Rick Moran Takes on the Paulbots with Predictable Results

Rick Moran penned the longest and most thoughtful (and most forgiving frankly) piece questioning Ron Paul’s association with political fringe movements and their tactics which clearly reflect poorly on the man himself. As you would expect, it did not go over well with Paul supporters.

After listing the various transgressions of the wild eyed Paulbots, (so named because they are literally the human equivalent of spam, just mention Paul negatively and you’ll receive hundreds of death threats via e-mail and testy comments on your blog and pitiful is the fool who attempts to run a poll featuring Ron Paul on their site) Moran ends with this statement, which is a gift to Paul allowing him to begin weaseling out of his marriage to the dregs of the Internet:

Is Paul pandering to the conspiracy nuts in America, knowing their enthusiastic support for him will assist his campaign? Or is he unaware that by appealing to the basest emotions brought to the surface by his dark hints involving dark forces carrying out a campaign to take away our freedoms, he is giving the paranoid, the fearful, and the ignorant haters a standard to rally around?

He is a foolish man if he believes he can control these forces. In the end, they can only destroy him.

I would say it’s rather kind of Moran to allow, as he does through out his piece, Paul the opportunity to be perceived as a innocent if absent minded victim of his own rhetorical excesses. The idea that Paul would be shocked and disheartened by the knowledge that his radical libertarian bunk is recycled by unsavory types into conspiracist or White supremacist bunk paints a portrait of a well intentioned but bumbling man who is out of touch. The facts say this isn’t the case.

But as even handed as Moran tried to be, comments on his blog Rightwing Nuthouse show the futility of convincing Paul or his supporters that this is no way to run a campaign. Here’s some of my favorites:

Paul Said:
7:30 am

Obviously you crave attention. Neo-con.

This after Moran said several times in his piece that Neo-con is a code word for “Jews who run the world”. This next one by “fluffy” attacks Moran for trusting a professional pollster’s results over Internet polls. I wonder why Paul supporters want people to trust Internet polls which are easily rigged by their nature over professional polls? Hmmm:

Your entire piece can be dismissed out of hand based on your comment about Frank Luntz [please learn how to spell his name] alone.

You can’t do a focus group by “accepted scientific methods”. It’s a dog and pony show by definition. With a group that small, the selection process for the participants defines the outcome. Frank Luntz, a prominent Giuliani supporter who is quoted in this week’s Time as wanting to drive Paul supporters out of the Republican party before they spread like “crabgrass”, got to hand-pick the people who made up the focus group, and picked a collection of self-admitted Freerepublic.com members.

It would be helpful if you knew what you were talking about.

Then there’s this pearl of wisdom from supposedly libertarian moonbat Leland Faegre:

Leland Thomas Faegre Said:
9:21 am


noun, plural -cies.

1. the act of conspiring.

2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.

Uh. Thanks, Leland. I guess we who don’t buy into the N.W.O. drivel were just too dumb to realize that the literal definition of conspiracy was evidence of the veracity of conspiracy theories. Speaking of conspiracies:

Lance Said:
9:25 am

“The focus group was chosen by pollster Frank Lunz and done according to accepted scientific methods. Tell that to the Paulbots and they’ll talk about a conspiracy to deny their candidate his debate “victory:””

Now that’s seriously funny. This guy is very well known for skewing poll results and his methods are anything but scientific. I find it ironic that you accuse RP supporters of stacking polls (without evidence) and then claim Lunz’s “polls” to be legitimate.But of course as you said this is a conspiracy and the majority of us are nut jobs to believe as such lol.

As for the spam attacks supposedly floating around the net. The only people who stand to gain from such actions are those against Ron Paul. Personally I’d like to see logs, ip addresses, time frames etc. This “proof” is shaky at best.But of course yes this is just another conspiracy.

Oh dear. I guess lance caught us. Flawless logic to be sure. Hey, does anyone who supports Ron Paul know what the term irony means?

LibertysLegacy Said:
10:12 am

You’re right,

Consider this another “drive by” as the only reason I paused to read your hit piece was because you mentioned Ron Paul. And you’re also correct that I won’t be returning to this site for any other disinformation because I’m already well aware of Bill O’Reilly’s narrow and reactionary world views.

I do love the irony of the giant conspiracy you’re attempting to construct however.

Good Luck

Apparently not. But then again, what can you expect from dregs.