MSNBC Uses Communist to Spread Internet Smear on Rush Limbaugh that was Already Debunked in 2005

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. This is the plan of lefty bloggers and their anonymous followers and has been all along. Most recently libel blogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs (a site itself supported by neo-Nazis) has been sending his followers to sites he doesn’t like to make racist comments then claim the site is racist due to the racism they put on there.

If you thought Charles Johnson was smart enough to have invented this little con game then you haven’t bothered reading Little Green Footballs. Groups like Media Matters and C.P.U.S.A. have used this technique to spread smears about political opponents for as long as they’ve been active on the Internet.

The smear being spread about Limbaugh dates back to 2005 and was widely debunked when it first appeared. Smash Mouth Politics has a timeline of the smear proving it started with a Wikipedia editor whose only contribution to the world’s most unreliable source continues to be a series of offensive quotes attributed to popular conservatives which cannot be verified, because they never happened. Around 2005 some racist quotes began circulating that Limbaugh made in the late 1990s, but as Web denizens pointed out, the comments were so outrageous and Limbaugh was already under such scrutiny that it seemed implausible that no one had criticized Limbaugh publicly before about the comments. Sure enough the comments, and criticism of them, do not exist prior to 2005 and are easily proved to be false.

That didn’t stop leftist hack Jack Huberman from using it in his poorly researched book 101 Poeple Who Are Really Screwing Up America. Of course his book was published well after the smear was debunked.

Now that Wikipedia has put the quote into the “disputed” category MSNBC has had to find other less reliable sources to spread their lies, namely Nation sports writer Dave Zirin, a man who wrote for and more recently wrote a piece for the Columbus Ohio International Socialist Organization where he advocated using the current financial crisis to foment overthrowing America. C.O.I.S.O. links out to Electronic Intifada, a site that promotes the extermination of Jews, and Code Pink, a group which claims America fighting the Nazis in WW II was wrong, incited a racist riot against Cubans in Little Havana and committed treason against America by using their group to fund Castro’s regime.

Dave Zirin is clearly a man not given to decency and good faith. MSNBC put him on unchallenged even though their fact checkers must have surely known A) he was a communist with an ax to grind and connections to racist/anti-American groups and B) the charge he’s making is false. They knew but they didn’t care.

That’s just how leftists operate. The Revolutionary Communist Party USA is trying to inflame tensions in already bloodsoaked Chicago by claiming police are hunting Black kids for sport in a clear attempt to start riots in an already suffering town. False charges designed to inflame the passions of those they consider stupid animals in need of herding (Blacks and other minorities) are how White leftists believe they will start a revolution in this country. Rush Limbaugh is just the latest example of how they have been laying their divisive ground work for years.

2 thoughts on “MSNBC Uses Communist to Spread Internet Smear on Rush Limbaugh that was Already Debunked in 2005

  1. I should also add the Workers’ World Party is engaged in lying over Derrion Albert’s death in blaming the usual suspects such as whites, Capitalists and the police. Instead of blaming Albert’s killers and their enablers.

    Like the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, the Workers’ World Party enjoy spreading disinformation and lies in order to inflame racist views.

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