Michelle Malkin wrote a post about the relative hypocrisy of how Bigoted White Trash Don Imus was lambasted for his offensive comments, but that rappers use similar terms to Imus’ now infamous “nappy-headed ho’s” seemingly without consequence. Her point would be a good one if in fact hip-hop was an actual reflection of Black culture and more importantly if rap music was created and sold by Blacks for Blacks.
It is not. The majority of consumers in this country for hip-hop are in fact White. It is White-owned corporations that own the record labels that produce hip-hop. It is predominantly White-owned music channels like MTV that push the ghettoized image of Blacks on America, Black and White, because of their vested interest in portraying Blacks as exotic, dangerous and appealing to White suburbanites with a lot of disposable income.
Not that Michelle Malkin insinuates that this isn’t the case. Her point is an especially valid one, I’m sure, for any young mother worried about what kind of images her children are exposed to. Much of rap music is vile, and I say this while listening to Come to the Sabbath by King Diamond. And for the record, many people told me that my Satanic-themed Black Metal was vile and in many ways it is. So what?
Now the digital Maoists at Digg are finally singing the praises of Malkin (in their own way of course) which Michelle and crew consider some sort of victory. It is vindication for the Hot Air crew to read comments like this in response to an article by their boss.
“I haven’t read her previous blogs..but she’s right here. Blacks need to clean up their big spill before blaming others for creating a spot.”
Yes, of course. Black people should stop playing all that rap music on the radio stations and TV channels they own. And until they do they should just take it from White bigots and keep their mouths shut. Or here’s a thoughtful comment:
“Black people shouldn’t use the word ‘nigga’ either. Either the word and words like it are negative and derogatory or they are not. You don’t get to say “when black people say ‘nigga’, it’s neutral”. All you are doing is creating an environment where people are constantly confused about what can and can’t be said. Let me ask you this, if Imus or some other person in the media was pretending (acting perhaps) that he was a black man, would it still be ok to use the word ‘nigga’ freely?”
Yes, quite a victory to get someone so deep and thoughtful to agree with you. The comments on the Digg post are more of the same, a bunch of White Liberals (and of course you know what Red Alerts stand is on them) using Michelle Malkin to revel in their own base racism. They’re agreeing with Malkin only to have the opportunity to write “nigga” over and over again, or so they can “innocently” ask why they can’t lean out their cars and yell “Nigger!” at some Black family. This isn’t a victory for conservatism, it’s an unfortunate convergence of thought among non-Blacks regarding their desire to tell Blacks what should and should not offend them.
When I was about 7, while in the Blue state of New Jersey, my mother was called a nigger by a passing car of White kids. This was in the late ’70s and I’ll never forget it, and I’ll never accept the argument that some White guy should be able to say “nigger” to me because Black rappers say it to each other. But as a point of fact when a Black guy yells to me from across the street “Yo nigga” it isn’t the same. When someone says “you’re my nigga” it’s not the same. Nothing is the same as a White guy looking at you like you’re less than nothing and saying “you’re a Nigger” or a “nappy-headed Ho” or in my case “Zebra” or “Mulatto.”
This isn’t double standard, this is reality. Sometimes speech is offensive because of the context, not the content. If I were in a period piece set in New York in the ’30s and said “Mic” or “Wop” it wouldn’t be offensive; if I said my neighborhood has too many Mics and Wops in it, it would be.
But of course I’m just a racist against White people. I’m just fighting to oppress the White Americans by being offended by Don Imus according to Michelle’s new base:
“It’s clear that the reason they’ve singled out Imus is along racial lines. The black community tolerates and even encourages this type of language from other blacks yet can’t stand to hear a white person utter “their’ language.
It seems crystal clear that the Sharpten’s and King’s of today are fighting for freedom of speech for blacks only. It point out just how racist and prejudice the black community truly is towards the white people.”
That’s quite a coalition you’ve built there.