Denver Police Want Law Drafted That Would Ban Protesters from Carrying Weapons (And Feces)

Looks like the Recreate ’68 people have put the Denver on high alert. From the Denver Post:

A draft law proposed by the Denver Police Department would ban the possession by protesters of materials such as weighted pipes and chains and items that can make urine and feces bombs.

Police say that such materials are potentially dangerous. The City Council Safety Committee will review the proposal July 23.

An earlier version also would have made it unlawful to possess bulletproof vests and gas masks.

Safety Manager Al LaCabe, who oversees the police department, said the proposed ordinance requires authorities, before they make an arrest, to find an intent to use the material to obstruct the public’s right to move freely.

“We certainly don’t want to interfere with anyone’s First Amendment rights and the right to be heard,” LaCabe said. “But it has to be done in such a way that it does not obstruct or endanger the general public or the police department.”

Read the comments to see the mindset of the modern activist. Apparently the police wanting to not be hit with lead pipes and have urine and feces dumped on them is fascism. Where I’m from throwing human waste on a person is assault, but to the left it’s “free speech” unless of course you do it to them.

So are the Recreate ’68 people just a bunch of petulant children who want to throw poop around or is there some larger point I’m missing?