Via AllahPundit at Hot Air whose taken time off from beating up of Fred Thompson to attack another possible Republican President. Pre-Fred I was seriously considering being on Team Mitt, but having lived in New England I was always leery of the cooperative spirit that he talks about so much. As a Republican I don’t cooperate with Communists or the people who vote a Communist spy into office year after year.
My uneasiness is validated in this clip, not because he doesn’t “let the truthers have it” as others want, but because he doesn’t seem to know that the NAU/Bilderberg group/evil Neo-cons questions are trutherism. For the record the bit at the end doesn’t prove, as the videographer claims, that Mitt’s a shrinking violet, only that he’s used to dealing with these people calmly and politely. That too may not be a good thing:
The outfit that ambushed Mitt was We Are Change L.A., a collection of spoiled drug addled generation Y’ers who took Bill Maher’s rejection of thrutherism a little too personally.