Never Trust a Stoner (Especially with Your Kittens)

People always say pot smokers are harmless mellow creatures who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Torturing kittens, however is apparently an acceptable pass time for the brethren of the smoke. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website:

When Mark Samson returned from a business trip and discovered one of his kittens missing, he didn’t give it much thought. The cat often wandered off, Samson said, trailing after passing strangers who paused to pet it.

Then two weeks went by without Samson’s family seeing so much as a whisker. On Wednesday, they learned what had become of their beloved pet.

A sheriff’s deputy said that their kitten’s mutilated remains had been found on a neighbor’s property along with those of another cat. Then it got worse.

Investigators say Tye Hilmo, 21, of Dacula trapped neighborhood kittens, hurt them and gave them to his pit bull to kill.

“That cat was special,” Samson said. … [My wife] raised it, fed it, got its shots.”

Sheriff’s deputies charged Hilmo with aggravated animal cruelty, a felony that carries a penalty of one to five years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000. He’s been in the Gwinnett County Jail, with no bond allowed, since deputies searched his home Sept. 10. They found two pounds of marijuana, several firearms — and two cat carcasses in the yard, said Stacey Bourbonnais, Gwinnett County sheriff’s spokeswoman.

Hilmo’s cellphone contained an image of a dog chewing a kitten above a caption that reads, “Good dog,” Bourbonnais said.

“It’s indescribable and sick that people would do this … to and with animals,” she said.

Two pounds of weed didn’t do much to get him in a peace, love and grove mood. It’s almost as if pot smoking does indeed have negative consequences for society, like deadening the soul of some guy who no doubt would have moved on to people eventually, when maiming defenseless kittens before feeding them alive and screaming to his vicious dog didn’t excite him enough.

If you live in Dacula, GA stay away from this guy, he’s about five years away from being found with a dead hooker in his trunk. Here’s a mug shot of the Georgia’s future John Wayne Gacy:


Fox News is also reporting on this. Let’s hope his dogs are put to sleep and he gets put in a hospital by judges decree.

Or a mob’s.

2 thoughts on “Never Trust a Stoner (Especially with Your Kittens)

  1. “People always say pot smokers are harmless mellow creatures who wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

    I am not sure who says that. Are you implying the guy tortured kittens because he was a pot smoker?

  2. Yeah. I’m saying stoners screw up their brain chemistry with the drugs they take to repress the painful psychological problems they have. The Manson family were pot smokers, Snoop Dogg’s a pot smoker (and he killed a couple of dudes) and I’ll bet you good money every scumbag you know who you wouldn’t trust with you sister or your pet is a stoner.

    When you meet enough stoners you’ll begin to se that for the most part they’re people who are desperate to escape reality because they suck. If you’ve smoked pot you’ve realized that when your high everything seems kinda funny and you’re normal boundries, you inhibitions, disappear. If you’ve stopped smoking (or drinking or shooting up) you’ve seen that that break down of inhibitions doesn’t go away after a few hours, that a chronic pot smoker will pretty much have the same level of inhibitions straight or high.

    Despite what you’re “cool” teacher/uncle/older friend told you, weed does indeed cause damamge to young peoples brains and can lead to psychosis. See all the people who told you pot was harmless do so because they’re trying to get you high so they can molest and/or roll you.

    But you won’t buy any of that, so it doesn’t matter. But let me ask you this: Do you think that without the use of pot and the money from selling it, this kid would have even thought of feeding kittens to a $3000 dog? That’s how much they cost here in NYC, maybe they’re cheaper in GA but at best pot smokers funded this cretins house of horrors, at worse they laughed stupidly while he told them about it while sharing a splif.

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