Ron Paul Supporter Threatens to Kill Government Officials!

According to her MySpace profile she’s 23 year old Diana, supporter of Ron Paul, practicing nurse and bitter enemy of the New World Order. She also has an interesting personal history:

I was born in Transylvania and moved here with my family when I was a teenager. My town was 5-7 miles away from the Carpathian mountains. It was and still is a beautiful place. We used to hike and walk through those forests every summer. I hope to be able to go visit there again, if all hell doesn’t break loose here. 🙂

I say interesting because there is no country called Transylvania and there hasn’t been since 1918 at least. There is a Province in Romania that is the historical Transylvania, but a 23 year old wouldn’t have been born in “Transylvania.” But the real issue is a comment she left on the now thrice mentioned here Houston 9-11 Truth, on a post about the supposed “assault” on the Ed Brown encampment:

People will take a stand when they have had enough… apparently, this isn’t enough for them yet. Unfortunately, when the storm troopers come banging at your door it will be too late to take a stand.
If Ed & Elaine die, the militia has vowed to kill everybody responsible. That means a lot of people won’t be going home some night soon.

Uh, crazy much? Who are the militia and how are they going to determine who’s responsible? Is the entire government responsible, or just the officers on scene. What about the judge who ruled against Brown? What about people like myself who won’t support him?

Of course, no one should worry since this mythical “militia” is likely from the same Transylvania Diana hails from. That is to say the one in her head.

But what is disturbing about this is twofold. Firstly is that the conspiracy movements in this country are reaching a boiling point, they’ve been agitating around the Internet for years and now its adherents are no longer content to buy books and listen to Alex Jones. They want action, and if you accept a world view like this violent action would seem to be the only option.

It has in fact happened already in the case of Richard McCaslin. From Alex Jones Exposed:

Back in 2002, McCaslin decided it was his divine and patriotic duty to launch an armed invasion of the Bohemian Grove, where he expected to find ‘pagans’ indulging in Satanic ritual abuse of children. Of course, in reality, he found nothing of the sort, and luckily he was captured without him firing a shot, but the fact that he was there at all can be pinned squarely on Alex Jones, who more than anyone else has pushed the lunatic theories about ‘dark’ happenings in the Grove, and who was directly cited by McCaslin as his inspiration. The fact that there have (s0 far) been no other McCaslins is hopefully a sign that, whatever they may say, even the conspiracy nuts don’t really believe all the bullshit they’re fed, but it is surely only a matter of time before another Jones fan goes off the deep end and decides to take the law into his own hands. Let’s not forget the past examples of such lunacy – Gordon Kahl, The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, and the Weaver family being just a handful of examples of violent ‘patriots’ who were living in fear of a ‘New World Order’. (On a related note, without a doubt, the tragic events at Ruby Ridge involving the Weaver family were a disgrace, but it is interesting to see how Jones is more than happy to feature Randy Weaver on his radio show, as recently as this year, despite him being an unrepentant anti-Semite, ‘Christian Identity’ cultist and Aryan Nations supporter).

McCaslin didn’t kill anyone only by chance, as he was fully prepared to cause as much mayhem and death as possible. From The Press Democrat (reprinted on Conspiracy Archive):

On Saturday night, McCaslin went to the grove armed with a semiautomatic rifle/shotgun hybrid, a .45-caliber handgun, a crossbow, a 2-foot-long sword, a knife and a hand-made bomb launcher. Wearing a skeleton mask and carrying several of the weapons, he sneaked past guard houses into the grove near the Russian River.


After his arrest, he told detectives that he had come to the Bohemian Grove to kill child molesters and those performing human sacrifices.

“He planned on killing people,” Sonoma County Sheriff’s Sgt. Steve Brown said. “He planned on confronting people doing these weird things.”

His fears of the alleged events were based on a videotape put out a few years ago by radio host Alex Jones, who claims on his Web site that “bizarre, Luciferian ceremonies” occur there.

