Salafi Jihadist Gloats Over Virginia Tech Massacre!

Abu Irsaad, human garbage who deserves nothing but contempt, wrote an essay for this pro-Jihadist propaganda blog where he explains why no Muslim should feel sorry for the victims of the worst tragedy in the history of American college campuses. Here’s a taste:

“So do not grieve over what happened to the Americans on September 11th, nor grieve over what happened to them with Katrina. These disbelievers deserve for their nation to be lifted up in the air, turned upside down, and smashed down into the face of the earth – the way it was done to the evil nation of Prophet Loot (‘alayhis salaam). And that was a nation of homosexuals; what to say about a nation that has more homosexuals than them and commit more crimes and sins than them?! If the people of Loot, after their punishment, came to know of the American nation, they would be rolling in their graves! So let the Americans destroy their own selves while we enjoy the destruction of an evil empire.

For those Muslims in America that are in love with the American way of life and don’t see any conflict with that and Islam, then we say to them what the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhee wassallam) said,”

Nice. Allah is truly compassionate, merciful and full of wisdom I see. The same site also praised the barbaric bombing of the Iraqi parliament, and links to this blood libel on another site claiming that Israel experiments on Palestinians. It’s as vile as any blood libel, but now they’ve just stopped trying to make it look real at all:

“In a country famous for conducting illegal medical experiments on its own citizens, it is perhaps not surprising to find that Palestinian political prisoners are being used as subjects for illegal medical experiments. There is no direct proof of this – nor would there be, unless an Israeli doctor confesses, as the experiments are done without the knowledge or consent of the prisoners – but the allegation is based on the combination of a marked decrease in the health of the prisoners coupled with an admission that there was an annual increase of 15 percent in the number of permits given to the Israeli ministry of health to conduct experiments on Palestinian prisoners. This is just one of a long monthly list of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity….”

Can we call the Salafists savages now?

h/t Jawa Report

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