Disney Officials Say Americans Too Fat to Ride Their Most Boring Ride

Anti-American pablum from a multi-national corporation whose only source of revenue is American’s willingness to buy their children DVDs of the same small waisted girl painted a different color indefinitely. From Agent Bedhead:

So it’s come to this. Officials at Disneyland have had to shut down the It’s a Small World ride because the tourists have become so heavy they’re sinking the boats. Americans weigh about 25 pounds more than they did when the ride opened in 1964, and the increased tonnage of the passengers is causing the boats to bog down and jam at critical points in the ride. It’s a Small World will re-open in ten months with more buoyant boats, deeper water, and, presumably, chubbier animatronic puppets to represent the United States.

Criminy. Next, we’ll hear that Space Mountain had to close after one of the passengers got wedged in the exit. It’s always depressing to hear about Americans living down to one of the least flattering aspects of their national stereotype. Still, the rest of you shouldn’t feel too smug about this. After all, you’re catching up fast.

How’s this anti-American you say? From Bedhead’s comments:

I think it’s funny that this article mentions how fat Americans are getting as though only Americans visit Disney.

I live in Florida near Disneyworld and I can assure you that the fattest people that I see walking around are German and English tourists.

Yes, Americans are undoubtedly helping sink the “Small World” boats, But so too is the pasty-white, snaggle toothed, tube top wearing, twenty five stone English Chick screaming at her kid Nigel to stop kicking Mickey in the nuts.

The Europeans are always worse than us, at everything. That’s why we kicked Europe out of America (eat it England, Spain and France) and that’s why they needed us to bail them out of both world wars and the cold war.

It’s why as soon as the Islamists take Pakistan we’ll get a call from the E.U. saying “Hey, about all that you suck stuff, we were just joking. How about some of those missile defense bases? And a few thousand troops?”

The article should have pointed out that being fat isn’t a “Plague” started by American malfeasances but the consequence of well run societies who have enjoyed decades of peace and prosperity. If you can get fat, count your blessings and be glad you aren’t from Zimbabwe.