Read it and weep Obama supporters, Barack Obama isn’t a liberal at all but a Chavez style statist who has signed on to what is probably the worst government infringement on our freedom since McCain-Fiengold. Here’s what “economic populist” Sherod brown said about the Patriot Corporation Act:
Also, my conversations with both Barack and Hillary, and with Governor Sebelius calling for Barack, and with Bill Clinton calling for Hillary, and Dick Durbin – all the people who have called for them, in addition to talking directly with the candidates… [we] talk about trade, talk about a populist, progressive message in Ohio, talk about privatization and anti-privatization, and all the things they need to do around tax and trade policy.
Both of them are obviously significantly better than Bush Republicans, McCain. They’re close. I’ve talked to Barack a lot about his Patriot Corporation Act, which is not trade per se, but it’s certainly part of the economic package around globalization. The Patriot Corporation Act has not gotten the attention that I would hope it would. But, basically it says that if you play by the rules, if you pay decent wages, health benefits, pension; do your production here; don’t resist unionization on neutral card check, then you will be designated a “Patriot Corporation” and you will get tax advantages and some [preference] on government contracts. Jan Schakowsky first came to me… I co-sponsored and worked on it with her in 2005 or 2006. And Barack has been a sponsor of it in the Senate. Hillary is not on it as of now, but those are the kinds of things I want to see them talk about and do and I am hopeful – and pretty much expect – that they will talk about those issues in Ohio.
Clearly the government mandated patriotism here is meant to support Democratic base interests. My little blog business I run with the wife doesn’t provide health insurance and you can be damned sure they’re will be no unionizing here, are we not patriots? Carter Wood sums up the act best:
There is so much here that’s profoundly objectionable. On card check, it’s “patriotic” to support the elimination of the secret ballot in the workplace? It’s “patriotic” to pay an employee $14 an hour, but not $13.83? Play by the rules? What does that mean?
The most striking offense here is the idea that the federal government would be defining patriotism, company by company. And if the federal government defines a company as a patriot, than it will be defining — if only by omission — the companies that are not patriots.
A terrible, terrible idea.
Terrible unless you’re a Hugo Chavez style statist whose “populist” economic message is Marxism. That’s what this bill is the product of, the desire of the left to change America form a free country to a giant version of Cuba.
Bryan at Hot Air asks the important question in his post on this outrage:
What gives people like Obama and Brown the idea that they have the right to do this? Certainly not the Constitution.
I think that question was answered when Obama’s field office in Texas was exposed on a local news channel as nothing more than a nest of Che worshipping communists.
Babalu Blog reminds us that Obama (with Clinton as a running mate) was endorsed by Castro:
Let’s see. Castro endorses a Clinton/Obama ticket. Obama has Greg Craig, Castro’s attorney during the Elian episode, as a senior policy adviser. He was for lifting the embargo before he was against it. And now his campaign workers put up a picture of Che Guevara that’s 3 times as big as Obama’s own poster in his campaign office. And a self-respecting Cuban would vote for this guy, why?
Castro isn’t the only endorsement from anti-American terror supporters that Obama has pulled. The Ku Klux Klan rallied in Tennessee against Hilary saying that they would endorse Obama just to keep Hilary out. Oddly they never thought to endorse the White men in the race, because they’re Republicans. Just something for all you Democrats to mull over.
The Klan isn’t probably likes Obama because of his association with the Jew hating Commie’s foreign policy adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, a man who is a known anti-Semite and a hater of America.
But don’t dare question the Democrats patriotism. We’ll just let them question ours.