaves and ran into an empire that was, for all intents and purposes, the closest thing to hell on earth there could be.

    But again, since you “have Black friends” (Amusing, it’s usually White liberals who fall back on that) you’ll support common sense measures to stop the Latino gang initiated ethnic cleansing of black areas, right?

    Or is your friendship only worth so much?

  11. As I said “I want EQUALITY for all PEOPLE” My Group is trying to break up the GANGS and get everyone of the RAZA to UNITE. We can’t make things BETTER four our PEOPLE if we are Killing each other off and going in and out of Jail. I stress EDUCATION and KNOWLEDGE. Not Violence to get our POINT across. Yes I get ANGRY when the GOVERNMENT lets all these terrible Crimes to CHICANO”S and BLACKS. I do not DISLIKE any whole RACE of People, I don’t Like Know-it-Alls Who think they Know EXACTLY what is everybody’s AGENDA when they have no clue. And how do you think that there has been no CRIMES committed BEFORE and NOW to the CHICANO Peolpe. If that is The CASE , YOU ARE LIVING A LYE.

  12. Lye is the White substance serial killers use to melt the flesh from their victims bones. It’s also in soap. You mean I’m living a lie.

    You’re shifting responsibility. It is racist gangs that happen to be Latino who are targeting Blacks for murder. These same gangs, like the Mexican Mafia (or Eme) have allied themselves with the Aryan Brotherhood and The Nazi Low Riders, people I would think the Brown berets would be violently against.

    All I ask of any good person is to speak out against these racist killings. To put justice in front of “Raza.” It would not make your people less equal to confront Latino gang racist violence any more than it makes Blacks less equal to speak out against Black gang’s drug dealing. The fact that you won’t proves you aren’t interested in “equality” at all.

    In America we are all American first, and if a gang is terrorizing innocent people and attempting to ethnically cleanse areas I expect everyone to decry the violence and stand up for what’s right. Not hide behind an artificial race (as if everyone who speaks Spanish is the same race) and pretend Black kids being murdered doesn’t matter.

  13. It Matters very much that Black and Chicano kids are being killed by one another. It’s not just chicano’s Killing Blacks , Because Plenty of Blacks have killed Chicano’s also. Yes My GROUP does work diligently to break-up the gangs. Just as someone needs to Break-up the Black Gangs. And Please don’t say that There is no such thing like Anglo’s never killed Chicano’s and STOLE LAND. The BLACKS are not the only People who have SUFFERED. Contrary to your BELIEF . CHICANO’S and BLACKS have had very similar CRAPPY LIVES. Things do need to CHANGE for the BETTER all around the BOARD!

  14. I’m black and don’t have a crappy life. Neither does most of my family. The only change Blacks need now, that can come from outside the Black community, is an end to being targeted.

    So if you’re anti-violence how do you “break up” gangs anyway?

  15. Hello All,

    What a nice bit of communication… very lively. Wouldn’t it be great if Juanito could hear the very clear facts, accept them and find a healthy outlet for his anger and frustration. I am angry to… when I see those videos and hear the spokespersons from the La Raza, Mecha and “immigration” rallies, marches and protests, saying they want to take over my country and run all the nasty European-trash away (or even speak of killing us). There is so much to be known in the history about all of this… there are even new discoveries being made about ancient peoples who came to this land, America, from the distant past. It is truly fascinating to read…. hopefully a certain issue from American Anthropology will arrive in a day or two. The Amerind (Mongoloid) immigrants from Eurasia may have shared the American continent with a people of Caucasoid race many thousands of years past. How ironic that the Caucasoid people may have settled here first. Be it true or not, the state of Texas is my homeland, my people… of all colors and ethnic ancestry…. I love this land and the amazing principals that make it the best nation and state on Earth. I will not hide my pride and love of this land just to conform to some PC niceties.

    Anyway it is good to find harmless outlets for anger. It is forever amazing to hear individuals (and groups) decry racism and as they do that they indulge in that actual human failing. That has always been odd…Hummmm.

    Now, while I hold a sincere hope that we can work all this out in a wise and peaceful way, it should be made very clear, that I am making very serious preparations to counter violent aggression. To loosely quote Teddy Roosevelt, ‘walk quietly but carry a big stick’. At present I am looking for likeminded people in my area to share thoughts and network with, toward savvy readiness and ardent vigilance. Brown Shirts or Brown Berets I will be ready if needed.

    To all the good folks here, I hope you have a wonderful Autumn… Whew, that first cool day is magic.

