With organizations like Wal-Mart Watch and Wake Up Wal-Mart spreading all sorts of Socialist nonsense about how Wal-Mart is destroying the poor (by giving them access to goods at affordable prices) it’s never comes as a surprise when I see a story like this:
BOONE, N.C. — Officials are being tight-lipped on the details about an explosive device found at Wal-Mart. Police only told Eyewitness News it was “disrupted” and “diffused.”
Police say no one was injured by an explosive device that was detonated by a bomb squad at a Boone store.
Detective Matt Stevens of the Boone Police Department said the device was found at the front entrance of Wal-Mart by an employee about 5:40 a.m. Sunday. One worker said the package was smaller than a shoe box.
The store was evacuated for about five hours while a bomb squad from Wilkes County was called in to examine it. The store re-opened around 10:30 a.m. Sunday.
Stevens says the device was dangerous, but refused to further describe it. The only thing police said was the device would appear dangerous to the average person.
One shopper said he believed it’s just a case of teenagers trying to have fun. He says no arrests have been made.
Authorities ask anyone with information about this incident to contact the Boone Police Department at 828-268-6900 or the Watauga County Crime Stoppers at 828-268-6959.
If you’ve got any info let the authorities know before these would be bombers end up seriously hurting someone. What are the chances that the culprits are “fighting for change” trust fund babies who’ve never had to feed a family on the wages they get from working in Whole Foods? I say about 70%.
h/t N.T.A.
Well, I have to say I’m 100% with you on this one, Rob. Thanks for posting this story. I hadn’t heard about it yet. Who couldn’t love Wal-mart. It’s one of my favorite places to shop. Where else can you get a gallon of milk and a box of 9mm target rounds all in one stop?
Yeah. The only thing I don’t like about Walmart is how many things are made in China. It usually doesn’t bother me but I won’t buy anything that comes in contact with my mouth that was made in China after that anti-freeze toothpaste scare.
I’m pretty sure all the people that hate Walmart are just angry Target shoppers.
Seriously. Wal-Mart provides jobs and inexpensive food and clothes to people who might not have affordable options or available employment in their communities.
Yes, I have to read every label at Wal-Mart to make sure what I’m buying wasn’t made in China, but I do that everywhere I shop.
At least Wal-Mart doesn’t sell Che Guevara merchandise like Target happily did. Funny, where were the anti-Wal-Mart activists when Target was glorifying a murderous totalitarian?
It was probably a bitter Michigan fan.
Go App State.
Did you guys know Charlie Daniels is going to be playing App State on the 26th. No wonder kids from Michigan are angry.