Nu-Metal Poseurs Rant Against America And Their Pitiful T-Shirt Sales

Angered that Black Sabbath stills sells more albums, t-shirts and black light posters than them, Rap-“metal” poseurs Rage Against the Machine decided to stir up controversy by telling a crowd of rich White kids to overthrow the capitalist system that enables an untalented collection of human garbage like themselves to pay for their mansions and cocaine.

Michelle Malkin found video of the surreal performance, where the children of capitalists applauded as front man Zack de la White guy pretending to be a minority called for President Bush to be shot, and the American system dismantled “generation after generation after generation after generation….” In other words, after Zack and company have died and their children have lived the high life. After all, you don’t expect a rock star to live in a communist country where they can’t buy cars, drugs women and t-shirts with pithy comments like “commie” on them, do you?

Rage has been on the run since the late 1980’s when Manowar issued their famous Death to False Metal fatwa. Rage Against the Machine has survived over the years by lurking about liberal arts colleges, ANSWER rallies and any other place self-respecting metal heads avoid.

When asked for comment, Gene Simmons of Kiss was quoted as saying “Who?”