  16. Good points Tommy, I’ve heard of theories of ancient proto-Europeans being found in various places, including Asia. I’ve always thought that the idea of historians/archaeologist deciding when a people first entered a land by what bones they’ve found to be arrogant at best. Who knows how many older civilizations may have been in existence but like the Olmecs of Meso America left so little traces of their existence behind as to be all but forgotten?

    Who’s to say who settled America first at the dawn of time? Not to sound flippant but all that really matters is who settled it last.

    America is my home as sure as it is anyone’s and I won’t turn it over to people with a spurious claim on it without a fight.

    And Autumn is my favorite season; I’m already getting Halloween decorations out! Too early I know but there’s something about that first crisp wind…

  17. Hey rob,
    Here’s your Hero’s YEE! HAW!!!
    Your Out of your mind if I’m just making all this up.hiding on the sidelines and killing people coming across is MURDER!!!!!
    Let The Border Patrol do the JOB they are Payed for.
    Closely affiliated with Jim Chase’s California Border Watch, this group formed in early June as New Mexico Minutemen, then changed its name when Simcox announced the New Mexico Minuteman Corps as the “official” Minuteman patrol in New Mexico.

    New Mexico Border Watch director “Chief Dr. Sir” Clifford Alford explains the rift between his group and Simcox, echoing the sentiments of others in the Minuteman movement who have been critical of Simcox and his arrogance.

    “Chris gets a bit high handed from time to time, as though groups should be ‘sanctioned’ by him,” said Alford, who claims to be a Cherokee shaman, Wiccan sorcerer, Reiki master and newly ordained Templar knight, among other dubious titles. “Well, [Simcox] is not almighty God, and he is also not the Grand Prior of the Knights Templar, so pardon me if I don’t give a flip.”

    A self-proclaimed (and highly paranoid) expert on the occult, Alford has conducted law enforcement training seminars on Satanism and “Ninja death cults” he said were being secretly trained to spearhead a mass slaughter across the globe. In a training pamphlet he authored, Alford advises police officers that even innocent-looking children and old people under the influence of satanic forces will attack without warning. “When you approach an occult crime suspect,” he tells them, “always have your holster strap or flap undone and your hand around the grip with your thumb over the hammer ready to draw and fire.”

    In late June, the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico indefinitely suspended its Las Cruces chapter when it was revealed that Alford had joined the chapter and been appointed to its board of directors. Alford later suggested on national television that he had deliberately infiltrated the ACLU.

    The ACLU was embarrassed, to say the least. “We will not tolerate racism and vigilantism in the leadership structure of our organization,” said Ruidoso, N.M., attorney Gary Mitchell, president of the ACLU board of directors.

    New Mexico Border Watch began conducting weekend operations near Columbus, N.M., in August.

    In early June, Chris Simcox appointed Goliad County, Texas, petroleum engineer Bill Parmley to be president of the Texas Minuteman Corps. Two months later, Parmley resigned, citing widespread racism among the group’s volunteers, who Parmley said were more anti-Hispanic than anti-illegal immigration. Parmley alleged that many of the volunteers hatched a plot to force all the Hispanic elected officials in Goliad County from office and replace them exclusively with Caucasians.

    “I don’t know of any other word to describe it than racism,” Parmley later told the Fort Worth Weekly. “They had a secret agenda before the organization ever got started. They rolled it into the Minutemen.”

    One of the Hispanic officials the Minutemen were out to get, Goliad County Sheriff DeLaGarza, said that after he met with the citizen border patrol members and fielded their eager questions about the legal use of deadly force, he did his best to dampen their trigger happiness with his threat to “hammer their ass.”

    The left-wing Brown Berets also recently sent the Texas Minutemen Corps a warning of their own. “Think twice before you come here,” Brown Berets leader Pablo Delgado said at a July 28 news conference. Delgado said members of the militant Chicano organization are forming their own civilian border patrols, and will be active on the Texas border in October when Texas Minutemen Corps is scheduled to begin operations at the same time as Simcox-sanctioned outfits in Arizona and New Mexico.

    “We will be armed,” Delgado said, “and we will use whatever force is necessary to defend the lives of immigrants.”

    Running Against Immigrants
    The first to use Minutemen tactics were Klansmen.

    In 1977, Ku Klux Klan leaders David Duke and Tom Metzger formed Klan Border Watch, a KKK vigilante border patrol in southern California (see sidebar). Like this April’s Minuteman Project in Arizona, Klan Border Watch was primarily a media stunt designed to fan the flames of anti-immigration sentiment in America and to generate publicity for its ambitious leaders. Three years later, Metzger ran for Congress in California on the promise that he would militarize the border. Running openly as a Klansman, Metzger, who was then Duke’s California state leader, would garner 33,000 votes, although he lost the election.

