Memorial Day Lefty Style

via Blackfive


My Left Wing celebrates memorial day in their own special way. Here’s an example of their idea of celebrating the sacrifices of our war dead:


Neo-Nazidoms favorite self loathing homosexual Justin Raimondo gives memorial day some context in todays article:

This Memorial Day, then, while you’re contemplating the 3,500 American dead, the tens of thousands of wounded (many of them horribly), not to mention the 650,000 Iraqi victims of U.S. state terrorism, you might wonder if Bush and his neocon advisors lose any sleep at night over what everyone else has deemed their huge “failure” in Iraq. The answer is: certainly not. They sleep deeply, and with a satisfied smile on their faces, because, as far as they’re concerned, their mission has been accomplished.

Wow. Rhetoric that over the top should have the Canadian (Happy now?)White Nationalist commentator Friedrich Braun swooning. But this time he have yet to post to it to The Civic Platform, maybe Justin got my e-mail after all.

DailyKos does some flag waving of their own, first from the diary of Freiheit:

Our troops are systematically being given orders and rules of engagement that lead ordinary people and good soldiers to commit atrocities and war crimes. We can’t help them if we’re so scared of being called unpatriotic, we help cover up what happens to them every day in Haditha and throughout Iraq.

We saw it at Abu Ghraib. We’ve read about it at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan, where dozens of soldiers beat innocent prisoners to death. And now more is coming out in the Haditha trial.

The horrifying thing to face is that these aren’t “bad apples”. These are ordinary soldiers who are obeying commanders like General Geoffrey Miller, who have repeatedly ordered them to treat Iraqis like animals.

It was confirmed again in a recent poll of soldiers, where many soldiers admitted abusing prisoners and backing torture.

Massacres happen every week, and when they’re reported by local city councils, they’re dismissed as councils infiltrated by insurgents. On extremely rare occasions like one in Haditha, Iraqis manage to bring incontrovertible evidence to Time Magazine before it can be destroyed.

That is why our troops come home (if they do come home) crazy, violent, stressed, sleepless, suicidal, and unable to talk to their families or anyone else about what they’ve done.

Let’s take a moment this Memorial Day to admit that aside from killing and maiming them, the worst crime we’re committing against our soldiers is turning them into torturers and murderers.

Pandagon got lazy on this one. You gal’s call that moonbattery?

Now this is moonbattery.

Can we question their patriotism now?