‘Netroots Show Their True Colors (Klan White)

Though many people disagree with me, I believe ALL White “Liberals” are racists, and that modern liberalism, distinct from what used to be mainstream Democratic thought, is inherently racist. Modern liberalism, which is little more than a secularized cult of radical Christianity, instills in its adherents a belief in the inferiority of non-Whites evidenced by their inability (in “liberals'” eyes) to succeed in our country without the constant guidance and attention Whites. At the same time this attitude creates a racist view of non-Whites who don’t accept liberal dogma as betraying not just liberalism, but their own race. This is due to the belief common among so-called progressives that minorities in America are better off following the orders of White liberals who know what is in the best interest of those groups, and are more qualified than minorities to set an “empowering” agenda for non-Whites.

In this atmosphere, a Black or Filipina woman who is decidedly conservative becomes a target for the latent hostility the White liberal feels toward the groups he or she “just wants to help” but aren’t sufficiently grateful for their efforts. A minority of any political persuasion who openly disagrees with the modern “progressive” is lucky to be only dismissed, but more often than not finds themselves on the receiving end of hateful racism that would seem more at home at a Klan rally than among the enlightened liberal masses.

I realized all this years ago, in high school and later college when time and again supposedly liberal academics and students would tell me things like “If you reform welfare, Blacks will starve!” or that “Women shouldn’t be held to the same standards as men in math, that wouldn’t be fair.” The school I got my undergraduate degree from wanted to increase Black enrollment in the ’90’s, so right out the box they lowered admission standards. No outreach, no ad campaigns to target Blacks ready for college, just BAM. Of course, the graduation rate among this new group of “scholars” was abysmal, but that didn’t matter, as long as the White administration got their Black quota, everything was fine.

Which brings me to the current crop of attacks by the left side of the blogosphere on Conservative pundit, and fellow Jersey ex-pat, Michelle Malkin whose John Doe Manifesto so offended the ‘netroots with its inherit bigotry that they had to respond … with racism.

The above link is a hateful screed on a typical “liberal” blog that has this to say about Malkin:

If your newspaper carries this hateful bitch – this self-loathing immigrant – contact the editorial board. We got Ann Coulter and Linda Bowles banished from the op-eds in this town – can we get the Star to come to their senses about this idiot child, too?

Emphasis mine. Now I’ve heard that Michelle Malkin was born in Philly and raised in Jersey (I already knew that, we recognize our own) so why is she an “immigrant?” Hmmmm, is the author saying that because her ancestors are from the Philippines that Malkin isn’t an American just like her? If you believe Malkin’s being bigoted (and for the record she’s not) why is it different than any other American being bigoted? Why is she self loathing, because she won’t agree with White liberals on immigration issues?

The answer of course is because this particular White “liberal” is angry that a minority has the temerity to disagree with her. The answer is because, like many of her ilk, this White “liberal” believes she can decide what minorities think and do, and if they don’t serve her ideological whims they’re “self loathing.” Though in point of fact it is the minority that agrees with every rhetorical excess of Whites in an effort to be accepted by the left that are self loathing, too self loathing to stand up for their own beliefs.

All the usual suspects are involved, so if you feel like getting dirty enough, you know where the sewers are. I won’t link to all of them, because unlike some people I’m not willing to get into bed with racists.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; the self righteous cloak of liberalism these people are so proud of always rests on top of well used Klan robes. It only takes one wrong word, or article, for the robes to come out.

6 thoughts on “‘Netroots Show Their True Colors (Klan White)

  1. You are so right. Don’t forget the really extreme racists like Ward Churchill (who, on some level, really does hate himself) who have such contempt for minorites that he thinks he can masquerade as an Indian, or even better, now he also masquerades as a black man when he wants to criticize Indians. Ward pretends that he likes Indians, but what type of psycho masquerades as an Indian and then goes around attacking Indians who don’t agree with him?

    I would love to do a psychological study of people like Ward. Is he delusional or is he just a con man? Maybe, he is both.

  2. Pingback: HuffPo: Portraying Obama with a White Woman is Racist! : Jenn Q. Public

  3. Modern liberalism, which is little more than a secularized cult of radical Christianity, instills in its adherents a belief in the inferiority of non-Whites evidenced by their inability (in “liberals’” eyes) to succeed in our country without the constant guidance and attention Whites

    This is one of the most asinine statements I’ve ever read. Being liberal isn’t about proving whites to be inferior. Being liberal is about accepting people of all backgrounds and skin tones on an equal footing.

    No one is asking whites to feel inferior or guilty. But white people should recognize the past and work hard not to perpetuate it – especially with their children. There’s a big difference between guilt and simply saying- that was the past we won’t tolerate it anymore.

    More white people need to stand up when they see and hear racists things instead of staying silent. When there’s an issue like Professor Gates being arrested, or the kids being denied the pool in Philly, or the black kids being made to sit in the back of the bus in Mississippi, or yet another black man killed by the cops for no reason – white folks need to speak out.

    Then maybe people of color will believe you when you say you’re open to people of color with conservative views.

  4. Can you read? I said liberals accept the inferiority of NON-Whites as your statement proves. You’re advocating for Blacks to be cared for by Whites, that all Whites have a responsibility based on what individual Whites have done to be nice to you for the rest of your life.

    You claim you aren’t “perpetuating” some universal White guilt but you’re assigning guilt for other individual’s actions to people who have no part in the crimes you talk of. This is racism. Standing up for what’s right isn’t a unique responsibility of White people, Whites aren’t the world’s parents and I don’t want them to be mine. This is Liberal Racism at its most basic, seeing Whites as shouldering “the White Man’s burden” to help we poor defenseless Black people.

    What is more racism than assuming a Harvard professor can’t be expected to comport himself as a gentlemen and thus shouldn’t be arrested for something you yourself know you’d be arrested for? Gates supporters like you are infantilizing Blacks by using one douchebag’s well deserved arrest as an example of racism, which also minimizes REAL racism. You know, like the way Whites in LA are allowing Latino gangs to exterminate Blacks?
    And I’d point out that the pool that threw those Black kids out was run by Democrats including a White Obama supporter.

    As a Bi-racial man I have met bigots like you all my life. You know I’m Black but describe me as White because I’m “not Black enough” for you and your racist ilk. The only difference between you and the White Supremacists who sometimes troll here is that they know better than to think I’ll help them promote their pissant site.

    Also, why would you think you could come here, insult me, and then have me leave your link in my comments? Childish, like the rest of your piffle.

    Read a post before you criticize it next time.

  5. You’re advocating for Blacks to be cared for by Whites, that all Whites have a responsibility based on what individual Whites have done to be nice to you for the rest of your life.

    No – I’m saying that blacks are already standing up. White people who know better should stand WITH them. Not FOR them. And not because all people are guilty. But because good people shouldn’t stand to see others humiliated.

    You wrote quite a bit of piffle yourself, yet you can’t seem to get that simply difference.

    It is not bigotry or racism to ask people to speak out against racist or bigoted actions. That’s just common sense.

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