The so called “anti-War” movement, led by an organization that’s founders openly supported the Soviet Union’s wars of aggression and still seek the abolition of private property rights in America, have begun their campaign to take over the Democratic party in earnest. Liberal Democrats who allied themselves with the neo-Marxists on the war and a variety of social issues, are among the first targets as these neo-Bolsheviks seek to purge the Democratic party and take it over for their own seditious purposes.
Kristin Powers has recently noted the attacks on ultra liberal Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher by the far lefts web commissar Kos, and like many Democrats seemed genuinely surprised by what they see as a betrayal by a petty egomaniac who’s popularity on the Internet has given him delusions of grandeur. They don’t see the more sinister connections of the netroots, and the threat to their party the prepresent.
Hot Air has video of another Liberal Democrat, an anti-war Liberal Democrat, being attacked by “peace” activists who demand she be arrested for war crimes. The videos at the bottom, at around 2:14 you’ll see that one of the activists has a toddler with her. A toddler who’s understandably upset as police ask her to leave, and she keeps a death grip on the kids arm so that police can’t physically remove her from the event without hurting the kid. Disgusting, but a tactic that’s strangely familiar.
Led by the anti-American WWP a new Communist movement used the anti-war movement to gain support, wealth and access and is now using all it has gained to attempt to overthrow the Democratic Party and dominate America in preparation of the revolution that older Communists have been unsuccessfully working toward for decades. All Americans should support the fight to keep the Democratic Party free of this radical anti-Americanism regardless of how we feel about the Democratic platform.