The National Shooting Sports Foundation just confirmed with Fox Sports that they have a policy in place that discriminates against advertisers who are in the hunting or shooting sports business. From their blog:
Responding to an NSSF request that FOX Sports Media Group lift a ban on advertisements featuring firearms and ammunition from its coverage of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) events, the network responded with a form letter re-stating its anti-gun / anti-hunting policy, and confessing that its policy extends to all national and cable broadcasts.
NSSF is encouraging all gun owners, sportsmen and firearms enthusiasts to contact FOX today and voice their outrage over this ill-considered corporate policy. FOX’s decision to ban advertisements for lawful products owned by more than 80 million Americans is nothing more than corporate gun control – and it is certainly not “fair and balanced.”
Make sure your voice is heard. Here’s how to contact FOX:
Corporate Headquarters FSN
10201 W. Pico, Bld. 103
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: 310-369-1000
Everyone needs to contact Fox and voice their displeasure with this outrageous, anti-American policy.
h/t Daily Caller