John Murtha Being Sued by Haditha Marines

All but one of the marines was cleared of all charges, and the last is awaiting a trial that will likely end with him being declared innocent. Murtha spent months telling people they murdered innocent civilians in cold blood even though he knew they likely didn’t. Note to teen raping pervert Tom Madison, this is an legitimate lawsuit:

PITTSBURGH (AP) – A Marine Corps lance corporal from Pennsylvania has sued U.S. Rep. John Murtha, saying the Democrat lawmaker slandered him by saying he and other marines killed 24 Iraqis in Haditha in “cold blood.”

Justin Sharratt has filed the suit in federal court in Pittsburgh. In the lawsuit, Sharratt claims the comments Murtha made in 2006 about the Haditha killings also violated the Marine’s constitutional rights to due process and presumption of innocence.

Sharratt, who is from Canonsburg, was exonerated after a full investigation and hearing after being charged with three counts of premeditated murder in Military Court in the November 2005 killings. Only one of the seven others charged is awaiting trial; another Marine was acquitted and charges were dropped against the others.

Gateway Pundit has background on the case and links to this video of the man seeking to unseat the disgusting Democrat this November:


Support William Russell in his attempt to unseat the dishonorable Murtha for the sake of all our fighting men and women.

4 thoughts on “John Murtha Being Sued by Haditha Marines

  1. Murtha is a b*tch. Sorry but I call them like I see them. I’m so glad these guys are getting something from that horrid behavior!

  2. We need to get a Company of Discharged Marines togather and KILL some of these Politicans. ASAP A few Judges. Afew Attorneys. Time to clean up the CRAP.

  3. John Murtha,

    Your chickens are coming home to roost. Sue the bum for every last dollar this coelenterate has. A good Marine kills the enemy be they man , woman or child. Has America learned nothing from the past (Or present?)

    If the enemy is 10 years old or 50 years old, they still want you dead. President Bush has the power to pardon these Marines. He didn’t. He flubbed on this. On a side note, America just told Israel “NO” on attacking Iran, it may pose a problem with Iraq. Common sense here? We are more willing to protect the 7th century vermin scum, than the Israelis ? Honestly, I could care less if the sunni and shia wipe each other out, as a matter of fact, foment this war between them. If they are busy killing each other, we’re in the clear for a bit. I find it horrid in the first place that the USA “Tells” Israel what to do. We go around the world blasting jihadists into dirt, and then tell the Jews, NO YOU CAN’T ?

    Israel is the canary in the coalmine. If the USA does the exact same thing to the Jews as we did to the Serbs……

    I for one will kick back and drink a cold beer when the Jews sack an American embassy , I did the exact same thing watching the Serbs sack and American Embassy. If we take the stance of “Let our friends die.”, we get what we deserve. I’m not a Jew, nor an anti-American. I’m pro American enough to understand that some of our policies,

    ARE FOOLISH. Love the site. Always have. Don’t text much, until I feel I have something too add. Take care.

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