Hanoi Jane: Paris Hilton Deserves Jail


Shameless hypocrisy from Hanoi Jane brought to us via Red Alerts chief guilty pleasure IBBB who caught the seditious communist waxing philosophic on the Hilton case with Larry King:

“I’m glad she’s being sentenced. I’m glad she’s going to do the time. If she were black or poor she would have done it much sooner, maybe the first time she had an offense. “

This from a woman who helped propagandize for the communist N.V.A., turning America against the war and allowing the communists to take over all of Vietnam. This from a woman who has since remained silent as the communists in Vietnam and Laos have waged a genocidal campaign of terror on the indigenous Hmong and Montengard peoples for decades. Campaigns that are well documented and on-going but of little interest to armchair revolutionaries like Jane Fonda.

Jane Fonda has blood on her hands, the ethnic cleansing in southeast Asia by communist regimes is possible only because of her, and the “anti war” movement’s efforts to keep America from influencing the region. Those efforts worked, just as they are working now in the Iraq war, where the results will be the same. But she doesn’t care.

And that’s where the hypocrisy comes in, because Fonda’s ultimate point is that Hilton doesn’t care about the law, morality (drunk driving can kill people) or anyone but herself. That may or may not be true, but how is that different from Fonda? Did she care about the families of American soldiers when she took the above photos with the people trying to kill them?

Does she care about the indigenous peoples of southeast Asia being massacred by what is essentially Marxist colonialism?

Isn’t her lack of empathy a symptom of her narcissism and self-absorption?

Paris Hilton is a rich sheltered woman whose family allowed her to stay in a state of perpetual adolescence. At best she’s yet another celebrity with a drinking problem and no friends who care enough about her to take her keys, at worst she’s a narcissist who deserves jail time. But does she deserve to go to jail more than Jane Fonda?

I’d say no.


2 thoughts on “Hanoi Jane: Paris Hilton Deserves Jail

  1. Well, isn’t that a slap in the a$$! What nerve! Did she suffer temporary amnesia and forget in what country she was saying that?! What a …. AAARRRGHHHH!!!!! Okay, I feel better ,but only slightly.

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