N.Y. Governor Spitzer Had Records Destroyed in Attempted Cover-Up!


Democratic governor Elliot Spitzer won the election running on a law and order platform. Like most Democrats he’s proved himself to be a hypocrite. From the NY Post:

December 24, 2007 — ALBANY – Computers in Gov. Spitzer’s office were intentionally “purged and scrubbed” of potentially crucial records involving the Dirty Tricks Scandal – while others have simply disappeared, investigators have been told.

The blockbuster charges – which could involve the illegal destruction of public records – have been made by at least four current and former state computer experts, including some who worked directly in Spitzer’s office, The Post has been told.

The allegations, recently outlined to investigators from the Senate Investigations Committee, could explain Spitzer’s repeated refusal to allow committee probers, as well as those from the state Public Integrity Commission and the Albany County District Attorney’s Office, to examine computer hard drives, BlackBerrys and other e-mail communications devices used by Spitzer and his staff, investigators say.

The charges, it was learned, are expected to trigger a new round of public hearings by the Senate Investigations Committee in mid-January, focusing on how electronic data are collected, retained and destroyed in the governor’s office.

“We’ve been told that whole hard drives were purged and scrubbed and that key files that were once there dealing with the scandal are gone,” said a source close to the Senate probe.

“We believe this explains why Spitzer is fighting so hard to resist the Senate subpoena for the computers and the computer records because the evidence may show they’ve purged the governor’s computers to get rid of whatever was there,” the source continued.

The Dirty Tricks Scandal has been covered well by other sites so background is available elsewhere, but the important part of the story isn’t whether or not Spitzer played dirty politics in a corrupt system, but that Spitzer erased emails to avoid scrutiny and Democrats and Liberals are silent.

Imagine if Bush was accused of this same thing. Oh wait, you don’t have to imagine it, lefties falsely accused the White House of the same thing and went ballistic. It’s almost like there’s a double standard for behavior based on party in the minds of liberals…