More anti-Semite conspiracy mongering!

While the MoveOn supporters on the My Way board continue to vomit forth the theory that right wing “operatives” were responsible for any racist comments posted on the Action Forum, W.M.D. has provided conclusive proof in the form of one of the organizations official bulletins that anti-Semitic conspiracy mongering was not just tolerated, but endorsed by the group.

The bulletin, which is nothing more then warmed over Satanic cult/Illuminati/C.I.A. conspiracy theory, uses as a reference an article from Communist propaganda ‘net rag Counterpunch which accuses Jews who feel a fondness for Israel of being incapable of being loyal American citizens. Yes, authors Kathleen and Bill Christison use Adolf Hitler’s “divided loyalties” argument to attack American policy toward Israel.

Jews are easy targets for this sort of hateful rhetoric, and the radical left in this country is not just silent on the growing anti-Antisemitism among their ranks, but are actively encouraging it as a recruitment device aimed at young Muslims who are seen as more willing to “take to the streets” than the angst ridden youth who tend to make up the bulk of their supporters.

The Christisons, who claim to be former C.I.A. Analysts (but what good conspiracy theorist doesn’t?) also wrote this piece, again citing the influence of a shadowy group of Jews with divided loyalties for every policy of the U.S. government they don’t like. That they harbor animosity toward Jews and America is obvious, but like so many leftists they believe denying their prejudice makes it disappear. This article by Mrs. Christison shows the internal struggle of Jew hating Stalinist who thinks racism is beneath her. It starts out almost reasonable, but takes a hard left (no pun intended) in the middle. One could feel sorry for her if the consequences of her support for terrorist organizations weren’t so immediate and dire.

My last post on this subject prompted a good smearing of me by some on the left, including the strange appearance of my post on various message boards like Hung Angels which I suppose was an attempt to disturb me, but anyone who knows me would tell you that I’ve always been a friend to the L.G.B.T. community. I’m more bothered that my article was reprinted in it’s entirety without permission!

I’m looking forward to seeing where this one ends up.

Speaking of divided loyalties, the Chirstisons have some interesting supporters.

2 thoughts on “More anti-Semite conspiracy mongering!

  1. Well, according to’s Action Forum, 9/11 also was a huge conspiracy for which the Bush Administration and/or Joooooooz were responsible.

  2. If they weren’t so vile these sorts of conspiracy theories would be funny. Is there anything Jews weren’t responsible for? Not if you ask the Chritisons I’m sure.

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