Sympathetic Portrayal of D.C. Sniper’s Jihad Brings Victim to Tears

CNN continues to aid and abet the John Allen Mohamed by airing a video appeal by the Beltway Jihadi to his degenerate supporters. After whitewashing the beltway sniper story since the beginning and continuing to do so to this day you’d think CNN would be satisfied that they did enough to help this mass murdering Jihadist off with a lighter sentence than he deserves, but now they’re actually helping with his defense by airing his plea!


One of Mohammed’s victims, Kellie Adams, has posted a video of her thoughts on CNN’s perfidy:


CNN has a history of supporting terrorism and enabling the Jihad. To them the victims of these insurgents who struck right in the heart of America are beneath notice. Their pain and torment inconsequential in pursuing their political agenda, facilitating the alliance of the radical Marxists and Islamic Imperialists.

CNN should be boycotted until they stop supporting Jihadism.

h/t Stop the A.C.L.U.