The recent anti-war rally, tinged as it was with boomer angst and late life crisis posturing, was except for a notable example, largely uneventful and unimpressive. A sad collection of aging “radicals” whose generous early retirement packages give them the free time to attempt to recapture their youth by pretending to support Marxism, propped up by the children of the nouveau riche for whom violent revolution, due to their sheltered upbringing, is not at all a frightening prospect but a game with which they can alleviate their boredom.
No, the Communist front groups, the “stars” like Jane Fonda in the twilight of their careers (trying desperately to generate the kind of press Paris Hilton can without so much as leaving the comfort of her bong) and part time college students living on their parents’ dime didn’t converge and become a powerful force for “peace” as many of the planners envisioned. Instead they became an interesting spectacle, the new Cinema of Transgression with Sean Penn as Nick Zedd and Susan Sarandon as Rev. Jen.
The difference being that no self respecting pretentious person would argue that “anti-war” Penn and Sarandon were breaking new ground, challenging taboos or at all interesting to watch.
For we on the right, the protest allowed us to strip away one of the anti-war movement’s best defenses, namely that they are speaking for the troops that they care so much for, more then we evil Republicans ever will. Although it isn’t 100% accurate to say we stripped it from them as much as they stripped it from themselves by attacking a disabled Iraqi veteran who attended a counter protest.
Yes, between “laying siege” to the Capitol building (according to the very proud posters of DC Indymedia) these brave souls who took to the streets to bring our boys and girls home passed the time by spitting at, threatening and verbally abusing a disabled veteran.
All this while John Conyers and Dennis Kucinich stood idly by, whipping the spoiled mob of suburbanites into a frenzy of pseudo revolutionary fury. Oh, Kucinich also revealed his “truther” cards, much to the delight of the crowd.
Tackling Tyranny has video of the protest here and here so that you can see their desire for peace first hand. The point, however, is that I for one have had just about enough of being accused of not supporting our troops because I didn’t want to bring them home now. Thanks to the D.C. protest, I can now say what the anti-Marxists before me did when confronted with this red herring argument.
At least I don’t spit on them.