Is Diana from MySpace as dangerous as McCasil? We won’t know until it’s too late, but if she is the people who, for commercial reasons no doubt, have been peddling her this conspiracy garbage for years will be partly responsible.

The second problem I have is this is probably the tenth or eleventh time I’ve written a post about either a conspiracy theorist or neo-Nazi or some other dreg that proudly supports Ron Paul. What gives? I wasn’t even looking for a Paul angle in this piece, but I couldn’t ignore it because Ron Paul is all over her MySpace page. What is it about him that attracts these people, and why isn’t he doing something to keep his followers from making these kinds of threats? Even DailyKos will ban you id you start talking about killing government officials, will the Paul campaign?

Maybe if he spent less time on Alex Jones, and more time explaining to the people that support him that being a libertarian doesn’t mean holing up in a compound waiting to shoot it out with “the Illuminati” Paul would be a serious contender for President. But it would take someone sane to figure that out, and Paul’s surrounded himself with the very worst of the fringe.

21 thoughts on “Ron Paul Supporter Threatens to Kill Government Officials!

  1. Pingback: University Update - Ron Paul - Ron Paul Supporter Threatens to Kill Government Officials!

  2. Dear Rob,

    You wrote:

    “What about the judge who ruled against Brown? What about people like myself who won’t support him?”

    Could you please clarify who you mean by “him”?

    If you mean Ed Brown, please explain why you would support Ron Paul who does want to end the IRS, but you would not support Ed Brown who put his life on the line to do just that?

    From a purely objective perspective, Ed Brown is investing even more in this effort than Ron Paul, so why not support him?

    John Knight

  3. I don’t support Ron Paul either, but Ron Paul isn’t a grifter who used already discredited tax dodges as a rally cry to get emotionally disturbed nee do wells to attempt to murder civil servants who are just doing their job. At least Paul is trying to change the tax structure LEGALLY and as importantly without killing people.

    Ed Brown and his supporters have refused debate, lie and do nothing but soak up that same tax payer money they complain so much about having to pay. I’ m an old fashioned Reaganite myself, limited government but a strong military. I support lower taxes, but I still want taxes to go to better tanks, fixing bridges and even helping widows and orphans.

    Why don’t you?

  4. Ron Paul points out that for three quarters of its life, our government managed to function perfectly well, including all the government “services” you mention above, WITHOUT the IRS. He also points out that the U.S. Constitution does not give authority for the IRS, nor an income tax. There’s a huge difference between “helping widows and orphans”, and establishing a black welfare class which now costs us more than one TRILLION dollars each year in social transfer payments, which could not happen if the IRS were to be righteously outlawed–and created a criminal class which is a far greater threat to the average citizen than 1.2 billion Muslims of the world, combined.

  5. Actually most people on welfare or who receive entitlements are in fact White. 75% of African Americans are middle class. And if you think Black folk are more threatening than radical Islam (a position no doubt that Paul himself agrees with) then you’re either a Muslim, an apologist for Muslims, or a White nationalist. In any case, you’re delusional.

    Did Black folk fly airplanes into the Twin Towers? Do they detonate I.E.D’s in our cities? Have they declared a Jihad on the Dali Lama and called for the Pope to be murdered?

    Islam is a religio-political philosophy and the modern strains, Wahhabism, Salafism and the like, have the destruction of Western Civilization as their main goal. Are you really saying that all Black folk feel the same way? That being Black is an ideology? That when you see that almost every warzone in the world today at leat one of the combatants are Muslims (when they aren’t communists) you still think that the Black kid working a t Starbucks is more likely to kill you than a Jihadi?

    Outrageous! Thanks though for giving me one more example of the dregs that Ron Paul allows to coalesce in the “libertarian” fever swamp that is his fringe based Larouchian political cult.

