Teen Gets 30-40 *WEEKS* for Vicious Rape of 2-Year-Old

Less than a year for the most heinous crime imaginable. Way to thumb your nose at the “Red State” morality Washington:

WATERVILLE — A 15-year-old East Wenatchee boy has been sentenced to 30 to 40 weeks in state juvenile detention for the Oct. 1, 2007, rape of a 2-year-old East Wenatchee girl.

Brandon Parker pleaded guilty to first-degree child rape and was sentenced April 9 in Douglas County Juvenile Court. Parker was given credit for 42 days served. He also was sentenced to 24 months of community supervision.

What the hell is going on in Washington state? He raped a 2-year-old, he’s going to rape again. A stiffer punishment may have at least given him pause, but a slap on the wrist for what is a demonstration of inhuman evil will only embolden this serial rapist in the making.

h/t Lizard in the Dreamin’ Demon forums.

5 thoughts on “Teen Gets 30-40 *WEEKS* for Vicious Rape of 2-Year-Old

  1. I have baby sat half the kids in my town. I was his age to. Having little moral authority in my life, I never ever even conceived of such madness! Who is responsible for the up bringing of this kid. I cant stand cruelty to babies! He should be tried as an adult! WOW I should have read more of your articles but i didnt and made some rash comments. Forgive my impetuousness.

  2. I know this article is old, but I live in the town where this happened, and recently there has been been a 3rd degree rape of a child and just a few days ago the murder of a 17 year old girl. I thought I lived in a nice little town, but I’m growing more and more scared to live here. I agree that he should have been tried as an adult, he was plenty old enough to know what he was doing, and that poor 2 year old was a helpless victim.

  3. You people disgust me a person makes a horrible judgement call and you condemn them for the rest of their lives?? who are you to even speak of what should and should not happen its ignorant people like you that make this world the messed up society we live in learn how to see past old news and see what a person for who they really are not what media says i can guarantee that there is stuff you all have done that you don’t want any one to know about its the people who don’t get caught you should worry about not the ones who do and are committed to being different. So how about this get a real job and stop hiding behind the internet to say things that you would never say in person because you are to scared to do otherwise.

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