Some of the more gullible denizens of the web have been circulating the story that the Brown’s compound is finally under attack by federal authorities. Finally after months of claiming the attack was coming even though it never happened.
Now the reports are that 30-40 shots were heard behind the Brown’s property, and some of the Brown supporters are supposedly missing. Here’s an audio of the panicky “patriots” calling for a civil war and a complete breakdown of American society.
Oh My. This sounds bad, surely it’s the end! No doubt they’ll be storming the Brown’s house any second!
Oh, but wait, it was all a psyop:
Even more sinister! The cops are denying that shots were fired! Good Lord, does their perfidy know no end?
Tormenting Jim!?! Why only agents of a fascist regime in league with the Ruinous Powers would bang on the trailer of the obviously sane and stable Jim, who wouldn’t see and hear things that weren’t there after a night of binge drinking and a few weeks of being off his meds.
And that brave Danny Riley, why this is the second time that I know off he’s had close encounters with federal authorities that they later denied. Why don’t you bastards leave him alone?
Ye Gods! Melodrama this bad belongs on late night cable access. Yet again, the attention starved human refuse will make up the most patently outrageous claims in an effort to get the notoriety they crave. They expect, nay demand, that you suspend your disbelief and take them at their word, no matter how bizarre and unlikely their story is.
So we should believe that federal agents fired wildly in the woods, hitting nothing, then like a group of drunken frat boys started rocking a trailer? Then they just ran off, I suppose giggling like misbehaving pre-teens. I call bullshit.
I say prove it. Show me the shell casings, show me the bullet holes. Let’s see some footage of Alpha Chi Fed smoking a bong and deciding to scare Jim. Show me the evidence.
Of course they have no evidence, just the word of a bunch of unemployed cretin seeking their fifteen minutes of fame and glory. Unfortunately suckers like the disturbed woman who runs Houston 9-11 Truth will eat up such nonsense. Ironic, because she’ll call 9-11 a staged attack, but when a fraud is perpetrated right in front of her eyes, she’ll lap it up like sweet, sweet honey.