  6. I’m not a Muslim sympathizer, but I know that the 1.2 billion Muslims of the world, even IF they were behind 911 [except most of the world now knows they were actually jews], killed a mere 3,000 Americans [2.5 deaths per million Muslims], then Muslims are FAR less dangerous to our society than the 33 million blacks who MURDERED 600,000 people, JUST in the last 4 decades, JUST in the US [18,182 murders per million blacks].

    This makes EACH “American” black 7,273 TIMES more deadly and threatening than ALL Muslims of the world, not even counting what they’ll accomplish in the 21st Century if their murderous rampage isn’t STOPPED.

    Any way you slice it, jews are even more dangerous to our putative Christian society than Muslims–neither of whom belong here anyway.

    I’ve lived in Muslim nations and even had a Muslim thesis advisor, and never knew a single one who wasn’t a perfect Gentleman. STILL, even though THEY’re Semites and jews claim that they’re NOT Semites, they do NOT belong here, they belong THERE.

    It’s not just absurd, it’s a just a LIE, it’s completely contrary to all reason for you to claim that Ron Paul is an “anti-Semite” for refusing to engage in your HATE campaign against true Semites, the Iranians and Arabs.

  7. Ah. I see. Another White supremacist llapping loveingly at the feet off their co-degenerates the Wahabbi Muslims. It’s clear you’ve been swept off your feet by some Islamists since you don’t seem to care about forced conversions of Christians, Church desecrations, or the rape of Christian girls by Islamists that are happening in almost every country bu this one, including Europe.

    You regurgitate Arab conspiracy theories and the Arab view of Blacks so convincingly I’m tempted to think you’re actually a Arab Muslim using what thinks is a clever western name to vomit forth his Islamist stupidity. Blacks are more likely to be the VICTIMS of crime in America than the perpetraters. In fact pedophillia, Serial murdering, spree killings and incest are all considered “white” crimes for profiling purposes.

    And you’ve proved my point, only jew-hating conspiracy mongers support Paul, an anti-American crank, so we normal people who love this country shouldn’t. Thanks for providing me with more evidence of my thesis.

  8. Since we demand the removal of all Muslims from this country [along with all jews], it’s absurd for you to claim that we’ve “been swept off your feet by some Islamists since you don’t seem to care about forced conversions of Christians”. We don’t like either race or religion [Muslims or jews].

    It’s completely idiotic for you to claim “Blacks are more likely to be the VICTIMS of crime in America than the perpetraters”, when it’s BLACKS who commit 85-90% of the MURDERS in this country, and the small 1% of the populaton who are black male youths between the age of 14 to 24 who commit more than HALF those murders. Compared to THAT, even IF Muslims were behind 911 [which the vast majority of the world does NOT believe], as pointed out above, it’s a certified FACT that EACH “American” black already on our shores is 7,273 TIMES more dangerous than EACH Muslim thousands of miles away.

    Since 85% of the people in some polls support Ron Paul, you must believe that 85% of the population are “jew-hating conspiracy mongers”, making you 15% an extremist, unpopular, radical [and irrelevant] MINORITY whose extremist views belong in Africa, not “Israel”, and certainly not in this putative Christian nation:

  9. If it’s a certified fact, link to the study that proves Blacks commit 90% of the murders. Most crimes commit crimes do so agianst other Blacks, but that’s not the point, the point is you’re making up facts, and excusing Islamism. You’re not a Christian and your sites a scheme to make Christians look more intolerant that Muslims.

    Just say that Islam’s a false religion that consigns it’s adherents to Hell (basic Christian theology) and I’ll beleive you’re a Christian. But you won’t and I don’t buy it.

    Name the poll where Ron Paul got 85% of the vote.

    Name the study where it proves Balcks are 7, 273 times more deadly?

    Name three Black serial killers?

    And I’m pretty sure you don’t know what putative means. It means supposedly, so though your site claims this is a Christian nation, you keep calling it supposedly Christian. One or the other, which is it?

    And a Christian named Knight who frets over Jews killing Muslims? c’mon.

