Randy Weaver: Government Hating “Patriot” Shows Up to Support Ed Brown

And worse, using his dead wife as a prop to to push his Alex Jones style politics. No surprise it is degenerate White supremacists who are trafficking in this conspiracy porn. Weaver doesn’t seem to differentiate between Janet Reno’s out of control A.T.F. and justice department and the I.R.S. seizing the property of a couple of tax cheating con artists. He also tells the outrageous lie that any government agents shot in Ruby Ridge were killed by friendly fire.

That the Clinton era Justice department was turned loose on innocent, albeit potentially dangerous, Americans while Islamic fascists plotted the worst terror attack in history is just more proof that a Democrat in the White House would be devastating to this country. Janet Reno should have been tried and treated the way Dems are treating Gonzales now. That’s a given, but Randy Weaver isn’t innocent in his family’s deaths. Randy Weaver could have, and should have, gotten a lawyer and turned himself in.

Better yet, maybe he shouldn’t have thought better of selling shotguns at Aryan Nation rallies, allegedly sawed off, but even if they weren’t, selling shotguns to bikers at a Nazi rally doesn’t seem like something a good family man should be doing.

You’ll also notice his take on Bush is suspiciously similar to Cindy Sheehan and the nutroots. More evidence of a Leftist/White Nationalist alliance. Here are the videos:



In the second video it’s ironic that he quotes the Black Panthers with that “die on my feet” reference. And what’s this about the government making people commit suicide? The guy uploading the videos on YouTube does so under the name “9-11 Matrixx” which should explain the level of paranoia.

Oddly, he goes on to say that “religion was invented to control the masses,” a key Marxist theory of civilization. Funny how so many people on the “far right” quote communist propaganda so often. It’s almost as if they aren’t on the right at all….
Even Ron Paul has backpedaled on support for these two miscreants and their attempt to end their lives in a blaze of glory. With Weaver in the mix, no doubt attracting his old Aryan Nations running buddies, the hope of resolving this peacefully is almost gone.

One site, run by a Ron Paul supporter, is reporting shots fired at the Browns’ camp. Of course there have been sporadic and false reports by attention-seeking Brown supporters for weeks, and as of yet nothing has happened. And as long a there’s a Republican run justice department I doubt anything will, thankfully.

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