    Taking a page from Metzger’s playbook, three Minuteman group founders are running for state office, and Jim Gilchrist has declared himself a Constitution Party candidate for the special congressional election in his Orange County, Calif., district to fill the seat vacated when President Bush appointed former Congressman Chris Cox to head the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    Simcox, meanwhile, has hired a public relations specialist and is hinting at a congressional campaign of his own. Lauded as a hero at anti-immigration rallies across the country, Simcox also benefited from glowing coverage provided to millions of Fox News Channel viewers in a three-night special report from the border hosted by conservative pundit Sean Hannity that screened like a recruitment infomercial for the Minuteman movement.

    Despite being decried by President Bush, border vigilantism has already been endorsed by sitting Republican congressmen, including Tom Tancredo of Colorado, and by John Culberson of Texas, who on July 28 introduced legislation that would allocate $6.8 million in federal funds to established armed citizen militia in borders states. The militias’ members would be empowered to arrest illegal immigrants using “any means and force authorized by state law.”

    Forty-seven lawmakers have already agreed to co-sponsor the “Border Protection Corps Act.”

    But the leaders of the Minuteman movement aren’t waiting for federal authorization. In late June, addressing a crowd of 300 new Minuteman recruits in Goliad, Texas, Simcox delivered this ultimatum: “If we don’t see the National Guard and the U.S. military on the border by October, we’re going to patrol the border with 20,000 citizens. That will be a warning. In six months, if we don’t see the military on the border, you might be faced with an army of 100,000 citizens.”

  18. Not being a minuteman (though I was a Wiccan for many years and don’t like your inferences) I’m completely disinterested in the pettiness and nonsense of a group of Ron Paul supporting weirdos. I will put forward that almost all police “experts” on the Occult are hacks with mail order degrees. But how does the supposed scumbagery of one group inoculate you from being an anti-Black racist.

    Please spell my name with a capital R, by the way. But I notice there is no attribution to your article. Why is that Juanito? Is it because it’s the SPLC and you’re afraid if people in these comments saw the link they’d find the SPLC report on anti-Black Latino gang violence called L.A. Blackout?

    When will you answer my question and clearly state that Latino gangs racism against Blacks is unacceptable and must be stopped?

  19. I heard that these so called brown berets Also target Jews, I ‘m a 14 year old Jewish girl and I never understood what we ever did to be so hated. Sure everyone loves to say the Jews control the media, or that hitler did what’s right; but I just never, ever, understood why so many people want us gone just because of our religion. Will you please answer why the brown berets want to hurt us so bad Juanito?

  20. not true. we are not a racist organization. we stand up and defend our people. we do not hurt and attack others unless we are provoked first.

  21. Why would you call me sweety? Especially since the Brown Berets are rabidly anti-gay. But anyway, I just watched a video of Brown Beret members telling White people they should go to Europe (like Spanish people aren’t of European decent) and you missed it but last year one of you’re fellow Brown Berets left a comment here calling me a nigger. To bad I spammed him, I’ll go through my spam folder and see if you guys are at the same IP

    But do tell me how I provoked that douche into calling me names.

    Don’t bullshit. If you’re doing something you aren’t proud of (like being a bigot) then stop, don’t try to convince people you’re not doing it.

    Go fuck yourself, and get a job. Then maybe you’d have something better to do than comment on posts that are more than two years old.

  22. Rob, I’m with you. I find it amusing that these Brown Berets claim not to be racially motivated, when the proclaim that Europeans should go home. The first time I heard such rhetoric, I couldn’t believe it. Do the hispanics not know that the Spaniards conquered the inhabitants of Central and South America.
    I have thought that history is history, but that is not the case.

  23. My problem with the brown Berets is that too many are pacifist. While aggression against innocent people is not good, self defense is perfectly justified. Some have enough common sense to understand that violence can be necessary and good, but others dont have that good sense about them.

    Being a neo-Nazi is NOT American…..For fucks sake, we fought a war against the Nazis. Playing at being a Nazi is no more American than calling yourself a neo-Al Qaida…..Nazism is anti-American.

    Every time a Nazi gets shot in the face, an angel gets its wings.

    We fought a fucking war against you Nazi pieces of shit, probably the last honest war we have fought since then…..How dare you conflate Nazism with Patriotism you fucking pieces of racist shit.

    KKK are not much better. I would shed any tears over their shed blood.

  24. Telling a white person to go to Europe is a way to make parody of anti-immigration racists. They probably dont say that to white people they respect, and there are some they do.

    Its news to me if they are in any way anti-gay, but that would only be in addition to the problem of too many pacifists which is the main reason I choose to back other groups instead.

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