  10. Take your HATE to some other country, because Christians in this PUTATIVE Christian nation are fed up to the hilt with jews SCREAMING that we’re not “Christians” if we don’t buy your jew bs about KILLING Muslims:

    On the above poll, NINETY ONE PERCENT [that’s 91% for you marines] AGREE with exiling the blacks to Africa, and many of them included jews as part and parcel of that group.

    It’s FBI statistics which show the murder rate of blacks. If you have trouble finding those links, which are all included in the following url, then just ask, and we’ll hold your hand as we walk you through it:

    Many of the polls, and the LINKS to others, referring to Ron Paul, are on the following url:

  11. All crap. You don’t have an F.B.I statistic on your site, and there certainly isn’t one that describes Blacks as more dangerous than Muslims. Plus it’s the F.B.I. that documents clearly that the majority of Black violence is aimed at, get ready, other Blacks. Sorry Mohammed bin Knight your bullshiting.

    91% of the White supremacists and radical Muslims that come to your site hate Blacks. Odd. you’d think you’d be able to pull 100%, but why don’t you tell the Red Alerts audience how many people that 91% add up to? Under 100, under 50? Hmmm

    I notice that you still won’t state clearly your faith, even though you’re all riled up about being called a Christian. So if you’re a Christian, is Islam true or false? As a Christian you should be able to answer that, so let’s hear it.

    Or can you not profess your Christian faith, because to do so would diplease Allah.

    Also, you’re the one typing in all caps (screaming) and rambling on about Jews and Blacks and how they suck. Aren’t you the one who has a heart full of hate?

    Nice work tanking Ron Paul though, just another example of the caliber of Paul supporters for one more post for me to write showing clearly that Paul’s a P.O.S. who should be purged from the G.O.P.

    Why didn’t you post this on friday evening by the by.

  12. Why do you keep LYING that these are not FBI stats? This is EXACTLY what they are. We don’t do our own crime research–the FBI does it for us, and they STATE PLAINLY that (Edited-Racist slur) have murdered SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans, JUST in the U.S., JUST in the last four decades. Here are the links and the data, one more time [and while we’re at it, also note that only 27% of Americans do NOT *know* Bush was behind 911, which means JEWS, not Muslims, killed 3,000 Americans in the WTC]: (Actually the link states 37% of a sample of 1100 people think there was a conspiracy with 16% claiming explosives destroyed the WTC and 13% saying missles. The ohter 10-11% of conspiracists beleive the government failed to act for political purposes, “John Knight” misread the data) (dead link)
    Bureau of Justice Statistics
    Homicide trends in the United States

    Racial composition of offender and victim for homicide

    Percent of all homicides
    White on Black on Other on White on Black on Other on White on Black on Other on
    Year White White White Black Black Black Other Other Other
    1976 43.5% 6.0% 0.3% 2.0% 47.5% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
    1977 44.6% 5.9% 0.4% 2.4% 45.8% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5%
    1978 46.3% 6.1% 0.3% 1.8% 44.8% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3%
    1979 46.0% 6.8% 0.4% 2.5% 43.7% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
    1980 46.8% 6.4% 0.3% 2.2% 43.6% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
    1981 46.8% 6.8% 0.2% 2.5% 43.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
    1982 48.1% 6.4% 0.3% 2.5% 41.7% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5%
    1983 48.7% 6.3% 0.3% 2.3% 41.6% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5%
    1984 50.3% 6.2% 0.3% 2.6% 39.8% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5%
    1985 49.7% 6.7% 0.3% 2.7% 39.8% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.5%
    1986 47.1% 6.5% 0.4% 2.6% 42.6% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.6%
    1987 47.3% 6.3% 0.4% 2.9% 42.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.5%
    1988 44.9% 6.6% 0.4% 2.7% 44.5% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.4%
    1989 43.9% 7.0% 0.3% 3.1% 44.8% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.5%
    1990 44.1% 6.9% 0.3% 3.2% 44.8% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.4%
    1991 41.5% 7.7% 0.3% 3.4% 46.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.4%
    1992 41.7% 8.5% 0.3% 2.7% 46.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
    1993 41.1% 8.9% 0.3% 2.7% 46.2% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
    1994 41.1% 8.6% 0.4% 3.1% 46.1% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.3%
    1995 43.8% 8.0% 0.4% 3.3% 43.6% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5%
    1996 43.8% 8.4% 0.4% 3.3% 43.4% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.3%
    1997 43.4% 8.4% 0.3% 2.9% 44.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.6%
    1998 46.4% 7.5% 0.3% 3.2% 41.6% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5%

