Degenerate Al Gore Supporter Protests Brianna Denison Funeral

Registered Democrat and cult leader Fred Phelps, a man who Al Gore met with and led to believe he was as anti Gay as him, sunk to a new low sending some of his soulless minions to protest at the memorial of Brianna Denison:

RENO, Nev. — A small group from a Kansas-based church that protests at the funerals of U.S. soldiers faced off Saturday night against more than 150 counter-demonstrators outside a memorial service for a Reno woman killed by a serial rapist.

The tense standoff during a fierce snowstorm ended peacefully when three female anti-gay protesters associated with the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., were escorted away from the Reno-Sparks Convention Center in a police van, Reno police Sgt. police Sgt. Chris Lange said.

“There were a couple of eggs thrown at them and that’s about it,” Lange said.
Counter-demonstrators surrounded the three church members after the latter waved placards reading “Pray for More Dead Kids,” ”Don’t Worship the Dead” and “God Sent the Killer.”
Counter-demonstrators responded by chanting, “Go Back to Kansas” and waving placards reading “Let Friends Mourn in Peace.”

Inside, more than 3,000 people attended the service for Brianna Denison, 19, who police said was abducted Jan. 20 and killed by a serial rapist linked to two earlier attacks on the edge of the University of Nevada, Reno. Her body was found in a Reno field on Feb. 15.

Members of the church picket military funerals out of a belief that the war in Iraq is a punishment for the nation’s tolerance of homosexuality.

Last month, the church announced it would protest the service for Denison because they think God hates Reno, as well as gay people and America’s tolerance of them.

Church officials said they targeted Reno because local law enforcement officers failed to protect three church members who picketed a Jan. 26 memorial service in Reno for staff Sgt. Sean gaul, who was killed in Iraq on Jan. 9.

So they have some grievance against Reno and they take it out on the family of a murder victim. Nice.

Also staying classy is Kevin Smith, who is making a movie called Red State that promises to smear Republicans as homophobic hate mongers despite the fact that the inspiration for his little morality play is a Bush hating anti-war lefty who garnered thousands of votes in several Democratic primaries.

I’ll bet you it wasn’t the Republicans voting for him by the thousands in Kansas.

But why let facts get in the way of pandering to liberals?

2 thoughts on “Degenerate Al Gore Supporter Protests Brianna Denison Funeral

  1. The’re actually a Calvinist church, but the larger calvinist community says they’re a cult whose teachings are at variance with Christian doctrine. The entire church is made up of Phelps family and in-laws and he was a supporter of both Saddam Hussien and Fidel Castro.

    My feeling is that he was a Jimmy Carter style Christian leftist who drifted further and further into his own madness. His hatred for America probably comes from his lod fasioned Marxist leanings, while his postion as pastor feeds into his megalomania.

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