Filthy Vegan Pervert Promotes Sex between Adults and Children

This disgusting harlot has posted YouTube videos describing why she wouldn’t date someone who eats meat, but in this rambling creep fest claims sex between adults and children is perfectly acceptable. She bases this on her own experience as a child who was “dating” a grown man.

Her argument is that children who want to have sex with adults should be able to because it’s a natural feeling, she doesn’t explain why we should feel that it’s natural for adults to want to be in “relationships” with children. Immaturity? Sadism? A lust for the unnatural? She just doesn’t care.

To make it extra unseemly she seems to be naked in the video, and frankly looks to be addressing the younger members of the YouTube community:


Oh. And if you eat meat she thinks you’re retarded. Like all perverts she has a MySpace on which she also rails against age of consent laws. Check out the long running conversations she has with various teen boys.

She claims to be a singer/model but she looks like another unemployed pot smoker whose life revolves around drug addled sanctimony, immature transgressiveness and the desperate loneliness that lies between.

Just another Face of the New Left.