    (The above was edited by me to exclude the slurs and to clear up the misrepresentations. The above statistics are from the the DOJ. They are from a 20 year period and show that most homicides in this country are intra racial as opposed to Knights theory of a White genocide committed by Blacks.)

    The N word will not be published on Red Alerts.

  13. Come back when you’re ready to use adult language, and you’ve proven you’re not a Muslim shill by professing your faith the way Christians have since their beginings.

    Why are you changing the subject here? Are you a Christian or a Muslim?

  14. And what’s with the dead links?

    Also you’re thesis was that Blacks were committing genocide against Whites, but the statistics you provide prove that Blacks overwhelmingly target other Blacks for crime, just as other ethnicities do. Unlike Muslims who target all groups.

    So, Islam is false right? As a christian that’s what you beleive, so let’s hear it.

  15. >>

    No, you read the wrong poll.

    The one at which is undoubtedly more accurate and comprehensive than the one you quoted, shows the following:

    Yes. The government has left many questions unanswered about that day = 67%

    No. These theories are absurd and disrespectful — especially to those who lost their lives on 9/11 = 28%

    I’m not sure = 5.4%

    iow, only 28% of Americans, if this poll is representative, are too stupid to look at the bald faced evidence that the jews, not Muslims, were behind 911.

  16. So you’re a Muslim huh? The Christian Party is a sort Islamist comintern operation? That makes sense.

    By the way, internet polls, not known for being, you know accurate. Maybe you should read up on the percentage of Americans who surf the net regularly, and of them how many fill out CNN polls.

    And if that was the wrong poll why’d you insert the link to it?

  17. So you’re a Muslim pretending to be “john knight” to spread anti-semitc propaganda right?

    And why do you think that polls and message boards and gay forums are in someway reliable indicators of what people think? Isn’t it a self selecting group of people who show up tothese discussions?

    Take those same people and see how many had jobs and the number would be less than one in twenty. Because the forum is infested with people like yourself, shiftless, lazy latents who need to blame others fro their short comings.

    Now either say here and now that as a Christian you beleive Islam is false or be banned. Your choice, but if you won’t come clean about who you are, why should I let you vomit forth your paranoia and effeminancy here?

  18. Muslims have NO right to be in MY country.

    But jews have even LESS of a right to be here.

    I’ve known lots of Muslims, lived in a Muslim country for 13 months, and never met a Muslim who wasn’t a perfect Gentleman. Conversely, I’ve known lots of jews, and every one was a perfect JERK.

  19. Right. So as a supposed Christian you defend Muslims even though in every Muslim countr they’re are forced conversions of your brethern on the way. I call Bullshit.

    I’ve met hundreds of Muslims and never met one who WAS a gentleman. I’ve met ones who were in the process of propositioning me and my friends in restrooms when I was 14-18. I’ve met ones who leered at my old lady, who were happy htat 9/11 happened and who hated women. You must have a different definition of a gentleman than the rest of us. A Islamic definition no doubt.

    The Koran is not only false, but it turns almost all it’s adherents to effeminate barbarians who want to spend all their time with young boys because their unholy book makes them frightened of what’s between a woman’s legs. As a Christian, what do you think of that?

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